using ChocolArm64.Decoder; using ChocolArm64.State; using ChocolArm64.Translation; using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.Intrinsics; using System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86; namespace ChocolArm64.Instruction { static class AInstEmitSimdHelper { public static readonly Type[] IntTypesPerSizeLog2 = new Type[] { typeof(sbyte), typeof(short), typeof(int), typeof(long) }; public static readonly Type[] UIntTypesPerSizeLog2 = new Type[] { typeof(byte), typeof(ushort), typeof(uint), typeof(ulong) }; public static readonly Type[] VectorIntTypesPerSizeLog2 = new Type[] { typeof(Vector128<sbyte>), typeof(Vector128<short>), typeof(Vector128<int>), typeof(Vector128<long>) }; public static readonly Type[] VectorUIntTypesPerSizeLog2 = new Type[] { typeof(Vector128<byte>), typeof(Vector128<ushort>), typeof(Vector128<uint>), typeof(Vector128<ulong>) }; [Flags] public enum OperFlags { Rd = 1 << 0, Rn = 1 << 1, Rm = 1 << 2, Ra = 1 << 3, RnRm = Rn | Rm, RdRn = Rd | Rn, RaRnRm = Ra | Rn | Rm, RdRnRm = Rd | Rn | Rm } public static int GetImmShl(AOpCodeSimdShImm Op) { return Op.Imm - (8 << Op.Size); } public static int GetImmShr(AOpCodeSimdShImm Op) { return (8 << (Op.Size + 1)) - Op.Imm; } public static void EmitSse2Op(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name) { EmitSseOp(Context, Name, typeof(Sse2)); } public static void EmitSse41Op(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name) { EmitSseOp(Context, Name, typeof(Sse41)); } public static void EmitSse42Op(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name) { EmitSseOp(Context, Name, typeof(Sse42)); } private static void EmitSseOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name, Type Type) { AOpCodeSimd Op = (AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; EmitLdvecWithSignedCast(Context, Op.Rn, Op.Size); Type BaseType = VectorIntTypesPerSizeLog2[Op.Size]; if (Op is AOpCodeSimdReg BinOp) { EmitLdvecWithSignedCast(Context, BinOp.Rm, Op.Size); Context.EmitCall(Type.GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { BaseType, BaseType })); } else { Context.EmitCall(Type.GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { BaseType })); } EmitStvecWithSignedCast(Context, Op.Rd, Op.Size); if (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } public static void EmitLdvecWithSignedCast(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Size) { Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); switch (Size) { case 0: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToSByte)); break; case 1: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToInt16)); break; case 2: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToInt32)); break; case 3: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToInt64)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Size)); } } public static void EmitLdvecWithCastToDouble(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg) { Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToDouble)); } public static void EmitStvecWithCastFromDouble(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorDoubleToSingle)); Context.EmitStvec(Reg); } public static void EmitLdvecWithUnsignedCast(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Size) { Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); switch (Size) { case 0: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToByte)); break; case 1: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToUInt16)); break; case 2: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToUInt32)); break; case 3: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToUInt64)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Size)); } } public static void EmitStvecWithSignedCast(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Size) { switch (Size) { case 0: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSByteToSingle)); break; case 1: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInt16ToSingle)); break; case 2: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInt32ToSingle)); break; case 3: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInt64ToSingle)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Size)); } Context.EmitStvec(Reg); } public static void EmitStvecWithUnsignedCast(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Size) { switch (Size) { case 0: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorByteToSingle)); break; case 1: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorUInt16ToSingle)); break; case 2: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorUInt32ToSingle)); break; case 3: AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorUInt64ToSingle)); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Size)); } Context.EmitStvec(Reg); } public static void EmitScalarSseOrSse2OpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name) { EmitSseOrSse2OpF(Context, Name, true); } public static void EmitVectorSseOrSse2OpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name) { EmitSseOrSse2OpF(Context, Name, false); } public static void EmitSseOrSse2OpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name, bool Scalar) { AOpCodeSimd Op = (AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; void Ldvec(int Reg) { Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); if (SizeF == 1) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleToDouble)); } } Ldvec(Op.Rn); Type Type; Type BaseType; if (SizeF == 0) { Type = typeof(Sse); BaseType = typeof(Vector128<float>); } else /* if (SizeF == 1) */ { Type = typeof(Sse2); BaseType = typeof(Vector128<double>); } if (Op is AOpCodeSimdReg BinOp) { Ldvec(BinOp.Rm); Context.EmitCall(Type.GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { BaseType, BaseType })); } else { Context.EmitCall(Type.GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { BaseType })); } if (SizeF == 1) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorDoubleToSingle)); } Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); if (Scalar) { if (SizeF == 0) { EmitVectorZero32_128(Context, Op.Rd); } else /* if (SizeF == 1) */ { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } else if (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } public static void EmitUnaryMathCall(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name) { IAOpCodeSimd Op = (IAOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; MethodInfo MthdInfo; if (SizeF == 0) { MthdInfo = typeof(MathF).GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { typeof(float) }); } else /* if (SizeF == 1) */ { MthdInfo = typeof(Math).GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { typeof(double) }); } Context.EmitCall(MthdInfo); } public static void EmitBinaryMathCall(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name) { IAOpCodeSimd Op = (IAOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; MethodInfo MthdInfo; if (SizeF == 0) { MthdInfo = typeof(MathF).GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { typeof(float), typeof(float) }); } else /* if (SizeF == 1) */ { MthdInfo = typeof(Math).GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(double) }); } Context.EmitCall(MthdInfo); } public static void EmitRoundMathCall(AILEmitterCtx Context, MidpointRounding RoundMode) { IAOpCodeSimd Op = (IAOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; MethodInfo MthdInfo; if (SizeF == 0) { MthdInfo = typeof(MathF).GetMethod(nameof(MathF.Round), new Type[] { typeof(float), typeof(MidpointRounding) }); } else /* if (SizeF == 1) */ { MthdInfo = typeof(Math).GetMethod(nameof(Math.Round), new Type[] { typeof(double), typeof(MidpointRounding) }); } Context.EmitLdc_I4((int)RoundMode); Context.EmitCall(MthdInfo); } public static void EmitUnarySoftFloatCall(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name) { IAOpCodeSimd Op = (IAOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; MethodInfo MthdInfo; if (SizeF == 0) { MthdInfo = typeof(ASoftFloat).GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { typeof(float) }); } else /* if (SizeF == 1) */ { MthdInfo = typeof(ASoftFloat).GetMethod(Name, new Type[] { typeof(double) }); } Context.EmitCall(MthdInfo); } public static void EmitSoftFloatCall(AILEmitterCtx Context, string Name) { IAOpCodeSimd Op = (IAOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; Type Type = (Op.Size & 1) == 0 ? typeof(ASoftFloat_32) : typeof(ASoftFloat_64); Context.EmitLdarg(ATranslatedSub.StateArgIdx); Context.EmitCall(Type, Name); } public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpByElemF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { AOpCodeSimdRegElemF Op = (AOpCodeSimdRegElemF)Context.CurrOp; EmitScalarOpByElemF(Context, Emit, Op.Index, Ternary: false); } public static void EmitScalarTernaryOpByElemF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { AOpCodeSimdRegElemF Op = (AOpCodeSimdRegElemF)Context.CurrOp; EmitScalarOpByElemF(Context, Emit, Op.Index, Ternary: true); } public static void EmitScalarOpByElemF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, int Elem, bool Ternary) { AOpCodeSimdReg Op = (AOpCodeSimdReg)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; if (Ternary) { EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rd, 0, SizeF); } EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rn, 0, SizeF); EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rm, Elem, SizeF); Emit(); EmitScalarSetF(Context, Op.Rd, SizeF); } public static void EmitScalarUnaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitScalarOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.Rn, true); } public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitScalarOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RnRm, true); } public static void EmitScalarUnaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitScalarOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.Rn, false); } public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitScalarOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RnRm, false); } public static void EmitScalarTernaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitScalarOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RdRnRm, false); } public static void EmitScalarOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, OperFlags Opers, bool Signed) { AOpCodeSimd Op = (AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; bool Rd = (Opers & OperFlags.Rd) != 0; bool Rn = (Opers & OperFlags.Rn) != 0; bool Rm = (Opers & OperFlags.Rm) != 0; if (Rd) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rd, 0, Op.Size, Signed); } if (Rn) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, 0, Op.Size, Signed); } if (Rm) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, ((AOpCodeSimdReg)Op).Rm, 0, Op.Size, Signed); } Emit(); EmitScalarSet(Context, Op.Rd, Op.Size); } public static void EmitScalarUnaryOpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitScalarOpF(Context, Emit, OperFlags.Rn); } public static void EmitScalarBinaryOpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitScalarOpF(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RnRm); } public static void EmitScalarTernaryRaOpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitScalarOpF(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RaRnRm); } public static void EmitScalarOpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, OperFlags Opers) { AOpCodeSimd Op = (AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; bool Ra = (Opers & OperFlags.Ra) != 0; bool Rn = (Opers & OperFlags.Rn) != 0; bool Rm = (Opers & OperFlags.Rm) != 0; if (Ra) { EmitVectorExtractF(Context, ((AOpCodeSimdReg)Op).Ra, 0, SizeF); } if (Rn) { EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rn, 0, SizeF); } if (Rm) { EmitVectorExtractF(Context, ((AOpCodeSimdReg)Op).Rm, 0, SizeF); } Emit(); EmitScalarSetF(Context, Op.Rd, SizeF); } public static void EmitVectorUnaryOpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorOpF(Context, Emit, OperFlags.Rn); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorOpF(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RnRm); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorOpF(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RdRnRm); } public static void EmitVectorOpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, OperFlags Opers) { AOpCodeSimd Op = (AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; int Bytes = Op.GetBitsCount() >> 3; int Elems = Bytes >> SizeF + 2; bool Rd = (Opers & OperFlags.Rd) != 0; bool Rn = (Opers & OperFlags.Rn) != 0; bool Rm = (Opers & OperFlags.Rm) != 0; for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { if (Rd) { EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rd, Index, SizeF); } if (Rn) { EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rn, Index, SizeF); } if (Rm) { EmitVectorExtractF(Context, ((AOpCodeSimdReg)Op).Rm, Index, SizeF); } Emit(); EmitVectorInsertF(Context, Op.Rd, Index, SizeF); } if (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpByElemF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { AOpCodeSimdRegElemF Op = (AOpCodeSimdRegElemF)Context.CurrOp; EmitVectorOpByElemF(Context, Emit, Op.Index, Ternary: false); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpByElemF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { AOpCodeSimdRegElemF Op = (AOpCodeSimdRegElemF)Context.CurrOp; EmitVectorOpByElemF(Context, Emit, Op.Index, Ternary: true); } public static void EmitVectorOpByElemF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, int Elem, bool Ternary) { AOpCodeSimdReg Op = (AOpCodeSimdReg)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; int Bytes = Op.GetBitsCount() >> 3; int Elems = Bytes >> SizeF + 2; for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { if (Ternary) { EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rd, Index, SizeF); } EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rn, Index, SizeF); EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rm, Elem, SizeF); Emit(); EmitVectorInsertTmpF(Context, Index, SizeF); } Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); if (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } public static void EmitVectorUnaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.Rn, true); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RnRm, true); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RdRnRm, true); } public static void EmitVectorUnaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.Rn, false); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RnRm, false); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorOp(Context, Emit, OperFlags.RdRnRm, false); } public static void EmitVectorOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, OperFlags Opers, bool Signed) { AOpCodeSimd Op = (AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; int Bytes = Op.GetBitsCount() >> 3; int Elems = Bytes >> Op.Size; bool Rd = (Opers & OperFlags.Rd) != 0; bool Rn = (Opers & OperFlags.Rn) != 0; bool Rm = (Opers & OperFlags.Rm) != 0; for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { if (Rd) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rd, Index, Op.Size, Signed); } if (Rn) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Index, Op.Size, Signed); } if (Rm) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, ((AOpCodeSimdReg)Op).Rm, Index, Op.Size, Signed); } Emit(); EmitVectorInsert(Context, Op.Rd, Index, Op.Size); } if (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpByElemSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { AOpCodeSimdRegElem Op = (AOpCodeSimdRegElem)Context.CurrOp; EmitVectorOpByElem(Context, Emit, Op.Index, false, true); } public static void EmitVectorBinaryOpByElemZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { AOpCodeSimdRegElem Op = (AOpCodeSimdRegElem)Context.CurrOp; EmitVectorOpByElem(Context, Emit, Op.Index, false, false); } public static void EmitVectorTernaryOpByElemZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { AOpCodeSimdRegElem Op = (AOpCodeSimdRegElem)Context.CurrOp; EmitVectorOpByElem(Context, Emit, Op.Index, true, false); } public static void EmitVectorOpByElem(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, int Elem, bool Ternary, bool Signed) { AOpCodeSimdReg Op = (AOpCodeSimdReg)Context.CurrOp; int Bytes = Op.GetBitsCount() >> 3; int Elems = Bytes >> Op.Size; EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rm, Elem, Op.Size, Signed); Context.EmitSttmp(); for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { if (Ternary) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rd, Index, Op.Size, Signed); } EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Index, Op.Size, Signed); Context.EmitLdtmp(); Emit(); EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Index, Op.Size); } Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); if (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } public static void EmitVectorImmUnaryOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorImmOp(Context, Emit, false); } public static void EmitVectorImmBinaryOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorImmOp(Context, Emit, true); } public static void EmitVectorImmOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, bool Binary) { AOpCodeSimdImm Op = (AOpCodeSimdImm)Context.CurrOp; int Bytes = Op.GetBitsCount() >> 3; int Elems = Bytes >> Op.Size; for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { if (Binary) { EmitVectorExtractZx(Context, Op.Rd, Index, Op.Size); } Context.EmitLdc_I8(Op.Imm); Emit(); EmitVectorInsert(Context, Op.Rd, Index, Op.Size); } if (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } public static void EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOp(Context, Emit, true); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOp(Context, Emit, false); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRmBinaryOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, bool Signed) { AOpCodeSimdReg Op = (AOpCodeSimdReg)Context.CurrOp; int Elems = 8 >> Op.Size; int Part = Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD128 ? Elems : 0; for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Index, Op.Size + 1, Signed); EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rm, Part + Index, Op.Size, Signed); Emit(); EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Index, Op.Size + 1); } Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmBinaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorWidenRnRmOp(Context, Emit, false, true); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmBinaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorWidenRnRmOp(Context, Emit, false, false); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmTernaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorWidenRnRmOp(Context, Emit, true, true); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmTernaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorWidenRnRmOp(Context, Emit, true, false); } public static void EmitVectorWidenRnRmOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, bool Ternary, bool Signed) { AOpCodeSimdReg Op = (AOpCodeSimdReg)Context.CurrOp; int Elems = 8 >> Op.Size; int Part = Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD128 ? Elems : 0; for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { if (Ternary) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rd, Index, Op.Size + 1, Signed); } EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Part + Index, Op.Size, Signed); EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rm, Part + Index, Op.Size, Signed); Emit(); EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Index, Op.Size + 1); } Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); } public static void EmitVectorPairwiseOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorPairwiseOp(Context, Emit, true); } public static void EmitVectorPairwiseOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitVectorPairwiseOp(Context, Emit, false); } public static void EmitVectorPairwiseOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, bool Signed) { AOpCodeSimdReg Op = (AOpCodeSimdReg)Context.CurrOp; int Words = Op.GetBitsCount() >> 4; int Pairs = Words >> Op.Size; for (int Index = 0; Index < Pairs; Index++) { int Idx = Index << 1; EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Idx, Op.Size, Signed); EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Idx + 1, Op.Size, Signed); Emit(); EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rm, Idx, Op.Size, Signed); EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rm, Idx + 1, Op.Size, Signed); Emit(); EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Pairs + Index, Op.Size); EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Index, Op.Size); } Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); if (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } public static void EmitVectorPairwiseOpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { AOpCodeSimdReg Op = (AOpCodeSimdReg)Context.CurrOp; int SizeF = Op.Size & 1; int Words = Op.GetBitsCount() >> 4; int Pairs = Words >> SizeF + 2; for (int Index = 0; Index < Pairs; Index++) { int Idx = Index << 1; EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rn, Idx, SizeF); EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rn, Idx + 1, SizeF); Emit(); EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rm, Idx, SizeF); EmitVectorExtractF(Context, Op.Rm, Idx + 1, SizeF); Emit(); EmitVectorInsertTmpF(Context, Pairs + Index, SizeF); EmitVectorInsertTmpF(Context, Index, SizeF); } Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); if (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } [Flags] public enum SaturatingFlags { Scalar = 1 << 0, Signed = 1 << 1, Add = 1 << 2, Sub = 1 << 3, Accumulate = 1 << 4, ScalarSx = Scalar | Signed, ScalarZx = Scalar, VectorSx = Signed, VectorZx = 0 } public static void EmitScalarSaturatingUnaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitSaturatingUnaryOpSx(Context, Emit, SaturatingFlags.ScalarSx); } public static void EmitVectorSaturatingUnaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit) { EmitSaturatingUnaryOpSx(Context, Emit, SaturatingFlags.VectorSx); } public static void EmitSaturatingUnaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, SaturatingFlags Flags) { AOpCodeSimd Op = (AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; bool Scalar = (Flags & SaturatingFlags.Scalar) != 0; int Bytes = Op.GetBitsCount() >> 3; int Elems = !Scalar ? Bytes >> Op.Size : 1; if (Scalar) { EmitVectorZeroLowerTmp(Context); } for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { EmitVectorExtractSx(Context, Op.Rn, Index, Op.Size); Emit(); if (Op.Size <= 2) { EmitSatQ(Context, Op.Size, true, true); } else /* if (Op.Size == 3) */ { EmitUnarySignedSatQAbsOrNeg(Context); } EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Index, Op.Size); } Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); if ((Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) || Scalar) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } public static void EmitScalarSaturatingBinaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, SaturatingFlags Flags) { EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(Context, () => { }, SaturatingFlags.ScalarSx | Flags); } public static void EmitScalarSaturatingBinaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, SaturatingFlags Flags) { EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(Context, () => { }, SaturatingFlags.ScalarZx | Flags); } public static void EmitVectorSaturatingBinaryOpSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, SaturatingFlags Flags) { EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(Context, () => { }, SaturatingFlags.VectorSx | Flags); } public static void EmitVectorSaturatingBinaryOpZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, SaturatingFlags Flags) { EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(Context, () => { }, SaturatingFlags.VectorZx | Flags); } public static void EmitSaturatingBinaryOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, Action Emit, SaturatingFlags Flags) { AOpCodeSimd Op = (AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; bool Scalar = (Flags & SaturatingFlags.Scalar) != 0; bool Signed = (Flags & SaturatingFlags.Signed) != 0; bool Add = (Flags & SaturatingFlags.Add) != 0; bool Sub = (Flags & SaturatingFlags.Sub) != 0; bool Accumulate = (Flags & SaturatingFlags.Accumulate) != 0; int Bytes = Op.GetBitsCount() >> 3; int Elems = !Scalar ? Bytes >> Op.Size : 1; if (Scalar) { EmitVectorZeroLowerTmp(Context); } if (Add || Sub) { for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Index, Op.Size, Signed); EmitVectorExtract(Context, ((AOpCodeSimdReg)Op).Rm, Index, Op.Size, Signed); if (Op.Size <= 2) { Context.Emit(Add ? OpCodes.Add : OpCodes.Sub); EmitSatQ(Context, Op.Size, true, Signed); } else /* if (Op.Size == 3) */ { if (Add) { EmitBinarySatQAdd(Context, Signed); } else /* if (Sub) */ { EmitBinarySatQSub(Context, Signed); } } EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Index, Op.Size); } } else if (Accumulate) { for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Index, Op.Size, !Signed); EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rd, Index, Op.Size, Signed); if (Op.Size <= 2) { Context.Emit(OpCodes.Add); EmitSatQ(Context, Op.Size, true, Signed); } else /* if (Op.Size == 3) */ { EmitBinarySatQAccumulate(Context, Signed); } EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Index, Op.Size); } } else { for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Index, Op.Size, Signed); EmitVectorExtract(Context, ((AOpCodeSimdReg)Op).Rm, Index, Op.Size, Signed); Emit(); EmitSatQ(Context, Op.Size, true, Signed); EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Index, Op.Size); } } Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); if ((Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD64) || Scalar) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } [Flags] public enum SaturatingNarrowFlags { Scalar = 1 << 0, SignedSrc = 1 << 1, SignedDst = 1 << 2, ScalarSxSx = Scalar | SignedSrc | SignedDst, ScalarSxZx = Scalar | SignedSrc, ScalarZxZx = Scalar, VectorSxSx = SignedSrc | SignedDst, VectorSxZx = SignedSrc, VectorZxZx = 0 } public static void EmitSaturatingNarrowOp(AILEmitterCtx Context, SaturatingNarrowFlags Flags) { AOpCodeSimd Op = (AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp; bool Scalar = (Flags & SaturatingNarrowFlags.Scalar) != 0; bool SignedSrc = (Flags & SaturatingNarrowFlags.SignedSrc) != 0; bool SignedDst = (Flags & SaturatingNarrowFlags.SignedDst) != 0; int Elems = !Scalar ? 8 >> Op.Size : 1; int Part = !Scalar && (Op.RegisterSize == ARegisterSize.SIMD128) ? Elems : 0; if (Scalar) { EmitVectorZeroLowerTmp(Context); } if (Part != 0) { Context.EmitLdvec(Op.Rd); Context.EmitStvectmp(); } for (int Index = 0; Index < Elems; Index++) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Op.Rn, Index, Op.Size + 1, SignedSrc); EmitSatQ(Context, Op.Size, SignedSrc, SignedDst); EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, Part + Index, Op.Size); } Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitStvec(Op.Rd); if (Part == 0) { EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Op.Rd); } } // TSrc (16bit, 32bit, 64bit; signed, unsigned) > TDst (8bit, 16bit, 32bit; signed, unsigned). public static void EmitSatQ( AILEmitterCtx Context, int SizeDst, bool SignedSrc, bool SignedDst) { if (SizeDst > 2) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(SizeDst)); } Context.EmitLdc_I4(SizeDst); Context.EmitLdarg(ATranslatedSub.StateArgIdx); if (SignedSrc) { ASoftFallback.EmitCall(Context, SignedDst ? nameof(ASoftFallback.SignedSrcSignedDstSatQ) : nameof(ASoftFallback.SignedSrcUnsignedDstSatQ)); } else { ASoftFallback.EmitCall(Context, SignedDst ? nameof(ASoftFallback.UnsignedSrcSignedDstSatQ) : nameof(ASoftFallback.UnsignedSrcUnsignedDstSatQ)); } } // TSrc (64bit) == TDst (64bit); signed. public static void EmitUnarySignedSatQAbsOrNeg(AILEmitterCtx Context) { if (((AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp).Size < 3) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } Context.EmitLdarg(ATranslatedSub.StateArgIdx); ASoftFallback.EmitCall(Context, nameof(ASoftFallback.UnarySignedSatQAbsOrNeg)); } // TSrcs (64bit) == TDst (64bit); signed, unsigned. public static void EmitBinarySatQAdd(AILEmitterCtx Context, bool Signed) { if (((AOpCodeSimdReg)Context.CurrOp).Size < 3) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } Context.EmitLdarg(ATranslatedSub.StateArgIdx); ASoftFallback.EmitCall(Context, Signed ? nameof(ASoftFallback.BinarySignedSatQAdd) : nameof(ASoftFallback.BinaryUnsignedSatQAdd)); } // TSrcs (64bit) == TDst (64bit); signed, unsigned. public static void EmitBinarySatQSub(AILEmitterCtx Context, bool Signed) { if (((AOpCodeSimdReg)Context.CurrOp).Size < 3) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } Context.EmitLdarg(ATranslatedSub.StateArgIdx); ASoftFallback.EmitCall(Context, Signed ? nameof(ASoftFallback.BinarySignedSatQSub) : nameof(ASoftFallback.BinaryUnsignedSatQSub)); } // TSrcs (64bit) == TDst (64bit); signed, unsigned. public static void EmitBinarySatQAccumulate(AILEmitterCtx Context, bool Signed) { if (((AOpCodeSimd)Context.CurrOp).Size < 3) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } Context.EmitLdarg(ATranslatedSub.StateArgIdx); ASoftFallback.EmitCall(Context, Signed ? nameof(ASoftFallback.BinarySignedSatQAcc) : nameof(ASoftFallback.BinaryUnsignedSatQAcc)); } public static void EmitScalarSet(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Size) { EmitVectorZeroAll(Context, Reg); EmitVectorInsert(Context, Reg, 0, Size); } public static void EmitScalarSetF(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Size) { if (AOptimizations.UseSse41 && Size == 0) { //If the type is float, we can perform insertion and //zero the upper bits with a single instruction (INSERTPS); Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.Sse41VectorInsertScalarSingle)); Context.EmitStvec(Reg); } else { EmitVectorZeroAll(Context, Reg); EmitVectorInsertF(Context, Reg, 0, Size); } } public static void EmitVectorExtractSx(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Index, int Size) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Reg, Index, Size, true); } public static void EmitVectorExtractZx(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Index, int Size) { EmitVectorExtract(Context, Reg, Index, Size, false); } public static void EmitVectorExtract(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Index, int Size, bool Signed) { ThrowIfInvalid(Index, Size); Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Index); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Size); AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, Signed ? nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorExtractIntSx) : nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorExtractIntZx)); } public static void EmitVectorExtractF(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Index, int Size) { ThrowIfInvalidF(Index, Size); Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Index); if (Size == 0) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorExtractSingle)); } else if (Size == 1) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorExtractDouble)); } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Size)); } } public static void EmitVectorZeroAll(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Rd) { if (AOptimizations.UseSse2) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorSingleZero)); Context.EmitStvec(Rd); } else { EmitVectorZeroLower(Context, Rd); EmitVectorZeroUpper(Context, Rd); } } public static void EmitVectorZeroLower(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Rd) { EmitVectorInsert(Context, Rd, 0, 3, 0); } public static void EmitVectorZeroLowerTmp(AILEmitterCtx Context) { EmitVectorInsertTmp(Context, 0, 3, 0); } public static void EmitVectorZeroUpper(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg) { if (AOptimizations.UseSse2) { //TODO: Use MoveScalar once it is fixed, as of the //time of writing it just crashes the JIT. EmitLdvecWithUnsignedCast(Context, Reg, 3); Type[] Types = new Type[] { typeof(Vector128<ulong>), typeof(byte) }; //Context.EmitCall(typeof(Sse2).GetMethod(nameof(Sse2.MoveScalar), Types)); Context.EmitLdc_I4(8); Context.EmitCall(typeof(Sse2).GetMethod(nameof(Sse2.ShiftLeftLogical128BitLane), Types)); Context.EmitLdc_I4(8); Context.EmitCall(typeof(Sse2).GetMethod(nameof(Sse2.ShiftRightLogical128BitLane), Types)); EmitStvecWithUnsignedCast(Context, Reg, 3); } else { EmitVectorInsert(Context, Reg, 1, 3, 0); } } public static void EmitVectorZero32_128(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg) { Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorZero32_128)); Context.EmitStvec(Reg); } public static void EmitVectorInsert(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Index, int Size) { ThrowIfInvalid(Index, Size); Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Index); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Size); AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInsertInt)); Context.EmitStvec(Reg); } public static void EmitVectorInsertTmp(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Index, int Size) { ThrowIfInvalid(Index, Size); Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Index); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Size); AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInsertInt)); Context.EmitStvectmp(); } public static void EmitVectorInsert(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Index, int Size, long Value) { ThrowIfInvalid(Index, Size); Context.EmitLdc_I8(Value); Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Index); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Size); AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInsertInt)); Context.EmitStvec(Reg); } public static void EmitVectorInsertTmp(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Index, int Size, long Value) { ThrowIfInvalid(Index, Size); Context.EmitLdc_I8(Value); Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Index); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Size); AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInsertInt)); Context.EmitStvectmp(); } public static void EmitVectorInsertF(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Reg, int Index, int Size) { ThrowIfInvalidF(Index, Size); Context.EmitLdvec(Reg); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Index); if (Size == 0) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInsertSingle)); } else if (Size == 1) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInsertDouble)); } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Size)); } Context.EmitStvec(Reg); } public static void EmitVectorInsertTmpF(AILEmitterCtx Context, int Index, int Size) { ThrowIfInvalidF(Index, Size); Context.EmitLdvectmp(); Context.EmitLdc_I4(Index); if (Size == 0) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInsertSingle)); } else if (Size == 1) { AVectorHelper.EmitCall(Context, nameof(AVectorHelper.VectorInsertDouble)); } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Size)); } Context.EmitStvectmp(); } private static void ThrowIfInvalid(int Index, int Size) { if ((uint)Size > 3u) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Size)); } if ((uint)Index >= 16u >> Size) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Index)); } } private static void ThrowIfInvalidF(int Index, int Size) { if ((uint)Size > 1u) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Size)); } if ((uint)Index >= 4u >> Size) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(Index)); } } } }