From 8faae5612da0ac9b94d476ada176b1cf7b189219 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alex Barney <>
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2018 11:15:17 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Rename enum fields

 Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/HleProcessDebugger.cs |   8 +-
 Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Bsd/IClient.cs      | 244 ++++++++---------
 Ryujinx.HLE/Loaders/Elf/ElfDynamicTag.cs     | 134 ++++-----
 Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/LinuxError.cs          | 270 +++++++++----------
 Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/WSAError.cs            | 150 +++++------
 5 files changed, 403 insertions(+), 403 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/HleProcessDebugger.cs b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/HleProcessDebugger.cs
index a6053b1b1..8a28affc2 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/HleProcessDebugger.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Kernel/HleProcessDebugger.cs
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel
                 ElfDynamicTag Tag = (ElfDynamicTag)TagVal;
-                if (Tag == ElfDynamicTag.DT_NULL)
+                if (Tag == ElfDynamicTag.Null)
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Kernel
                 Dynamic[Tag] = Value;
-            if (!Dynamic.TryGetValue(ElfDynamicTag.DT_STRTAB, out long StrTab) ||
-                !Dynamic.TryGetValue(ElfDynamicTag.DT_SYMTAB, out long SymTab) ||
-                !Dynamic.TryGetValue(ElfDynamicTag.DT_SYMENT, out long SymEntSize))
+            if (!Dynamic.TryGetValue(ElfDynamicTag.StrTab, out long StrTab) ||
+                !Dynamic.TryGetValue(ElfDynamicTag.SymTab, out long SymTab) ||
+                !Dynamic.TryGetValue(ElfDynamicTag.SymEnt, out long SymEntSize))
diff --git a/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Bsd/IClient.cs b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Bsd/IClient.cs
index 37d0fcfdb..5d30e4b8a 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Bsd/IClient.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.HLE/HOS/Services/Bsd/IClient.cs
@@ -11,93 +11,93 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
     class IClient : IpcService
-        private static Dictionary<WSAError, LinuxError> ErrorMap = new Dictionary<WSAError, LinuxError>
+        private static Dictionary<WsaError, LinuxError> ErrorMap = new Dictionary<WsaError, LinuxError>
             // WSAEINTR
-            {WSAError.WSAEINTR,           LinuxError.EINTR},
+            {WsaError.Interrupted,                LinuxError.Intr},
             // WSAEWOULDBLOCK
-            {WSAError.WSAEWOULDBLOCK,     LinuxError.EWOULDBLOCK},
+            {WsaError.WouldBlock,                 LinuxError.WouldBlock},
             // WSAEINPROGRESS
-            {WSAError.WSAEINPROGRESS,     LinuxError.EINPROGRESS},
+            {WsaError.InProgress,                 LinuxError.InProgress},
             // WSAEALREADY
-            {WSAError.WSAEALREADY,        LinuxError.EALREADY},
+            {WsaError.AlreadyInProgress,          LinuxError.Already},
             // WSAENOTSOCK
-            {WSAError.WSAENOTSOCK,        LinuxError.ENOTSOCK},
+            {WsaError.NotSocket,                  LinuxError.NotSock},
             // WSAEDESTADDRREQ
-            {WSAError.WSAEDESTADDRREQ,    LinuxError.EDESTADDRREQ},
+            {WsaError.DestinationAddressRequired, LinuxError.DestAddrReq},
             // WSAEMSGSIZE
-            {WSAError.WSAEMSGSIZE,        LinuxError.EMSGSIZE},
+            {WsaError.MessageSize,                LinuxError.MsgSize},
             // WSAEPROTOTYPE
-            {WSAError.WSAEPROTOTYPE,      LinuxError.EPROTOTYPE},
+            {WsaError.ProtocolType,               LinuxError.ProtoType},
             // WSAENOPROTOOPT
-            {WSAError.WSAENOPROTOOPT,     LinuxError.ENOPROTOOPT},
+            {WsaError.ProtocolOption,             LinuxError.NoProtoOpt},
+            {WsaError.ProtocolNotSupported,       LinuxError.ProtoNoSupport},
+            {WsaError.SocketNotSupported,         LinuxError.SocktNoSupport},
             // WSAEOPNOTSUPP
-            {WSAError.WSAEOPNOTSUPP,      LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP},
+            {WsaError.OperationNotSupported,      LinuxError.OpNotSupp},
             // WSAEPFNOSUPPORT
-            {WSAError.WSAEPFNOSUPPORT,    LinuxError.EPFNOSUPPORT},
+            {WsaError.ProtocolFamilyNotSupported, LinuxError.PfNoSupport},
             // WSAEAFNOSUPPORT
-            {WSAError.WSAEAFNOSUPPORT,    LinuxError.EAFNOSUPPORT},
+            {WsaError.AddressFamilyNotSupported,  LinuxError.AfNoSupport},
             // WSAEADDRINUSE
-            {WSAError.WSAEADDRINUSE,      LinuxError.EADDRINUSE},
+            {WsaError.AddressAlreadyInUse,        LinuxError.AddrInUse},
             // WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL
+            {WsaError.AddressNotAvailable,        LinuxError.AddrNotAvail},
             // WSAENETDOWN
-            {WSAError.WSAENETDOWN,        LinuxError.ENETDOWN},
+            {WsaError.NetworkDown,                LinuxError.NetDown},
             // WSAENETUNREACH
-            {WSAError.WSAENETUNREACH,     LinuxError.ENETUNREACH},
+            {WsaError.NetworkUnreachable,         LinuxError.NetUnReach},
             // WSAENETRESET
-            {WSAError.WSAENETRESET,       LinuxError.ENETRESET},
+            {WsaError.NetworkReset,               LinuxError.NetReset},
             // WSAECONNABORTED
-            {WSAError.WSAECONNABORTED,    LinuxError.ECONNABORTED},
+            {WsaError.ConnectionAborted,          LinuxError.ConnAborted},
             // WSAECONNRESET
-            {WSAError.WSAECONNRESET,      LinuxError.ECONNRESET},
+            {WsaError.ConnectionReset,            LinuxError.ConnReset},
             // WSAENOBUFS
-            {WSAError.WSAENOBUFS,         LinuxError.ENOBUFS},
+            {WsaError.NoBufferSpaceAvailable,     LinuxError.NoBufs},
             // WSAEISCONN
-            {WSAError.WSAEISCONN,         LinuxError.EISCONN},
+            {WsaError.IsConnected,                LinuxError.IsConn},
             // WSAENOTCONN
-            {WSAError.WSAENOTCONN,        LinuxError.ENOTCONN},
+            {WsaError.NotConnected,               LinuxError.NotConn},
             // WSAESHUTDOWN
-            {WSAError.WSAESHUTDOWN,       LinuxError.ESHUTDOWN},
+            {WsaError.Shutdown,                   LinuxError.Shutdown},
             // WSAETOOMANYREFS
-            {WSAError.WSAETOOMANYREFS,    LinuxError.ETOOMANYREFS},
+            {WsaError.TooManyReferences,          LinuxError.TooManyRefs},
             // WSAETIMEDOUT
-            {WSAError.WSAETIMEDOUT,       LinuxError.ETIMEDOUT},
+            {WsaError.TimedOut,                   LinuxError.TimedOut},
             // WSAECONNREFUSED
-            {WSAError.WSAECONNREFUSED,    LinuxError.ECONNREFUSED},
+            {WsaError.ConnectionRefused,          LinuxError.ConnRefused},
             // WSAELOOP
-            {WSAError.WSAELOOP,           LinuxError.ELOOP},
+            {WsaError.Loop,                       LinuxError.Loop},
             // WSAENAMETOOLONG
-            {WSAError.WSAENAMETOOLONG,    LinuxError.ENAMETOOLONG},
+            {WsaError.NameTooLong,                LinuxError.NameTooLong},
             // WSAEHOSTDOWN
-            {WSAError.WSAEHOSTDOWN,       LinuxError.EHOSTDOWN},
+            {WsaError.HostDown,                   LinuxError.HostDown},
             // WSAEHOSTUNREACH
-            {WSAError.WSAEHOSTUNREACH,    LinuxError.EHOSTUNREACH},
+            {WsaError.HostUnreachable,            LinuxError.HostUnReach},
             // WSAENOTEMPTY
-            {WSAError.WSAENOTEMPTY,       LinuxError.ENOTEMPTY},
+            {WsaError.NotEmpty,                   LinuxError.NotEmpty},
             // WSAEUSERS
-            {WSAError.WSAEUSERS,          LinuxError.EUSERS},
+            {WsaError.UserQuota,                  LinuxError.Users},
             // WSAEDQUOT
-            {WSAError.WSAEDQUOT,          LinuxError.EDQUOT},
+            {WsaError.DiskQuota,                  LinuxError.DQuot},
             // WSAESTALE
-            {WSAError.WSAESTALE,          LinuxError.ESTALE},
+            {WsaError.Stale,                      LinuxError.Stale},
             // WSAEREMOTE
-            {WSAError.WSAEREMOTE,         LinuxError.EREMOTE},
+            {WsaError.Remote,                     LinuxError.Remote},
             // WSAEINVAL
-            {WSAError.WSAEINVAL,          LinuxError.EINVAL},
+            {WsaError.InvalidArgument,            LinuxError.InVal},
             // WSAEFAULT
-            {WSAError.WSAEFAULT,          LinuxError.EFAULT},
+            {WsaError.Fault,                      LinuxError.Fault},
             // NOERROR
             {0, 0}
-        private Dictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest> m_Commands;
+        private Dictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest> _commands;
-        public override IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest> Commands => m_Commands;
+        public override IReadOnlyDictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest> Commands => _commands;
         private bool IsPrivileged;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
         public IClient(bool IsPrivileged)
-            m_Commands = new Dictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest>()
+            _commands = new Dictionary<int, ServiceProcessRequest>()
                 { 0,  RegisterClient     },
                 { 1,  StartMonitoring    },
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             this.IsPrivileged = IsPrivileged;
-        private LinuxError ConvertError(WSAError ErrorCode)
+        private LinuxError ConvertError(WsaError ErrorCode)
             LinuxError Errno;
@@ -152,14 +152,14 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             return Errno;
-        private long WriteWinSock2Error(ServiceCtx Context, WSAError ErrorCode)
+        private long WriteWinSock2Error(ServiceCtx Context, WsaError ErrorCode)
             return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, ConvertError(ErrorCode));
         private long WriteBsdResult(ServiceCtx Context, int Result, LinuxError ErrorCode = 0)
-            if (ErrorCode != LinuxError.SUCCESS)
+            if (ErrorCode != LinuxError.Success)
                 Result = -1;
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
         private LinuxError SetResultErrno(Socket Socket, int Result)
-            return Result == 0 && !Socket.Blocking ? LinuxError.EWOULDBLOCK : LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+            return Result == 0 && !Socket.Blocking ? LinuxError.WouldBlock : LinuxError.Success;
         private AddressFamily ConvertFromBsd(int Domain)
@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             if (Domain == AddressFamily.Unknown)
-                return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EPROTONOSUPPORT);
+                return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.ProtoNoSupport);
             else if ((Type == SocketType.Seqpacket || Type == SocketType.Raw) && !IsPrivileged)
                 if (Domain != AddressFamily.InterNetwork || Type != SocketType.Raw || Protocol != ProtocolType.Icmp)
-                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.ENOENT);
+                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.NoEnt);
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             byte[] RawPath = Context.Memory.ReadBytes(BufferPosition, BufferSize);
             string Path    = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(RawPath);
-            WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP);
+            WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.OpNotSupp);
             Logger.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Stubbed. Path: {Path} - " +
                                                   $"Flags: {Flags}");
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
         // Select(u32 nfds, nn::socket::timeout timeout, buffer<nn::socket::fd_set, 0x21, 0> readfds_in, buffer<nn::socket::fd_set, 0x21, 0> writefds_in, buffer<nn::socket::fd_set, 0x21, 0> errorfds_in) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, buffer<nn::socket::fd_set, 0x22, 0> readfds_out, buffer<nn::socket::fd_set, 0x22, 0> writefds_out, buffer<nn::socket::fd_set, 0x22, 0> errorfds_out)
         public long Select(ServiceCtx Context)
-            WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP);
+            WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.OpNotSupp);
             Logger.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Stubbed.");
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             if (Timeout < -1 || FdsCount < 0 || (FdsCount * 8) > BufferSize)
-                return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EINVAL);
+                return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.InVal);
             PollEvent[] Events = new PollEvent[FdsCount];
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 if (Socket == null)
-                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EBADF);
+                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.BadF);
                 PollEvent.EventTypeMask InputEvents  = (PollEvent.EventTypeMask)Context.Memory.ReadInt16(BufferPosition + i * 8 + 4);
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 if (!IsValidEvent)
                     Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Poll input event type: {Event.InputEvents}");
-                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EINVAL);
+                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.InVal);
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             catch (SocketException Exception)
-                return WriteWinSock2Error(Context, (WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                return WriteWinSock2Error(Context, (WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
             for (int i = 0; i < FdsCount; i++)
@@ -455,13 +455,13 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 Context.Memory.WriteInt16(BufferPosition + i * 8 + 6, (short)OutputEvents);
-            return WriteBsdResult(Context, ReadEvents.Count + WriteEvents.Count + ErrorEvents.Count, LinuxError.SUCCESS);
+            return WriteBsdResult(Context, ReadEvents.Count + WriteEvents.Count + ErrorEvents.Count, LinuxError.Success);
         // Sysctl(buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0>, buffer<unknown, 0x21, 0>) -> (i32 ret, u32 bsd_errno, u32, buffer<unknown, 0x22, 0>)
         public long Sysctl(ServiceCtx Context)
-            WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP);
+            WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.OpNotSupp);
             Logger.PrintStub(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Stubbed.");
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long ReceivePosition, long ReceiveLength) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x22();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             int        Result = -1;
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                     && (SocketFlags & SocketFlags.Peek) == 0)
                     Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Recv flags: {SocketFlags}");
-                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP);
+                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.OpNotSupp);
                 byte[] ReceivedBuffer = new byte[ReceiveLength];
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long SockAddrInPosition,  long SockAddrInSize)  = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x21();
             (long SockAddrOutPosition, long SockAddrOutSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x22(1);
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             int        Result = -1;
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                     Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Recv flags: {SocketFlags}");
-                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP);
+                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.OpNotSupp);
                 byte[]   ReceivedBuffer = new byte[ReceiveLength];
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long SendPosition, long SendSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x21();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             int        Result = -1;
@@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                     Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Send flags: {SocketFlags}");
-                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP);
+                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.OpNotSupp);
                 byte[] SendBuffer = Context.Memory.ReadBytes(SendPosition, SendSize);
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long SendPosition,   long SendSize)   = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x21();
             (long BufferPosition, long BufferSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x21(1);
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             int        Result = -1;
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                     Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Send flags: {SocketFlags}");
-                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP);
+                    return WriteBsdResult(Context, -1, LinuxError.OpNotSupp);
                 byte[]   SendBuffer = Context.Memory.ReadBytes(SendPosition, SendSize);
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -638,12 +638,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long BufferPos, long BufferSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x22();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                Errno = LinuxError.Success;
                 Socket NewSocket = null;
@@ -653,14 +653,14 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
-                if (NewSocket == null && Errno == LinuxError.SUCCESS)
+                if (NewSocket == null && Errno == LinuxError.Success)
-                    Errno = LinuxError.EWOULDBLOCK;
+                    Errno = LinuxError.WouldBlock;
-                else if (Errno == LinuxError.SUCCESS)
+                else if (Errno == LinuxError.Success)
                     BsdSocket NewBsdSocket = new BsdSocket
@@ -692,12 +692,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long BufferPos, long BufferSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x21();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                Errno = LinuxError.Success;
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -721,12 +721,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long BufferPos, long BufferSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x21();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                Errno = LinuxError.Success;
                     IPEndPoint EndPoint = ParseSockAddr(Context, BufferPos, BufferSize);
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -749,12 +749,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long BufferPos, long BufferSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x22();
-            LinuxError  Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError  Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                Errno = LinuxError.Success;
                 WriteSockAddr(Context, BufferPos, Socket, true);
                 WriteBsdResult(Context, 0, Errno);
@@ -771,12 +771,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long BufferPos, long BufferSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x22();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                Errno = LinuxError.Success;
                 WriteSockAddr(Context, BufferPos, Socket, false);
                 WriteBsdResult(Context, 0, Errno);
@@ -795,12 +795,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long BufferPosition, long BufferSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x22();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.ENOPROTOOPT;
+                Errno = LinuxError.NoProtoOpt;
                 if (Level == 0xFFFF)
@@ -821,12 +821,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             int SocketFd = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
             int Backlog  = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                Errno = LinuxError.Success;
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             BsdIoctl Cmd         = (BsdIoctl)Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
             int      BufferCount = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
@@ -856,7 +856,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 switch (Cmd)
                     case BsdIoctl.AtMark:
-                        Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                        Errno = LinuxError.Success;
                         (long BufferPosition, long BufferSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x22();
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
-                        Errno = LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP;
+                        Errno = LinuxError.OpNotSupp;
                         Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported Ioctl Cmd: {Cmd}");
@@ -883,12 +883,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             int Arg      = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
             int        Result = 0;
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                Errno = LinuxError.Success;
                 if (Cmd == 0x3)
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
-                    Errno = LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP;
+                    Errno = LinuxError.OpNotSupp;
@@ -931,23 +931,23 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                         Socket.Handle.GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, OptionName, OptionValue);
                         Context.Memory.WriteBytes(OptionValuePosition, OptionValue);
-                        return LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                        return LinuxError.Success;
                     case (SocketOptionName)0x200:
                         Socket.Handle.GetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, OptionValue);
                         Context.Memory.WriteBytes(OptionValuePosition, OptionValue);
-                        return LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                        return LinuxError.Success;
                         Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported SetSockOpt OptionName: {OptionName}");
-                        return LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP;
+                        return LinuxError.OpNotSupp;
             catch (SocketException Exception)
-                return ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                return ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -971,28 +971,28 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                     case SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress:
                         Socket.Handle.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, OptionName, Context.Memory.ReadInt32(OptionValuePosition));
-                        return LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                        return LinuxError.Success;
                     case (SocketOptionName)0x200:
                         Socket.Handle.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, Context.Memory.ReadInt32(OptionValuePosition));
-                        return LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                        return LinuxError.Success;
                     case SocketOptionName.Linger:
                         Socket.Handle.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.Linger,
                             new LingerOption(Context.Memory.ReadInt32(OptionValuePosition) != 0, Context.Memory.ReadInt32(OptionValuePosition + 4)));
-                        return LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                        return LinuxError.Success;
                         Logger.PrintWarning(LogClass.ServiceBsd, $"Unsupported SetSockOpt OptionName: {OptionName}");
-                        return LinuxError.EOPNOTSUPP;
+                        return LinuxError.OpNotSupp;
             catch (SocketException Exception)
-                return ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                return ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -1005,12 +1005,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long BufferPos, long BufferSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x21();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.ENOPROTOOPT;
+                Errno = LinuxError.NoProtoOpt;
                 if (Level == 0xFFFF)
@@ -1031,16 +1031,16 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             int SocketFd = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
             int How      = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
-                Errno = LinuxError.EINVAL;
+                Errno = LinuxError.InVal;
                 if (How >= 0 && How <= 2)
-                    Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                    Errno = LinuxError.Success;
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                     catch (SocketException Exception)
-                        Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                        Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -1061,11 +1061,11 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             int How = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
-            LinuxError Errno = LinuxError.EINVAL;
+            LinuxError Errno = LinuxError.InVal;
             if (How >= 0 && How <= 2)
-                Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                Errno = LinuxError.Success;
                 foreach (BsdSocket Socket in Sockets)
@@ -1077,7 +1077,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                         catch (SocketException Exception)
-                            Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                            Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -1094,7 +1094,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long SendPosition, long SendSize) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x21();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             int        Result = -1;
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             (long ReceivePosition, long ReceiveLength) = Context.Request.GetBufferType0x22();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             int        Result = -1;
@@ -1138,7 +1138,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 catch (SocketException Exception)
-                    Errno = ConvertError((WSAError)Exception.ErrorCode);
+                    Errno = ConvertError((WsaError)Exception.ErrorCode);
@@ -1150,7 +1150,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             int SocketFd = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
-            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.EBADF;
+            LinuxError Errno  = LinuxError.BadF;
             BsdSocket  Socket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
             if (Socket != null)
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
                 Sockets[SocketFd] = null;
-                Errno = LinuxError.SUCCESS;
+                Errno = LinuxError.Success;
             return WriteBsdResult(Context, 0, Errno);
@@ -1171,12 +1171,12 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.HOS.Services.Bsd
             int   SocketFd = Context.RequestData.ReadInt32();
             ulong Reserved = Context.RequestData.ReadUInt64();
-            LinuxError Errno     = LinuxError.ENOENT;
+            LinuxError Errno     = LinuxError.NoEnt;
             int        NewSockFd = -1;
             if (IsPrivileged)
-                Errno = LinuxError.EBADF;
+                Errno = LinuxError.BadF;
                 BsdSocket OldSocket = RetrieveSocket(SocketFd);
diff --git a/Ryujinx.HLE/Loaders/Elf/ElfDynamicTag.cs b/Ryujinx.HLE/Loaders/Elf/ElfDynamicTag.cs
index 9d7ad72e0..0918f6c42 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.HLE/Loaders/Elf/ElfDynamicTag.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.HLE/Loaders/Elf/ElfDynamicTag.cs
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
 namespace Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Elf
-    enum ElfDynamicTag
+    internal enum ElfDynamicTag
-        DT_NULL            = 0,
-        DT_NEEDED          = 1,
-        DT_PLTRELSZ        = 2,
-        DT_PLTGOT          = 3,
-        DT_HASH            = 4,
-        DT_STRTAB          = 5,
-        DT_SYMTAB          = 6,
-        DT_RELA            = 7,
-        DT_RELASZ          = 8,
-        DT_RELAENT         = 9,
-        DT_STRSZ           = 10,
-        DT_SYMENT          = 11,
-        DT_INIT            = 12,
-        DT_FINI            = 13,
-        DT_SONAME          = 14,
-        DT_RPATH           = 15,
-        DT_SYMBOLIC        = 16,
-        DT_REL             = 17,
-        DT_RELSZ           = 18,
-        DT_RELENT          = 19,
-        DT_PLTREL          = 20,
-        DT_DEBUG           = 21,
-        DT_TEXTREL         = 22,
-        DT_JMPREL          = 23,
-        DT_BIND_NOW        = 24,
-        DT_INIT_ARRAY      = 25,
-        DT_FINI_ARRAY      = 26,
-        DT_INIT_ARRAYSZ    = 27,
-        DT_FINI_ARRAYSZ    = 28,
-        DT_RUNPATH         = 29,
-        DT_FLAGS           = 30,
-        DT_ENCODING        = 32,
-        DT_PREINIT_ARRAY   = 32,
-        DT_PREINIT_ARRAYSZ = 33,
-        DT_GNU_PRELINKED   = 0x6ffffdf5,
-        DT_GNU_CONFLICTSZ  = 0x6ffffdf6,
-        DT_GNU_LIBLISTSZ   = 0x6ffffdf7,
-        DT_CHECKSUM        = 0x6ffffdf8,
-        DT_PLTPADSZ        = 0x6ffffdf9,
-        DT_MOVEENT         = 0x6ffffdfa,
-        DT_MOVESZ          = 0x6ffffdfb,
-        DT_FEATURE_1       = 0x6ffffdfc,
-        DT_POSFLAG_1       = 0x6ffffdfd,
-        DT_SYMINSZ         = 0x6ffffdfe,
-        DT_SYMINENT        = 0x6ffffdff,
-        DT_GNU_HASH        = 0x6ffffef5,
-        DT_TLSDESC_PLT     = 0x6ffffef6,
-        DT_TLSDESC_GOT     = 0x6ffffef7,
-        DT_GNU_CONFLICT    = 0x6ffffef8,
-        DT_GNU_LIBLIST     = 0x6ffffef9,
-        DT_CONFIG          = 0x6ffffefa,
-        DT_DEPAUDIT        = 0x6ffffefb,
-        DT_AUDIT           = 0x6ffffefc,
-        DT_PLTPAD          = 0x6ffffefd,
-        DT_MOVETAB         = 0x6ffffefe,
-        DT_SYMINFO         = 0x6ffffeff,
-        DT_VERSYM          = 0x6ffffff0,
-        DT_RELACOUNT       = 0x6ffffff9,
-        DT_RELCOUNT        = 0x6ffffffa,
-        DT_FLAGS_1         = 0x6ffffffb,
-        DT_VERDEF          = 0x6ffffffc,
-        DT_VERDEFNUM       = 0x6ffffffd,
-        DT_VERNEED         = 0x6ffffffe,
-        DT_VERNEEDNUM      = 0x6fffffff,
-        DT_AUXILIARY       = 0x7ffffffd,
-        DT_FILTER          = 0x7fffffff
+        Null            = 0,
+        Needed          = 1,
+        PltRelSz        = 2,
+        PltGoz          = 3,
+        Hash            = 4,
+        StrTab          = 5,
+        SymTab          = 6,
+        RelA            = 7,
+        RelASz          = 8,
+        RelAEnt         = 9,
+        StrSz           = 10,
+        SymEnt          = 11,
+        Init            = 12,
+        Fini            = 13,
+        SoName          = 14,
+        RPath           = 15,
+        Symbolic        = 16,
+        Rel             = 17,
+        RelSz           = 18,
+        RelEnt          = 19,
+        PltRel          = 20,
+        Debug           = 21,
+        TextRel         = 22,
+        JmpRel          = 23,
+        BindNow         = 24,
+        InitArray       = 25,
+        FiniArray       = 26,
+        InitArraySz     = 27,
+        FiniArraySz     = 28,
+        RunPath         = 29,
+        Flags           = 30,
+        Encoding        = 32,
+        PreInitArray    = 32,
+        PreInitArraySz  = 33,
+        GnuPrelinked    = 0x6ffffdf5,
+        GnuConflictSz   = 0x6ffffdf6,
+        GnuLibListSz    = 0x6ffffdf7,
+        Checksum        = 0x6ffffdf8,
+        PltPadSz        = 0x6ffffdf9,
+        MoveEnt         = 0x6ffffdfa,
+        MoveSz          = 0x6ffffdfb,
+        Feature1        = 0x6ffffdfc,
+        PosFlag1        = 0x6ffffdfd,
+        SymInSz         = 0x6ffffdfe,
+        SymInEnt        = 0x6ffffdff,
+        GnuHash         = 0x6ffffef5,
+        TlsDescPlt      = 0x6ffffef6,
+        TlsDescGot      = 0x6ffffef7,
+        GnuConflict     = 0x6ffffef8,
+        GnuLibList      = 0x6ffffef9,
+        Config          = 0x6ffffefa,
+        DepAudit        = 0x6ffffefb,
+        Audit           = 0x6ffffefc,
+        PltPad          = 0x6ffffefd,
+        MoveTab         = 0x6ffffefe,
+        SymInfo         = 0x6ffffeff,
+        VerSym          = 0x6ffffff0,
+        RelaCount       = 0x6ffffff9,
+        RelCount        = 0x6ffffffa,
+        Flags1          = 0x6ffffffb,
+        VerDef          = 0x6ffffffc,
+        VerDefNum       = 0x6ffffffd,
+        VerNeed         = 0x6ffffffe,
+        VerNeedNum      = 0x6fffffff,
+        Auxiliary       = 0x7ffffffd,
+        Filter          = 0x7fffffff
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/LinuxError.cs b/Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/LinuxError.cs
index 5c322f83c..516a38bb9 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/LinuxError.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/LinuxError.cs
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
 namespace Ryujinx.HLE.Utilities
-    enum LinuxError
+    internal enum LinuxError
-        SUCCESS         = 0,
-        EPERM           = 1       /* Operation not permitted */,
-        ENOENT          = 2       /* No such file or directory */,
-        ESRCH           = 3       /* No such process */,
-        EINTR           = 4       /* Interrupted system call */,
-        EIO             = 5       /* I/O error */,
-        ENXIO           = 6       /* No such device or address */,
-        E2BIG           = 7       /* Argument list too long */,
-        ENOEXEC         = 8       /* Exec format error */,
-        EBADF           = 9       /* Bad file number */,
-        ECHILD          = 10      /* No child processes */,
-        EAGAIN          = 11      /* Try again */,
-        ENOMEM          = 12      /* Out of memory */,
-        EACCES          = 13      /* Permission denied */,
-        EFAULT          = 14      /* Bad address */,
-        ENOTBLK         = 15      /* Block device required */,
-        EBUSY           = 16      /* Device or resource busy */,
-        EEXIST          = 17      /* File exists */,
-        EXDEV           = 18      /* Cross-device link */,
-        ENODEV          = 19      /* No such device */,
-        ENOTDIR         = 20      /* Not a directory */,
-        EISDIR          = 21      /* Is a directory */,
-        EINVAL          = 22      /* Invalid argument */,
-        ENFILE          = 23      /* File table overflow */,
-        EMFILE          = 24      /* Too many open files */,
-        ENOTTY          = 25      /* Not a typewriter */,
-        ETXTBSY         = 26      /* Text file busy */,
-        EFBIG           = 27      /* File too large */,
-        ENOSPC          = 28      /* No space left on device */,
-        ESPIPE          = 29      /* Illegal seek */,
-        EROFS           = 30      /* Read-only file system */,
-        EMLINK          = 31      /* Too many links */,
-        EPIPE           = 32      /* Broken pipe */,
-        EDOM            = 33      /* Math argument out of domain of func */,
-        ERANGE          = 34      /* Math result not representable */,
-        EDEADLK         = 35      /* Resource deadlock would occur */,
-        ENAMETOOLONG    = 36      /* File name too long */,
-        ENOLCK          = 37      /* No record locks available */,
+        Success        = 0,
+        Perm           = 1       /* Operation not permitted */,
+        NoEnt          = 2       /* No such file or directory */,
+        Srch           = 3       /* No such process */,
+        Intr           = 4       /* Interrupted system call */,
+        Io             = 5       /* I/O error */,
+        NxIo           = 6       /* No such device or address */,
+        TooBig         = 7       /* Argument list too long */,
+        NoExec         = 8       /* Exec format error */,
+        BadF           = 9       /* Bad file number */,
+        Child          = 10      /* No child processes */,
+        Again          = 11      /* Try again */,
+        NoMem          = 12      /* Out of memory */,
+        Acces          = 13      /* Permission denied */,
+        Fault          = 14      /* Bad address */,
+        NotBlk         = 15      /* Block device required */,
+        Busy           = 16      /* Device or resource busy */,
+        Exist          = 17      /* File exists */,
+        XDev           = 18      /* Cross-device link */,
+        NoDev          = 19      /* No such device */,
+        NotDir         = 20      /* Not a directory */,
+        IsDir          = 21      /* Is a directory */,
+        InVal          = 22      /* Invalid argument */,
+        NFile          = 23      /* File table overflow */,
+        MFile          = 24      /* Too many open files */,
+        NoTty          = 25      /* Not a typewriter */,
+        TxtBsy         = 26      /* Text file busy */,
+        FBig           = 27      /* File too large */,
+        NoSpc          = 28      /* No space left on device */,
+        SPipe          = 29      /* Illegal seek */,
+        RoFs           = 30      /* Read-only file system */,
+        MLink          = 31      /* Too many links */,
+        Pipe           = 32      /* Broken pipe */,
+        Dom            = 33      /* Math argument out of domain of func */,
+        Range          = 34      /* Math result not representable */,
+        DeadLk         = 35      /* Resource deadlock would occur */,
+        NameTooLong    = 36      /* File name too long */,
+        NoLck          = 37      /* No record locks available */,
          * This error code is special: arch syscall entry code will return
@@ -48,105 +48,105 @@ namespace Ryujinx.HLE.Utilities
          * failures due to attempts to use a nonexistent syscall, syscall
          * implementations should refrain from returning -ENOSYS.
-        ENOSYS          = 38      /* Invalid system call number */,
-        ENOTEMPTY       = 39      /* Directory not empty */,
-        ELOOP           = 40      /* Too many symbolic links encountered */,
-        EWOULDBLOCK     = EAGAIN  /* Operation would block */,
-        ENOMSG          = 42      /* No message of desired type */,
-        EIDRM           = 43      /* Identifier removed */,
-        ECHRNG          = 44      /* Channel number out of range */,
-        EL2NSYNC        = 45      /* Level 2 not synchronized */,
-        EL3HLT          = 46      /* Level 3 halted */,
-        EL3RST          = 47      /* Level 3 reset */,
-        ELNRNG          = 48      /* Link number out of range */,
-        EUNATCH         = 49      /* Protocol driver not attached */,
-        ENOCSI          = 50      /* No CSI structure available */,
-        EL2HLT          = 51      /* Level 2 halted */,
-        EBADE           = 52      /* Invalid exchange */,
-        EBADR           = 53      /* Invalid request descriptor */,
-        EXFULL          = 54      /* Exchange full */,
-        ENOANO          = 55      /* No anode */,
-        EBADRQC         = 56      /* Invalid request code */,
-        EBADSLT         = 57      /* Invalid slot */,
-        EDEADLOCK       = EDEADLK,
-        EBFONT          = 59      /* Bad font file format */,
-        ENOSTR          = 60      /* Device not a stream */,
-        ENODATA         = 61      /* No data available */,
-        ETIME           = 62      /* Timer expired */,
-        ENOSR           = 63      /* Out of streams resources */,
-        ENONET          = 64      /* Machine is not on the network */,
-        ENOPKG          = 65      /* Package not installed */,
-        EREMOTE         = 66      /* Object is remote */,
-        ENOLINK         = 67      /* Link has been severed */,
-        EADV            = 68      /* Advertise error */,
-        ESRMNT          = 69      /* Srmount error */,
-        ECOMM           = 70      /* Communication error on send */,
-        EPROTO          = 71      /* Protocol error */,
-        EMULTIHOP       = 72      /* Multihop attempted */,
-        EDOTDOT         = 73      /* RFS specific error */,
-        EBADMSG         = 74      /* Not a data message */,
-        EOVERFLOW       = 75      /* Value too large for defined data type */,
-        ENOTUNIQ        = 76      /* Name not unique on network */,
-        EBADFD          = 77      /* File descriptor in bad state */,
-        EREMCHG         = 78      /* Remote address changed */,
-        ELIBACC         = 79      /* Can not access a needed shared library */,
-        ELIBBAD         = 80      /* Accessing a corrupted shared library */,
-        ELIBSCN         = 81      /* .lib section in a.out corrupted */,
-        ELIBMAX         = 82      /* Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */,
-        ELIBEXEC        = 83      /* Cannot exec a shared library directly */,
-        EILSEQ          = 84      /* Illegal byte sequence */,
-        ERESTART        = 85      /* Interrupted system call should be restarted */,
-        ESTRPIPE        = 86      /* Streams pipe error */,
-        EUSERS          = 87      /* Too many users */,
-        ENOTSOCK        = 88      /* Socket operation on non-socket */,
-        EDESTADDRREQ    = 89      /* Destination address required */,
-        EMSGSIZE        = 90      /* Message too long */,
-        EPROTOTYPE      = 91      /* Protocol wrong type for socket */,
-        ENOPROTOOPT     = 92      /* Protocol not available */,
-        EPROTONOSUPPORT = 93      /* Protocol not supported */,
-        ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = 94      /* Socket type not supported */,
-        EOPNOTSUPP      = 95      /* Operation not supported on transport endpoint */,
-        EPFNOSUPPORT    = 96      /* Protocol family not supported */,
-        EAFNOSUPPORT    = 97      /* Address family not supported by protocol */,
-        EADDRINUSE      = 98      /* Address already in use */,
-        EADDRNOTAVAIL   = 99      /* Cannot assign requested address */,
-        ENETDOWN        = 100     /* Network is down */,
-        ENETUNREACH     = 101     /* Network is unreachable */,
-        ENETRESET       = 102     /* Network dropped connection because of reset */,
-        ECONNABORTED    = 103     /* Software caused connection abort */,
-        ECONNRESET      = 104     /* Connection reset by peer */,
-        ENOBUFS         = 105     /* No buffer space available */,
-        EISCONN         = 106     /* Transport endpoint is already connected */,
-        ENOTCONN        = 107     /* Transport endpoint is not connected */,
-        ESHUTDOWN       = 108     /* Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown */,
-        ETOOMANYREFS    = 109     /* Too many references: cannot splice */,
-        ETIMEDOUT       = 110     /* Connection timed out */,
-        ECONNREFUSED    = 111     /* Connection refused */,
-        EHOSTDOWN       = 112     /* Host is down */,
-        EHOSTUNREACH    = 113     /* No route to host */,
-        EALREADY        = 114     /* Operation already in progress */,
-        EINPROGRESS     = 115     /* Operation now in progress */,
-        ESTALE          = 116     /* Stale file handle */,
-        EUCLEAN         = 117     /* Structure needs cleaning */,
-        ENOTNAM         = 118     /* Not a XENIX named type file */,
-        ENAVAIL         = 119     /* No XENIX semaphores available */,
-        EISNAM          = 120     /* Is a named type file */,
-        EREMOTEIO       = 121     /* Remote I/O error */,
-        EDQUOT          = 122     /* Quota exceeded */,
-        ENOMEDIUM       = 123     /* No medium found */,
-        EMEDIUMTYPE     = 124     /* Wrong medium type */,
-        ECANCELED       = 125     /* Operation Canceled */,
-        ENOKEY          = 126     /* Required key not available */,
-        EKEYEXPIRED     = 127     /* Key has expired */,
-        EKEYREVOKED     = 128     /* Key has been revoked */,
-        EKEYREJECTED    = 129     /* Key was rejected by service */,
+        NoSys          = 38      /* Invalid system call number */,
+        NotEmpty       = 39      /* Directory not empty */,
+        Loop           = 40      /* Too many symbolic links encountered */,
+        WouldBlock     = Again  /* Operation would block */,
+        NoMsg          = 42      /* No message of desired type */,
+        IdRm           = 43      /* Identifier removed */,
+        ChRng          = 44      /* Channel number out of range */,
+        L2NSync        = 45      /* Level 2 not synchronized */,
+        L3Hlt          = 46      /* Level 3 halted */,
+        L3Rst          = 47      /* Level 3 reset */,
+        LnRng          = 48      /* Link number out of range */,
+        UnAtch         = 49      /* Protocol driver not attached */,
+        NoCsi          = 50      /* No CSI structure available */,
+        L2Hlt          = 51      /* Level 2 halted */,
+        BadE           = 52      /* Invalid exchange */,
+        BadR           = 53      /* Invalid request descriptor */,
+        XFull          = 54      /* Exchange full */,
+        NoAno          = 55      /* No anode */,
+        BadRqC         = 56      /* Invalid request code */,
+        BadSlt         = 57      /* Invalid slot */,
+        DeadLock       = DeadLk,
+        BFont          = 59      /* Bad font file format */,
+        NoStr          = 60      /* Device not a stream */,
+        NoData         = 61      /* No data available */,
+        Time           = 62      /* Timer expired */,
+        NoSr           = 63      /* Out of streams resources */,
+        NoNet          = 64      /* Machine is not on the network */,
+        NoPkg          = 65      /* Package not installed */,
+        Remote         = 66      /* Object is remote */,
+        NoLink         = 67      /* Link has been severed */,
+        Adv            = 68      /* Advertise error */,
+        Stmnt          = 69      /* Srmount error */,
+        Comm           = 70      /* Communication error on send */,
+        Proto          = 71      /* Protocol error */,
+        Multihop       = 72      /* Multihop attempted */,
+        DotDot         = 73      /* RFS specific error */,
+        BadMsg         = 74      /* Not a data message */,
+        Overflow       = 75      /* Value too large for defined data type */,
+        NotUniq        = 76      /* Name not unique on network */,
+        BadFd          = 77      /* File descriptor in bad state */,
+        RemChg         = 78      /* Remote address changed */,
+        LibAcc         = 79      /* Can not access a needed shared library */,
+        LibBad         = 80      /* Accessing a corrupted shared library */,
+        LibScn         = 81      /* .lib section in a.out corrupted */,
+        LibMax         = 82      /* Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */,
+        LibExec        = 83      /* Cannot exec a shared library directly */,
+        IlSeq          = 84      /* Illegal byte sequence */,
+        Restart        = 85      /* Interrupted system call should be restarted */,
+        StrPipe        = 86      /* Streams pipe error */,
+        Users          = 87      /* Too many users */,
+        NotSock        = 88      /* Socket operation on non-socket */,
+        DestAddrReq    = 89      /* Destination address required */,
+        MsgSize        = 90      /* Message too long */,
+        ProtoType      = 91      /* Protocol wrong type for socket */,
+        NoProtoOpt     = 92      /* Protocol not available */,
+        ProtoNoSupport = 93      /* Protocol not supported */,
+        SocktNoSupport = 94      /* Socket type not supported */,
+        OpNotSupp      = 95      /* Operation not supported on transport endpoint */,
+        PfNoSupport    = 96      /* Protocol family not supported */,
+        AfNoSupport    = 97      /* Address family not supported by protocol */,
+        AddrInUse      = 98      /* Address already in use */,
+        AddrNotAvail   = 99      /* Cannot assign requested address */,
+        NetDown        = 100     /* Network is down */,
+        NetUnReach     = 101     /* Network is unreachable */,
+        NetReset       = 102     /* Network dropped connection because of reset */,
+        ConnAborted    = 103     /* Software caused connection abort */,
+        ConnReset      = 104     /* Connection reset by peer */,
+        NoBufs         = 105     /* No buffer space available */,
+        IsConn         = 106     /* Transport endpoint is already connected */,
+        NotConn        = 107     /* Transport endpoint is not connected */,
+        Shutdown       = 108     /* Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown */,
+        TooManyRefs    = 109     /* Too many references: cannot splice */,
+        TimedOut       = 110     /* Connection timed out */,
+        ConnRefused    = 111     /* Connection refused */,
+        HostDown       = 112     /* Host is down */,
+        HostUnReach    = 113     /* No route to host */,
+        Already        = 114     /* Operation already in progress */,
+        InProgress     = 115     /* Operation now in progress */,
+        Stale          = 116     /* Stale file handle */,
+        UClean         = 117     /* Structure needs cleaning */,
+        NotNam         = 118     /* Not a XENIX named type file */,
+        NAvail         = 119     /* No XENIX semaphores available */,
+        IsNam          = 120     /* Is a named type file */,
+        RemoteIo       = 121     /* Remote I/O error */,
+        DQuot          = 122     /* Quota exceeded */,
+        NoMedium       = 123     /* No medium found */,
+        MediumType     = 124     /* Wrong medium type */,
+        Canceled       = 125     /* Operation Canceled */,
+        NoKey          = 126     /* Required key not available */,
+        KeyExpired     = 127     /* Key has expired */,
+        KeyRevoked     = 128     /* Key has been revoked */,
+        KeyRejected    = 129     /* Key was rejected by service */,
         /* for robust mutexes */
-        EOWNERDEAD      = 130     /* Owner died */,
-        ENOTRECOVERABLE = 131     /* State not recoverable */,
+        OwnerDead      = 130     /* Owner died */,
+        NotRecoverable = 131     /* State not recoverable */,
-        ERFKILL         = 132     /* Operation not possible due to RF-kill */,
+        RfKill         = 132     /* Operation not possible due to RF-kill */,
-        EHWPOISON       = 133     /* Memory page has hardware error */,
+        HwPoison       = 133     /* Memory page has hardware error */,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/WSAError.cs b/Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/WSAError.cs
index ff0896d47..91cf14df0 100644
--- a/Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/WSAError.cs
+++ b/Ryujinx.HLE/Utilities/WSAError.cs
@@ -1,82 +1,82 @@
 namespace Ryujinx.HLE.Utilities
-    enum WSAError
+    internal enum WsaError
         * All Windows Sockets error constants are biased by WSABASEERR from
         * the "normal"
-        WSABASEERR                 = 10000,
+        BaseError                   = 10000,
         * Windows Sockets definitions of regular Microsoft C error constants
-        WSAEINTR                   = (WSABASEERR + 4),
-        WSAEBADF                   = (WSABASEERR + 9),
-        WSAEACCES                  = (WSABASEERR + 13),
-        WSAEFAULT                  = (WSABASEERR + 14),
-        WSAEINVAL                  = (WSABASEERR + 22),
-        WSAEMFILE                  = (WSABASEERR + 24),
+        Interrupted                 = (BaseError + 4),
+        BadFileHandle               = (BaseError + 9),
+        AccessDenied                = (BaseError + 13),
+        Fault                       = (BaseError + 14),
+        InvalidArgument             = (BaseError + 22),
+        TooManyOpenSockets          = (BaseError + 24),
          * Windows Sockets definitions of regular Berkeley error constants
-        WSAEWOULDBLOCK              = (WSABASEERR + 35),
-        WSAEINPROGRESS              = (WSABASEERR + 36),
-        WSAEALREADY                 = (WSABASEERR + 37),
-        WSAENOTSOCK                 = (WSABASEERR + 38),
-        WSAEDESTADDRREQ             = (WSABASEERR + 39),
-        WSAEMSGSIZE                 = (WSABASEERR + 40),
-        WSAEPROTOTYPE               = (WSABASEERR + 41),
-        WSAENOPROTOOPT              = (WSABASEERR + 42),
-        WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT          = (WSABASEERR + 43),
-        WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT          = (WSABASEERR + 44),
-        WSAEOPNOTSUPP               = (WSABASEERR + 45),
-        WSAEPFNOSUPPORT             = (WSABASEERR + 46),
-        WSAEAFNOSUPPORT             = (WSABASEERR + 47),
-        WSAEADDRINUSE               = (WSABASEERR + 48),
-        WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL            = (WSABASEERR + 49),
-        WSAENETDOWN                 = (WSABASEERR + 50),
-        WSAENETUNREACH              = (WSABASEERR + 51),
-        WSAENETRESET                = (WSABASEERR + 52),
-        WSAECONNABORTED             = (WSABASEERR + 53),
-        WSAECONNRESET               = (WSABASEERR + 54),
-        WSAENOBUFS                  = (WSABASEERR + 55),
-        WSAEISCONN                  = (WSABASEERR + 56),
-        WSAENOTCONN                 = (WSABASEERR + 57),
-        WSAESHUTDOWN                = (WSABASEERR + 58),
-        WSAETOOMANYREFS             = (WSABASEERR + 59),
-        WSAETIMEDOUT                = (WSABASEERR + 60),
-        WSAECONNREFUSED             = (WSABASEERR + 61),
-        WSAELOOP                    = (WSABASEERR + 62),
-        WSAENAMETOOLONG             = (WSABASEERR + 63),
-        WSAEHOSTDOWN                = (WSABASEERR + 64),
-        WSAEHOSTUNREACH             = (WSABASEERR + 65),
-        WSAENOTEMPTY                = (WSABASEERR + 66),
-        WSAEPROCLIM                 = (WSABASEERR + 67),
-        WSAEUSERS                   = (WSABASEERR + 68),
-        WSAEDQUOT                   = (WSABASEERR + 69),
-        WSAESTALE                   = (WSABASEERR + 70),
-        WSAEREMOTE                  = (WSABASEERR + 71),
+        WouldBlock                  = (BaseError + 35),
+        InProgress                  = (BaseError + 36),
+        AlreadyInProgress           = (BaseError + 37),
+        NotSocket                   = (BaseError + 38),
+        DestinationAddressRequired  = (BaseError + 39),
+        MessageSize                 = (BaseError + 40),
+        ProtocolType                = (BaseError + 41),
+        ProtocolOption              = (BaseError + 42),
+        ProtocolNotSupported        = (BaseError + 43),
+        SocketNotSupported          = (BaseError + 44),
+        OperationNotSupported       = (BaseError + 45),
+        ProtocolFamilyNotSupported  = (BaseError + 46),
+        AddressFamilyNotSupported   = (BaseError + 47),
+        AddressAlreadyInUse         = (BaseError + 48),
+        AddressNotAvailable         = (BaseError + 49),
+        NetworkDown                 = (BaseError + 50),
+        NetworkUnreachable          = (BaseError + 51),
+        NetworkReset                = (BaseError + 52),
+        ConnectionAborted           = (BaseError + 53),
+        ConnectionReset             = (BaseError + 54),
+        NoBufferSpaceAvailable      = (BaseError + 55),
+        IsConnected                 = (BaseError + 56),
+        NotConnected                = (BaseError + 57),
+        Shutdown                    = (BaseError + 58),
+        TooManyReferences           = (BaseError + 59),
+        TimedOut                    = (BaseError + 60),
+        ConnectionRefused           = (BaseError + 61),
+        Loop                        = (BaseError + 62),
+        NameTooLong                 = (BaseError + 63),
+        HostDown                    = (BaseError + 64),
+        HostUnreachable             = (BaseError + 65),
+        NotEmpty                    = (BaseError + 66),
+        ProcessLimit                = (BaseError + 67),
+        UserQuota                   = (BaseError + 68),
+        DiskQuota                   = (BaseError + 69),
+        Stale                       = (BaseError + 70),
+        Remote                      = (BaseError + 71),
          * Extended Windows Sockets error constant definitions
-        WSASYSNOTREADY             = (WSABASEERR + 91),
-        WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED         = (WSABASEERR + 92),
-        WSANOTINITIALISED          = (WSABASEERR + 93),
-        WSAEDISCON                 = (WSABASEERR + 101),
-        WSAENOMORE                 = (WSABASEERR + 102),
-        WSAECANCELLED              = (WSABASEERR + 103),
-        WSASYSCALLFAILURE          = (WSABASEERR + 107),
-        WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND       = (WSABASEERR + 108),
-        WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND          = (WSABASEERR + 109),
-        WSA_E_NO_MORE              = (WSABASEERR + 110),
-        WSA_E_CANCELLED            = (WSABASEERR + 111),
-        WSAEREFUSED                = (WSABASEERR + 112),
+        SystemNotReady              = (BaseError + 91),
+        VersionNotSupported         = (BaseError + 92),
+        NotInitialized              = (BaseError + 93),
+        Disconnecting               = (BaseError + 101),
+        NoMoreResultsOld            = (BaseError + 102),
+        CancelledOld                = (BaseError + 103),
+        InvalidProcedureCallTable   = (BaseError + 104),
+        InvalidProvider             = (BaseError + 105),
+        ProviderFailedInit          = (BaseError + 106),
+        SysCallFailure              = (BaseError + 107),
+        ServiceNotFound             = (BaseError + 108),
+        TypeNotFound                = (BaseError + 109),
+        NoMoreResults               = (BaseError + 110),
+        Cancelled                   = (BaseError + 111),
+        Refused                     = (BaseError + 112),
          * Error return codes from gethostbyname() and gethostbyaddr()
@@ -90,42 +90,42 @@
         /* Authoritative Answer: Host not found */
-        WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND          = (WSABASEERR + 1001),
+        HostNotFound           = (BaseError + 1001),
         /* Non-Authoritative: Host not found, or SERVERFAIL */
-        WSATRY_AGAIN               = (WSABASEERR + 1002),
+        TryAgain               = (BaseError + 1002),
         /* Non-recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP */
-        WSANO_RECOVERY             = (WSABASEERR + 1003),
+        NoRecovery             = (BaseError + 1003),
         /* Valid name, no data record of requested type */
-        WSANO_DATA                 = (WSABASEERR + 1004),
+        NoData                 = (BaseError + 1004),
          * Define QOS related error return codes
-        WSA_QOS_RECEIVERS          = (WSABASEERR + 1005),
+        QosReceivers           = (BaseError + 1005),
         /* at least one Reserve has arrived */
-        WSA_QOS_SENDERS            = (WSABASEERR + 1006),
+        QosSenders             = (BaseError + 1006),
         /* at least one Path has arrived */
-        WSA_QOS_NO_SENDERS         = (WSABASEERR + 1007),
+        QosNoSenders           = (BaseError + 1007),
         /* there are no senders */
-        WSA_QOS_NO_RECEIVERS       = (WSABASEERR + 1008),
+        QosNoReceivers         = (BaseError + 1008),
         /* there are no receivers */
+        QosRequestConfirmed    = (BaseError + 1009),
         /* Reserve has been confirmed */
+        QosAdmissionFailure    = (BaseError + 1010),
         /* error due to lack of resources */
-        WSA_QOS_POLICY_FAILURE     = (WSABASEERR + 1011),
+        QosPolicyFailure       = (BaseError + 1011),
         /* rejected for administrative reasons - bad credentials */
-        WSA_QOS_BAD_STYLE          = (WSABASEERR + 1012),
+        QosBadStyle            = (BaseError + 1012),
         /* unknown or conflicting style */
-        WSA_QOS_BAD_OBJECT         = (WSABASEERR + 1013),
+        QosBadObject           = (BaseError + 1013),
         /* problem with some part of the filterspec or providerspecific
          * buffer in general */
+        QosTrafficCtrlError    = (BaseError + 1014),
         /* problem with some part of the flowspec */
-        WSA_QOS_GENERIC_ERROR      = (WSABASEERR + 1015),
+        QosGenericError        = (BaseError + 1015),