using ChocolArm64.State; using ChocolArm64.Translation; using System; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.Intrinsics; using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86; namespace ChocolArm64.Instruction { using static AVectorHelper; static class ASoftFallback { public static void EmitCall(AILEmitterCtx Context, string MthdName) { Context.EmitCall(typeof(ASoftFallback), MthdName); } #region "ShrImm_64" public static long SignedShrImm_64(long Value, long RoundConst, int Shift) { if (RoundConst == 0L) { if (Shift <= 63) { return Value >> Shift; } else /* if (Shift == 64) */ { if (Value < 0L) { return -1L; } else { return 0L; } } } else /* if (RoundConst == 1L << (Shift - 1)) */ { if (Shift <= 63) { long Add = Value + RoundConst; if ((~Value & (Value ^ Add)) < 0L) { return (long)((ulong)Add >> Shift); } else { return Add >> Shift; } } else /* if (Shift == 64) */ { return 0L; } } } public static ulong UnsignedShrImm_64(ulong Value, long RoundConst, int Shift) { if (RoundConst == 0L) { if (Shift <= 63) { return Value >> Shift; } else /* if (Shift == 64) */ { return 0UL; } } else /* if (RoundConst == 1L << (Shift - 1)) */ { ulong Add = Value + (ulong)RoundConst; if ((Add < Value) && (Add < (ulong)RoundConst)) { if (Shift <= 63) { return (Add >> Shift) | (0x8000000000000000UL >> (Shift - 1)); } else /* if (Shift == 64) */ { return 1UL; } } else { if (Shift <= 63) { return Add >> Shift; } else /* if (Shift == 64) */ { return 0UL; } } } } #endregion #region "Saturating" public static long SignedSrcSignedDstSatQ(long op, int Size, AThreadState State) { int ESize = 8 << Size; long TMaxValue = (1L << (ESize - 1)) - 1L; long TMinValue = -(1L << (ESize - 1)); if (op > TMaxValue) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return TMaxValue; } else if (op < TMinValue) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return TMinValue; } else { return op; } } public static ulong SignedSrcUnsignedDstSatQ(long op, int Size, AThreadState State) { int ESize = 8 << Size; ulong TMaxValue = (1UL << ESize) - 1UL; ulong TMinValue = 0UL; if (op > (long)TMaxValue) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return TMaxValue; } else if (op < (long)TMinValue) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return TMinValue; } else { return (ulong)op; } } public static long UnsignedSrcSignedDstSatQ(ulong op, int Size, AThreadState State) { int ESize = 8 << Size; long TMaxValue = (1L << (ESize - 1)) - 1L; if (op > (ulong)TMaxValue) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return TMaxValue; } else { return (long)op; } } public static ulong UnsignedSrcUnsignedDstSatQ(ulong op, int Size, AThreadState State) { int ESize = 8 << Size; ulong TMaxValue = (1UL << ESize) - 1UL; if (op > TMaxValue) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return TMaxValue; } else { return op; } } public static long UnarySignedSatQAbsOrNeg(long op, AThreadState State) { if (op == long.MinValue) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return long.MaxValue; } else { return op; } } public static long BinarySignedSatQAdd(long op1, long op2, AThreadState State) { long Add = op1 + op2; if ((~(op1 ^ op2) & (op1 ^ Add)) < 0L) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); if (op1 < 0L) { return long.MinValue; } else { return long.MaxValue; } } else { return Add; } } public static ulong BinaryUnsignedSatQAdd(ulong op1, ulong op2, AThreadState State) { ulong Add = op1 + op2; if ((Add < op1) && (Add < op2)) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return ulong.MaxValue; } else { return Add; } } public static long BinarySignedSatQSub(long op1, long op2, AThreadState State) { long Sub = op1 - op2; if (((op1 ^ op2) & (op1 ^ Sub)) < 0L) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); if (op1 < 0L) { return long.MinValue; } else { return long.MaxValue; } } else { return Sub; } } public static ulong BinaryUnsignedSatQSub(ulong op1, ulong op2, AThreadState State) { ulong Sub = op1 - op2; if (op1 < op2) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return ulong.MinValue; } else { return Sub; } } public static long BinarySignedSatQAcc(ulong op1, long op2, AThreadState State) { if (op1 <= (ulong)long.MaxValue) { // op1 from ulong.MinValue to (ulong)long.MaxValue // op2 from long.MinValue to long.MaxValue long Add = (long)op1 + op2; if ((~op2 & Add) < 0L) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return long.MaxValue; } else { return Add; } } else if (op2 >= 0L) { // op1 from (ulong)long.MaxValue + 1UL to ulong.MaxValue // op2 from (long)ulong.MinValue to long.MaxValue State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return long.MaxValue; } else { // op1 from (ulong)long.MaxValue + 1UL to ulong.MaxValue // op2 from long.MinValue to (long)ulong.MinValue - 1L ulong Add = op1 + (ulong)op2; if (Add > (ulong)long.MaxValue) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return long.MaxValue; } else { return (long)Add; } } } public static ulong BinaryUnsignedSatQAcc(long op1, ulong op2, AThreadState State) { if (op1 >= 0L) { // op1 from (long)ulong.MinValue to long.MaxValue // op2 from ulong.MinValue to ulong.MaxValue ulong Add = (ulong)op1 + op2; if ((Add < (ulong)op1) && (Add < op2)) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return ulong.MaxValue; } else { return Add; } } else if (op2 > (ulong)long.MaxValue) { // op1 from long.MinValue to (long)ulong.MinValue - 1L // op2 from (ulong)long.MaxValue + 1UL to ulong.MaxValue return (ulong)op1 + op2; } else { // op1 from long.MinValue to (long)ulong.MinValue - 1L // op2 from ulong.MinValue to (ulong)long.MaxValue long Add = op1 + (long)op2; if (Add < (long)ulong.MinValue) { State.SetFpsrFlag(FPSR.QC); return ulong.MinValue; } else { return (ulong)Add; } } } #endregion #region "Count" public static ulong CountLeadingSigns(ulong Value, int Size) // Size is 8, 16, 32 or 64 (SIMD&FP or Base Inst.). { Value ^= Value >> 1; int HighBit = Size - 2; for (int Bit = HighBit; Bit >= 0; Bit--) { if (((Value >> Bit) & 0b1) != 0) { return (ulong)(HighBit - Bit); } } return (ulong)(Size - 1); } private static readonly byte[] ClzNibbleTbl = { 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; public static ulong CountLeadingZeros(ulong Value, int Size) // Size is 8, 16, 32 or 64 (SIMD&FP or Base Inst.). { if (Value == 0ul) { return (ulong)Size; } int NibbleIdx = Size; int PreCount, Count = 0; do { NibbleIdx -= 4; PreCount = ClzNibbleTbl[(Value >> NibbleIdx) & 0b1111]; Count += PreCount; } while (PreCount == 4); return (ulong)Count; } public static ulong CountSetBits8(ulong Value) // "Size" is 8 (SIMD&FP Inst.). { if (Value == 0xfful) { return 8ul; } Value = ((Value >> 1) & 0x55ul) + (Value & 0x55ul); Value = ((Value >> 2) & 0x33ul) + (Value & 0x33ul); return (Value >> 4) + (Value & 0x0ful); } #endregion #region "Crc32" private const uint Crc32RevPoly = 0xedb88320; private const uint Crc32cRevPoly = 0x82f63b78; public static uint Crc32b(uint Crc, byte Val) => Crc32 (Crc, Crc32RevPoly, Val); public static uint Crc32h(uint Crc, ushort Val) => Crc32h(Crc, Crc32RevPoly, Val); public static uint Crc32w(uint Crc, uint Val) => Crc32w(Crc, Crc32RevPoly, Val); public static uint Crc32x(uint Crc, ulong Val) => Crc32x(Crc, Crc32RevPoly, Val); public static uint Crc32cb(uint Crc, byte Val) => Crc32 (Crc, Crc32cRevPoly, Val); public static uint Crc32ch(uint Crc, ushort Val) => Crc32h(Crc, Crc32cRevPoly, Val); public static uint Crc32cw(uint Crc, uint Val) => Crc32w(Crc, Crc32cRevPoly, Val); public static uint Crc32cx(uint Crc, ulong Val) => Crc32x(Crc, Crc32cRevPoly, Val); private static uint Crc32h(uint Crc, uint Poly, ushort Val) { Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 0)); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 8)); return Crc; } private static uint Crc32w(uint Crc, uint Poly, uint Val) { Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 0 )); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 8 )); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 16)); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 24)); return Crc; } private static uint Crc32x(uint Crc, uint Poly, ulong Val) { Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 0 )); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 8 )); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 16)); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 24)); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 32)); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 40)); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 48)); Crc = Crc32(Crc, Poly, (byte)(Val >> 56)); return Crc; } private static uint Crc32(uint Crc, uint Poly, byte Val) { Crc ^= Val; for (int Bit = 7; Bit >= 0; Bit--) { uint Mask = (uint)(-(int)(Crc & 1)); Crc = (Crc >> 1) ^ (Poly & Mask); } return Crc; } #endregion #region "Aes" [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static Vector128<float> Decrypt(Vector128<float> value, Vector128<float> roundKey) { if (!Sse.IsSupported) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } return ACryptoHelper.AESInvSubBytes(ACryptoHelper.AESInvShiftRows(Sse.Xor(value, roundKey))); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static Vector128<float> Encrypt(Vector128<float> value, Vector128<float> roundKey) { if (!Sse.IsSupported) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } return ACryptoHelper.AESSubBytes(ACryptoHelper.AESShiftRows(Sse.Xor(value, roundKey))); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static Vector128<float> InverseMixColumns(Vector128<float> value) { return ACryptoHelper.AESInvMixColumns(value); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static Vector128<float> MixColumns(Vector128<float> value) { return ACryptoHelper.AESMixColumns(value); } #endregion #region "Sha256" [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static Vector128<float> HashLower(Vector128<float> hash_abcd, Vector128<float> hash_efgh, Vector128<float> wk) { return SHA256hash(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk, true); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static Vector128<float> HashUpper(Vector128<float> hash_efgh, Vector128<float> hash_abcd, Vector128<float> wk) { return SHA256hash(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk, false); } public static Vector128<float> SchedulePart1(Vector128<float> w0_3, Vector128<float> w4_7) { Vector128<float> result = new Vector128<float>(); for (int e = 0; e <= 3; e++) { uint elt = (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(e <= 2 ? w0_3 : w4_7, (byte)(e <= 2 ? e + 1 : 0), 2); elt = elt.Ror(7) ^ elt.Ror(18) ^ elt.Lsr(3); elt += (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(w0_3, (byte)e, 2); result = VectorInsertInt((ulong)elt, result, (byte)e, 2); } return result; } public static Vector128<float> SchedulePart2(Vector128<float> w0_3, Vector128<float> w8_11, Vector128<float> w12_15) { Vector128<float> result = new Vector128<float>(); ulong T1 = VectorExtractIntZx(w12_15, (byte)1, 3); for (int e = 0; e <= 1; e++) { uint elt = T1.ULongPart(e); elt = elt.Ror(17) ^ elt.Ror(19) ^ elt.Lsr(10); elt += (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(w0_3, (byte)e, 2); elt += (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(w8_11, (byte)(e + 1), 2); result = VectorInsertInt((ulong)elt, result, (byte)e, 2); } T1 = VectorExtractIntZx(result, (byte)0, 3); for (int e = 2; e <= 3; e++) { uint elt = T1.ULongPart(e - 2); elt = elt.Ror(17) ^ elt.Ror(19) ^ elt.Lsr(10); elt += (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(w0_3, (byte)e, 2); elt += (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(e == 2 ? w8_11 : w12_15, (byte)(e == 2 ? 3 : 0), 2); result = VectorInsertInt((ulong)elt, result, (byte)e, 2); } return result; } private static Vector128<float> SHA256hash(Vector128<float> X, Vector128<float> Y, Vector128<float> W, bool part1) { for (int e = 0; e <= 3; e++) { uint chs = SHAchoose((uint)VectorExtractIntZx(Y, (byte)0, 2), (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(Y, (byte)1, 2), (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(Y, (byte)2, 2)); uint maj = SHAmajority((uint)VectorExtractIntZx(X, (byte)0, 2), (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(X, (byte)1, 2), (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(X, (byte)2, 2)); uint t1 = (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(Y, (byte)3, 2); t1 += SHAhashSIGMA1((uint)VectorExtractIntZx(Y, (byte)0, 2)) + chs; t1 += (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(W, (byte)e, 2); uint t2 = t1 + (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(X, (byte)3, 2); X = VectorInsertInt((ulong)t2, X, (byte)3, 2); t2 = t1 + SHAhashSIGMA0((uint)VectorExtractIntZx(X, (byte)0, 2)) + maj; Y = VectorInsertInt((ulong)t2, Y, (byte)3, 2); Rol32_256(ref Y, ref X); } return part1 ? X : Y; } private static void Rol32_256(ref Vector128<float> Y, ref Vector128<float> X) { if (!Sse2.IsSupported) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } uint yE3 = (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(Y, (byte)3, 2); uint xE3 = (uint)VectorExtractIntZx(X, (byte)3, 2); Y = Sse.StaticCast<uint, float>(Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane(Sse.StaticCast<float, uint>(Y), (byte)4)); X = Sse.StaticCast<uint, float>(Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane(Sse.StaticCast<float, uint>(X), (byte)4)); Y = VectorInsertInt((ulong)xE3, Y, (byte)0, 2); X = VectorInsertInt((ulong)yE3, X, (byte)0, 2); } private static uint SHAhashSIGMA0(uint x) { return x.Ror(2) ^ x.Ror(13) ^ x.Ror(22); } private static uint SHAhashSIGMA1(uint x) { return x.Ror(6) ^ x.Ror(11) ^ x.Ror(25); } private static uint SHAmajority(uint x, uint y, uint z) { return (x & y) | ((x | y) & z); } private static uint SHAchoose(uint x, uint y, uint z) { return ((y ^ z) & x) ^ z; } private static uint Ror(this uint value, int count) { return (value >> count) | (value << (32 - count)); } private static uint Lsr(this uint value, int count) { return value >> count; } private static uint ULongPart(this ulong value, int part) { return part == 0 ? (uint)(value & 0xFFFFFFFFUL) : (uint)(value >> 32); } #endregion #region "Reverse" public static uint ReverseBits8(uint Value) { Value = ((Value & 0xaa) >> 1) | ((Value & 0x55) << 1); Value = ((Value & 0xcc) >> 2) | ((Value & 0x33) << 2); return (Value >> 4) | ((Value & 0x0f) << 4); } public static uint ReverseBits32(uint Value) { Value = ((Value & 0xaaaaaaaa) >> 1) | ((Value & 0x55555555) << 1); Value = ((Value & 0xcccccccc) >> 2) | ((Value & 0x33333333) << 2); Value = ((Value & 0xf0f0f0f0) >> 4) | ((Value & 0x0f0f0f0f) << 4); Value = ((Value & 0xff00ff00) >> 8) | ((Value & 0x00ff00ff) << 8); return (Value >> 16) | (Value << 16); } public static ulong ReverseBits64(ulong Value) { Value = ((Value & 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) >> 1 ) | ((Value & 0x5555555555555555) << 1 ); Value = ((Value & 0xcccccccccccccccc) >> 2 ) | ((Value & 0x3333333333333333) << 2 ); Value = ((Value & 0xf0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0) >> 4 ) | ((Value & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f) << 4 ); Value = ((Value & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00) >> 8 ) | ((Value & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff) << 8 ); Value = ((Value & 0xffff0000ffff0000) >> 16) | ((Value & 0x0000ffff0000ffff) << 16); return (Value >> 32) | (Value << 32); } public static uint ReverseBytes16_32(uint Value) => (uint)ReverseBytes16_64(Value); public static uint ReverseBytes32_32(uint Value) => (uint)ReverseBytes32_64(Value); public static ulong ReverseBytes16_64(ulong Value) => ReverseBytes(Value, RevSize.Rev16); public static ulong ReverseBytes32_64(ulong Value) => ReverseBytes(Value, RevSize.Rev32); public static ulong ReverseBytes64(ulong Value) => ReverseBytes(Value, RevSize.Rev64); private enum RevSize { Rev16, Rev32, Rev64 } private static ulong ReverseBytes(ulong Value, RevSize Size) { Value = ((Value & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00) >> 8) | ((Value & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff) << 8); if (Size == RevSize.Rev16) { return Value; } Value = ((Value & 0xffff0000ffff0000) >> 16) | ((Value & 0x0000ffff0000ffff) << 16); if (Size == RevSize.Rev32) { return Value; } Value = ((Value & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 32) | ((Value & 0x00000000ffffffff) << 32); if (Size == RevSize.Rev64) { return Value; } throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Size)); } #endregion #region "MultiplyHigh" public static long SMulHi128(long LHS, long RHS) { long Result = (long)UMulHi128((ulong)LHS, (ulong)RHS); if (LHS < 0) Result -= RHS; if (RHS < 0) Result -= LHS; return Result; } public static ulong UMulHi128(ulong LHS, ulong RHS) { //long multiplication //multiply 32 bits at a time in 64 bit, the result is what's carried over 64 bits. ulong LHigh = LHS >> 32; ulong LLow = LHS & 0xFFFFFFFF; ulong RHigh = RHS >> 32; ulong RLow = RHS & 0xFFFFFFFF; ulong Z2 = LLow * RLow; ulong T = LHigh * RLow + (Z2 >> 32); ulong Z1 = T & 0xFFFFFFFF; ulong Z0 = T >> 32; Z1 += LLow * RHigh; return LHigh * RHigh + Z0 + (Z1 >> 32); } #endregion } }