using SoundIOSharp; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace Ryujinx.Audio.SoundIo { internal class SoundIoAudioTrack : IDisposable { /// <summary> /// The audio track ring buffer /// </summary> private SoundIoRingBuffer m_Buffer; /// <summary> /// A list of buffers currently pending writeback to the audio backend /// </summary> private ConcurrentQueue<SoundIoBuffer> m_ReservedBuffers; /// <summary> /// Occurs when a buffer has been released by the audio backend /// </summary> private event ReleaseCallback BufferReleased; /// <summary> /// The track ID of this <see cref="SoundIoAudioTrack"/> /// </summary> public int TrackID { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// The current playback state /// </summary> public PlaybackState State { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// The <see cref="SoundIO"/> audio context this track belongs to /// </summary> public SoundIO AudioContext { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// The <see cref="SoundIODevice"/> this track belongs to /// </summary> public SoundIODevice AudioDevice { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// The audio output stream of this track /// </summary> public SoundIOOutStream AudioStream { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Released buffers the track is no longer holding /// </summary> public ConcurrentQueue<long> ReleasedBuffers { get; private set; } /// <summary> /// Constructs a new instance of a <see cref="SoundIoAudioTrack"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="trackId">The track ID</param> /// <param name="audioContext">The SoundIO audio context</param> /// <param name="audioDevice">The SoundIO audio device</param> public SoundIoAudioTrack(int trackId, SoundIO audioContext, SoundIODevice audioDevice) { TrackID = trackId; AudioContext = audioContext; AudioDevice = audioDevice; State = PlaybackState.Stopped; ReleasedBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<long>(); m_Buffer = new SoundIoRingBuffer(); m_ReservedBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<SoundIoBuffer>(); } /// <summary> /// Opens the audio track with the specified parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="sampleRate">The requested sample rate of the track</param> /// <param name="channelCount">The requested channel count of the track</param> /// <param name="callback">A <see cref="ReleaseCallback" /> that represents the delegate to invoke when a buffer has been released by the audio track</param> /// <param name="format">The requested sample format of the track</param> public void Open( int sampleRate, int channelCount, ReleaseCallback callback, SoundIOFormat format = SoundIOFormat.S16LE) { // Close any existing audio streams if (AudioStream != null) { Close(); } if (!AudioDevice.SupportsSampleRate(sampleRate)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"This sound device does not support a sample rate of {sampleRate}Hz"); } if (!AudioDevice.SupportsFormat(format)) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"This sound device does not support SoundIOFormat.{Enum.GetName(typeof(SoundIOFormat), format)}"); } AudioStream = AudioDevice.CreateOutStream(); AudioStream.Name = $"SwitchAudioTrack_{TrackID}"; AudioStream.Layout = SoundIOChannelLayout.GetDefault(channelCount); AudioStream.Format = format; AudioStream.SampleRate = sampleRate; AudioStream.WriteCallback = WriteCallback; BufferReleased += callback; AudioStream.Open(); } /// <summary> /// This callback occurs when the sound device is ready to buffer more frames /// </summary> /// <param name="minFrameCount">The minimum amount of frames expected by the audio backend</param> /// <param name="maxFrameCount">The maximum amount of frames that can be written to the audio backend</param> private unsafe void WriteCallback(int minFrameCount, int maxFrameCount) { int bytesPerFrame = AudioStream.BytesPerFrame; uint bytesPerSample = (uint)AudioStream.BytesPerSample; int bufferedFrames = m_Buffer.Length / bytesPerFrame; long bufferedSamples = m_Buffer.Length / bytesPerSample; int frameCount = Math.Min(bufferedFrames, maxFrameCount); if (frameCount == 0) { return; } SoundIOChannelAreas areas = AudioStream.BeginWrite(ref frameCount); int channelCount = areas.ChannelCount; byte[] samples = new byte[frameCount * bytesPerFrame]; m_Buffer.Read(samples, 0, samples.Length); // This is a huge ugly block of code, but we save // a significant amount of time over the generic // loop that handles other channel counts. // Mono if (channelCount == 1) { SoundIOChannelArea area = areas.GetArea(0); fixed (byte* srcptr = samples) { if (bytesPerSample == 1) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { ((byte*)area.Pointer)[0] = srcptr[frame * bytesPerFrame]; area.Pointer += area.Step; } } else if (bytesPerSample == 2) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { ((short*)area.Pointer)[0] = ((short*)srcptr)[frame * bytesPerFrame >> 1]; area.Pointer += area.Step; } } else if (bytesPerSample == 4) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { ((int*)area.Pointer)[0] = ((int*)srcptr)[frame * bytesPerFrame >> 2]; area.Pointer += area.Step; } } else { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)area.Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame), bytesPerSample); area.Pointer += area.Step; } } } } // Stereo else if (channelCount == 2) { SoundIOChannelArea area1 = areas.GetArea(0); SoundIOChannelArea area2 = areas.GetArea(1); fixed (byte* srcptr = samples) { if (bytesPerSample == 1) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { // Channel 1 ((byte*)area1.Pointer)[0] = srcptr[(frame * bytesPerFrame) + 0]; // Channel 2 ((byte*)area2.Pointer)[0] = srcptr[(frame * bytesPerFrame) + 1]; area1.Pointer += area1.Step; area2.Pointer += area2.Step; } } else if (bytesPerSample == 2) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { // Channel 1 ((short*)area1.Pointer)[0] = ((short*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 1) + 0]; // Channel 2 ((short*)area2.Pointer)[0] = ((short*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 1) + 1]; area1.Pointer += area1.Step; area2.Pointer += area2.Step; } } else if (bytesPerSample == 4) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { // Channel 1 ((int*)area1.Pointer)[0] = ((int*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 2) + 0]; // Channel 2 ((int*)area2.Pointer)[0] = ((int*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 2) + 1]; area1.Pointer += area1.Step; area2.Pointer += area2.Step; } } else { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { // Channel 1 Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)area1.Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame) + (0 * bytesPerSample), bytesPerSample); // Channel 2 Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)area2.Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame) + (1 * bytesPerSample), bytesPerSample); area1.Pointer += area1.Step; area2.Pointer += area2.Step; } } } } // Surround else if (channelCount == 6) { SoundIOChannelArea area1 = areas.GetArea(0); SoundIOChannelArea area2 = areas.GetArea(1); SoundIOChannelArea area3 = areas.GetArea(2); SoundIOChannelArea area4 = areas.GetArea(3); SoundIOChannelArea area5 = areas.GetArea(4); SoundIOChannelArea area6 = areas.GetArea(5); fixed (byte* srcptr = samples) { if (bytesPerSample == 1) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { // Channel 1 ((byte*)area1.Pointer)[0] = srcptr[(frame * bytesPerFrame) + 0]; // Channel 2 ((byte*)area2.Pointer)[0] = srcptr[(frame * bytesPerFrame) + 1]; // Channel 3 ((byte*)area3.Pointer)[0] = srcptr[(frame * bytesPerFrame) + 2]; // Channel 4 ((byte*)area4.Pointer)[0] = srcptr[(frame * bytesPerFrame) + 3]; // Channel 5 ((byte*)area5.Pointer)[0] = srcptr[(frame * bytesPerFrame) + 4]; // Channel 6 ((byte*)area6.Pointer)[0] = srcptr[(frame * bytesPerFrame) + 5]; area1.Pointer += area1.Step; area2.Pointer += area2.Step; area3.Pointer += area3.Step; area4.Pointer += area4.Step; area5.Pointer += area5.Step; area6.Pointer += area6.Step; } } else if (bytesPerSample == 2) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { // Channel 1 ((short*)area1.Pointer)[0] = ((short*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 1) + 0]; // Channel 2 ((short*)area2.Pointer)[0] = ((short*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 1) + 1]; // Channel 3 ((short*)area3.Pointer)[0] = ((short*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 1) + 2]; // Channel 4 ((short*)area4.Pointer)[0] = ((short*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 1) + 3]; // Channel 5 ((short*)area5.Pointer)[0] = ((short*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 1) + 4]; // Channel 6 ((short*)area6.Pointer)[0] = ((short*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 1) + 5]; area1.Pointer += area1.Step; area2.Pointer += area2.Step; area3.Pointer += area3.Step; area4.Pointer += area4.Step; area5.Pointer += area5.Step; area6.Pointer += area6.Step; } } else if (bytesPerSample == 4) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { // Channel 1 ((int*)area1.Pointer)[0] = ((int*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 2) + 0]; // Channel 2 ((int*)area2.Pointer)[0] = ((int*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 2) + 1]; // Channel 3 ((int*)area3.Pointer)[0] = ((int*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 2) + 2]; // Channel 4 ((int*)area4.Pointer)[0] = ((int*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 2) + 3]; // Channel 5 ((int*)area5.Pointer)[0] = ((int*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 2) + 4]; // Channel 6 ((int*)area6.Pointer)[0] = ((int*)srcptr)[(frame * bytesPerFrame >> 2) + 5]; area1.Pointer += area1.Step; area2.Pointer += area2.Step; area3.Pointer += area3.Step; area4.Pointer += area4.Step; area5.Pointer += area5.Step; area6.Pointer += area6.Step; } } else { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { // Channel 1 Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)area1.Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame) + (0 * bytesPerSample), bytesPerSample); // Channel 2 Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)area2.Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame) + (1 * bytesPerSample), bytesPerSample); // Channel 3 Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)area3.Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame) + (2 * bytesPerSample), bytesPerSample); // Channel 4 Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)area4.Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame) + (3 * bytesPerSample), bytesPerSample); // Channel 5 Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)area5.Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame) + (4 * bytesPerSample), bytesPerSample); // Channel 6 Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)area6.Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame) + (5 * bytesPerSample), bytesPerSample); area1.Pointer += area1.Step; area2.Pointer += area2.Step; area3.Pointer += area3.Step; area4.Pointer += area4.Step; area5.Pointer += area5.Step; area6.Pointer += area6.Step; } } } } // Every other channel count else { SoundIOChannelArea[] channels = new SoundIOChannelArea[channelCount]; // Obtain the channel area for each channel for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { channels[i] = areas.GetArea(i); } fixed (byte* srcptr = samples) { for (int frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) for (int channel = 0; channel < areas.ChannelCount; channel++) { // Copy channel by channel, frame by frame. This is slow! Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned((byte*)channels[channel].Pointer, srcptr + (frame * bytesPerFrame) + (channel * bytesPerSample), bytesPerSample); channels[channel].Pointer += channels[channel].Step; } } } AudioStream.EndWrite(); UpdateReleasedBuffers(samples.Length); } /// <summary> /// Releases any buffers that have been fully written to the output device /// </summary> /// <param name="bytesRead">The amount of bytes written in the last device write</param> private void UpdateReleasedBuffers(int bytesRead) { bool bufferReleased = false; while (bytesRead > 0) { if (m_ReservedBuffers.TryPeek(out SoundIoBuffer buffer)) { if (buffer.Length > bytesRead) { buffer.Length -= bytesRead; bytesRead = 0; } else { bufferReleased = true; bytesRead -= buffer.Length; m_ReservedBuffers.TryDequeue(out buffer); ReleasedBuffers.Enqueue(buffer.Tag); } } } if (bufferReleased) { OnBufferReleased(); } } /// <summary> /// Starts audio playback /// </summary> public void Start() { if (AudioStream == null) { return; } AudioStream.Start(); AudioStream.Pause(false); AudioContext.FlushEvents(); State = PlaybackState.Playing; } /// <summary> /// Stops audio playback /// </summary> public void Stop() { if (AudioStream == null) { return; } AudioStream.Pause(true); AudioContext.FlushEvents(); State = PlaybackState.Stopped; } /// <summary> /// Appends an audio buffer to the tracks internal ring buffer /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The audio sample type</typeparam> /// <param name="bufferTag">The unqiue tag of the buffer being appended</param> /// <param name="buffer">The buffer to append</param> public void AppendBuffer<T>(long bufferTag, T[] buffer) { if (AudioStream == null) { return; } // Calculate the size of the audio samples int size = Unsafe.SizeOf<T>(); // Calculate the amount of bytes to copy from the buffer int bytesToCopy = size * buffer.Length; // Copy the memory to our ring buffer m_Buffer.Write(buffer, 0, bytesToCopy); // Keep track of "buffered" buffers m_ReservedBuffers.Enqueue(new SoundIoBuffer(bufferTag, bytesToCopy)); } /// <summary> /// Returns a value indicating whether the specified buffer is currently reserved by the track /// </summary> /// <param name="bufferTag">The buffer tag to check</param> public bool ContainsBuffer(long bufferTag) { return m_ReservedBuffers.Any(x => x.Tag == bufferTag); } /// <summary> /// Closes the <see cref="SoundIoAudioTrack"/> /// </summary> public void Close() { if (AudioStream != null) { AudioStream.Pause(true); AudioStream.Dispose(); } m_Buffer.Clear(); OnBufferReleased(); ReleasedBuffers.Clear(); State = PlaybackState.Stopped; AudioStream = null; BufferReleased = null; } private void OnBufferReleased() { BufferReleased?.Invoke(); } /// <summary> /// Releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="SoundIoAudioTrack" /> /// </summary> public void Dispose() { Close(); } ~SoundIoAudioTrack() { Dispose(); } } }