LittleCube d33d381617
Show error when zip command is not found by linux (#94)
* Show error when zip command is not found by linux

* Exit on linux if zip command is not found
2024-09-15 17:59:19 -04:00

1113 lines
50 KiB

#include <array>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "fmt/format.h"
#include "fmt/ostream.h"
#include "n64recomp.h"
#include <toml++/toml.hpp>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
constexpr std::string_view symbol_filename = "mod_syms.bin";
constexpr std::string_view binary_filename = "mod_binary.bin";
constexpr std::string_view manifest_filename = "manifest.json";
struct ModManifest {
std::string mod_id;
std::string version_string;
std::vector<std::string> authors;
std::string game_id;
std::string minimum_recomp_version;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> native_libraries;
std::vector<std::string> dependencies;
std::vector<std::string> full_dependency_strings;
struct ModInputs {
std::filesystem::path elf_path;
std::filesystem::path func_reference_syms_file_path;
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> data_reference_syms_file_paths;
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> additional_files;
struct ModConfig {
ModManifest manifest;
ModInputs inputs;
static std::filesystem::path concat_if_not_empty(const std::filesystem::path& parent, const std::filesystem::path& child) {
if (child.is_absolute()) {
return child;
if (!child.empty()) {
return parent / child;
return child;
static bool validate_version_string(std::string_view str, bool& has_label) {
std::array<size_t, 2> period_indices;
size_t num_periods = 0;
size_t cur_pos = 0;
uint16_t major;
uint16_t minor;
uint16_t patch;
// Find the 2 required periods.
cur_pos = str.find('.', cur_pos);
period_indices[0] = cur_pos;
cur_pos = str.find('.', cur_pos + 1);
period_indices[1] = cur_pos;
// Check that both were found.
if (period_indices[0] == std::string::npos || period_indices[1] == std::string::npos) {
return false;
// Parse the 3 numbers formed by splitting the string via the periods.
std::array<std::from_chars_result, 3> parse_results;
std::array<size_t, 3> parse_starts { 0, period_indices[0] + 1, period_indices[1] + 1 };
std::array<size_t, 3> parse_ends { period_indices[0], period_indices[1], str.size() };
parse_results[0] = std::from_chars(str.data() + parse_starts[0], str.data() + parse_ends[0], major);
parse_results[1] = std::from_chars(str.data() + parse_starts[1], str.data() + parse_ends[1], minor);
parse_results[2] = std::from_chars(str.data() + parse_starts[2], str.data() + parse_ends[2], patch);
// Check that the first two parsed correctly.
auto did_parse = [&](size_t i) {
return parse_results[i].ec == std::errc{} && parse_results[i].ptr == str.data() + parse_ends[i];
if (!did_parse(0) || !did_parse(1)) {
return false;
// Check that the third had a successful parse, but not necessarily read all the characters.
if (parse_results[2].ec != std::errc{}) {
return false;
// Allow a plus or minus directly after the third number.
if (parse_results[2].ptr != str.data() + parse_ends[2]) {
has_label = true;
if (*parse_results[2].ptr != '+' && *parse_results[2].ptr != '-') {
// Failed to parse, as nothing is allowed directly after the last number besides a plus or minus.
return false;
else {
has_label = false;
return true;
static bool validate_dependency_string(const std::string& val, size_t& name_length, bool& has_label) {
std::string ret;
size_t name_length_temp;
// Don't allow an empty dependency name.
if (val.size() == 0) {
return false;
bool validated_name;
bool validated_version;
// Check if there's a version number specified.
size_t colon_pos = val.find(':');
if (colon_pos == std::string::npos) {
// No version present, so just validate the dependency's id.
validated_name = N64Recomp::validate_mod_id(std::string_view{val});
name_length_temp = val.size();
validated_version = true;
has_label = false;
else {
// Version present, validate it.
// Don't allow an empty dependency name after accounting for the colon.
if (colon_pos == 0) {
return false;
name_length_temp = colon_pos;
// Validate the dependency's id and version.
validated_name = N64Recomp::validate_mod_id(std::string_view{val.begin(), val.begin() + colon_pos});
validated_version = validate_version_string(std::string_view{val.begin() + colon_pos + 1, val.end()}, has_label);
if (validated_name && validated_version) {
name_length = name_length_temp;
return true;
return false;
template <typename T>
static T read_toml_value(const toml::table& data, std::string_view key, bool required) {
const toml::node* value_node = data.get(key);
if (value_node == nullptr) {
if (required) {
throw toml::parse_error(("Missing required field " + std::string{key}).c_str(), data.source());
else {
return T{};
std::optional<T> opt = value_node->value_exact<T>();
if (opt.has_value()) {
return opt.value();
else {
throw toml::parse_error(("Incorrect type for field " + std::string{key}).c_str(), data.source());
static const toml::array& read_toml_array(const toml::table& data, std::string_view key, bool required) {
static const toml::array empty_array = toml::array{};
const toml::node* value_node = data.get(key);
if (value_node == nullptr) {
if (required) {
throw toml::parse_error(("Missing required field " + std::string{ key }).c_str(), data.source());
else {
return empty_array;
if (!value_node->is_array()) {
throw toml::parse_error(("Incorrect type for field " + std::string{ key }).c_str(), value_node->source());
return *value_node->as_array();
static std::vector<std::filesystem::path> get_toml_path_array(const toml::array& toml_array, const std::filesystem::path& basedir) {
std::vector<std::filesystem::path> ret;
// Reserve room for all the funcs in the map.
toml_array.for_each([&ret, &basedir](auto&& el) {
if constexpr (toml::is_string<decltype(el)>) {
ret.emplace_back(concat_if_not_empty(basedir, el.template ref<std::string>()));
else {
throw toml::parse_error("Invalid type for file entry", el.source());
return ret;
ModManifest parse_mod_config_manifest(const std::filesystem::path& basedir, const toml::table& manifest_table) {
ModManifest ret;
// Mod ID
ret.mod_id = read_toml_value<std::string_view>(manifest_table, "id", true);
// Mod version
ret.version_string = read_toml_value<std::string_view>(manifest_table, "version", true);
bool version_has_label;
if (!validate_version_string(ret.version_string, version_has_label)) {
throw toml::parse_error("Invalid mod version", manifest_table["version"].node()->source());
// Authors
const toml::array& authors_array = read_toml_array(manifest_table, "authors", true);
authors_array.for_each([&ret](auto&& el) {
if constexpr (toml::is_string<decltype(el)>) {
ret.authors.emplace_back(el.template ref<std::string>());
else {
throw toml::parse_error("Invalid type for author entry", el.source());
// Game ID
ret.game_id = read_toml_value<std::string_view>(manifest_table, "game_id", true);
// Minimum recomp version
ret.minimum_recomp_version = read_toml_value<std::string_view>(manifest_table, "minimum_recomp_version", true);
bool minimum_recomp_version_has_label;
if (!validate_version_string(ret.minimum_recomp_version, minimum_recomp_version_has_label)) {
throw toml::parse_error("Invalid minimum recomp version", manifest_table["minimum_recomp_version"].node()->source());
if (minimum_recomp_version_has_label) {
throw toml::parse_error("Minimum recomp version may not have a label", manifest_table["minimum_recomp_version"].node()->source());
// Native libraries (optional)
const toml::array& native_libraries = read_toml_array(manifest_table, "native_libraries", false);
if (!native_libraries.empty()) {
native_libraries.for_each([&ret](const auto& el) {
if constexpr (toml::is_table<decltype(el)>) {
const toml::table& el_table = *el.as_table();
std::string_view library_name = read_toml_value<std::string_view>(el_table, "name", true);
const toml::array funcs_array = read_toml_array(el_table, "funcs", true);
std::vector<std::string> cur_funcs{};
funcs_array.for_each([&ret, &cur_funcs](const auto& func_el) {
if constexpr (toml::is_string<decltype(func_el)>) {
cur_funcs.emplace_back(func_el.template ref<std::string>());
else {
throw toml::parse_error("Invalid type for native library function entry", func_el.source());
ret.native_libraries.emplace(std::string{library_name}, std::move(cur_funcs));
else {
throw toml::parse_error("Invalid type for native library entry", el.source());
// Dependency list (optional)
const toml::array& dependency_array = read_toml_array(manifest_table, "dependencies", false);
if (!dependency_array.empty()) {
// Reserve room for all the dependencies.
dependency_array.for_each([&ret](const auto& el) {
if constexpr (toml::is_string<decltype(el)>) {
size_t dependency_id_length;
bool dependency_version_has_label;
if (!validate_dependency_string(el.template ref<std::string>(), dependency_id_length, dependency_version_has_label)) {
throw toml::parse_error("Invalid dependency entry", el.source());
if (dependency_version_has_label) {
throw toml::parse_error("Dependency versions may not have labels", el.source());
std::string dependency_id = el.template ref<std::string>().substr(0, dependency_id_length);
ret.full_dependency_strings.emplace_back(el.template ref<std::string>());
else {
throw toml::parse_error("Invalid type for dependency entry", el.source());
return ret;
ModInputs parse_mod_config_inputs(const std::filesystem::path& basedir, const toml::table& inputs_table) {
ModInputs ret;
// Elf file
std::optional<std::string> elf_path_opt = inputs_table["elf_path"].value<std::string>();
if (elf_path_opt.has_value()) {
ret.elf_path = concat_if_not_empty(basedir, elf_path_opt.value());
else {
throw toml::parse_error("Mod toml input section is missing elf file", inputs_table.source());
// Function reference symbols file
std::optional<std::string> func_reference_syms_file_opt = inputs_table["func_reference_syms_file"].value<std::string>();
if (func_reference_syms_file_opt.has_value()) {
ret.func_reference_syms_file_path = concat_if_not_empty(basedir, func_reference_syms_file_opt.value());
else {
throw toml::parse_error("Mod toml input section is missing function reference symbol file", inputs_table.source());
// Data reference symbols files
toml::node_view data_reference_syms_file_data = inputs_table["data_reference_syms_files"];
if (data_reference_syms_file_data.is_array()) {
const toml::array& array = *data_reference_syms_file_data.as_array();
ret.data_reference_syms_file_paths = get_toml_path_array(array, basedir);
else {
if (data_reference_syms_file_data) {
throw toml::parse_error("Mod toml input section is missing data reference symbol file list", inputs_table.source());
else {
throw toml::parse_error("Invalid data reference symbol file list", data_reference_syms_file_data.node()->source());
// Additional files (optional)
const toml::array& additional_files_array = read_toml_array(inputs_table, "additional_files", false);
if (!additional_files_array.empty()) {
ret.additional_files = get_toml_path_array(additional_files_array, basedir);
return ret;
ModConfig parse_mod_config(const std::filesystem::path& config_path, bool& good) {
ModConfig ret{};
good = false;
toml::table toml_data{};
try {
toml_data = toml::parse_file(config_path.native());
std::filesystem::path basedir = config_path.parent_path();
// Find the manifest section and validate its type.
const toml::node* manifest_data_ptr = toml_data.get("manifest");
if (manifest_data_ptr == nullptr) {
throw toml::parse_error("Mod toml is missing manifest section", toml::source_region{});
if (!manifest_data_ptr->is_table()) {
throw toml::parse_error("Incorrect type for mod toml manifest section", manifest_data_ptr->source());
const toml::table& manifest_table = *manifest_data_ptr->as_table();
// Find the inputs section and validate its type.
const toml::node* inputs_data_ptr = toml_data.get("inputs");
if (inputs_data_ptr == nullptr) {
throw toml::parse_error("Mod toml is missing inputs section", toml::source_region{});
if (!inputs_data_ptr->is_table()) {
throw toml::parse_error("Incorrect type for mod toml inputs section", inputs_data_ptr->source());
const toml::table& inputs_table = *inputs_data_ptr->as_table();
// Parse the manifest.
ret.manifest = parse_mod_config_manifest(basedir, manifest_table);
// Parse the inputs.
ret.inputs = parse_mod_config_inputs(basedir, inputs_table);
catch (const toml::parse_error& err) {
std::cerr << "Syntax error parsing toml: " << config_path << " (" << err.source().begin << "):\n" << err.description() << std::endl;
return {};
good = true;
return ret;
static inline uint32_t round_up_16(uint32_t value) {
return (value + 15) & (~15);
bool parse_callback_name(std::string_view data, std::string& dependency_name, std::string& event_name) {
size_t period_pos = data.find(':');
if (period_pos == std::string::npos) {
return false;
std::string_view dependency_name_view = std::string_view{data}.substr(0, period_pos);
std::string_view event_name_view = std::string_view{data}.substr(period_pos + 1);
if (!N64Recomp::validate_mod_id(dependency_name_view)) {
return false;
dependency_name = dependency_name_view;
event_name = event_name_view;
return true;
void print_vector_elements(std::ostream& output_file, const std::vector<std::string>& vec, bool compact) {
char separator = compact ? ' ' : '\n';
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {
const std::string& val = vec[i];
fmt::print(output_file, "{}\"{}\"{}{}",
compact ? "" : " ", val, i == vec.size() - 1 ? "" : ",", separator);
void write_manifest(const std::filesystem::path& path, const ModManifest& manifest) {
std::ofstream output_file(path);
" \"game_id\": \"{}\",\n"
" \"id\": \"{}\",\n"
" \"version\": \"{}\",\n"
" \"authors\": [\n",
manifest.game_id, manifest.mod_id, manifest.version_string);
print_vector_elements(output_file, manifest.authors, false);
" ],\n"
" \"minimum_recomp_version\": \"{}\"",
if (!manifest.native_libraries.empty()) {
fmt::print(output_file, ",\n"
" \"native_libraries\": {{\n");
size_t library_index = 0;
for (const auto& [library, funcs] : manifest.native_libraries) {
fmt::print(output_file, " \"{}\": [ ",
print_vector_elements(output_file, funcs, true);
fmt::print(output_file, "]{}\n",
library_index == manifest.native_libraries.size() - 1 ? "" : ",");
fmt::print(output_file, " }}");
if (!manifest.full_dependency_strings.empty()) {
fmt::print(output_file, ",\n"
" \"dependencies\": [\n");
print_vector_elements(output_file, manifest.full_dependency_strings, false);
fmt::print(output_file, " ]");
fmt::print(output_file, "\n}}\n");
N64Recomp::Context build_mod_context(const N64Recomp::Context& input_context, bool& good) {
N64Recomp::Context ret{};
good = false;
// Make a vector containing 0, 1, 2, ... section count - 1
std::vector<uint16_t> section_order;
std::iota(section_order.begin(), section_order.end(), 0);
// TODO this sort is currently disabled because sections seem to already be ordered
// by elf offset. Determine if this is always the case and remove this if so.
//// Sort the vector based on the rom address of the corresponding section.
//std::sort(section_order.begin(), section_order.end(),
// [&](uint16_t a, uint16_t b) {
// const auto& section_a = input_context.sections[a];
// const auto& section_b = input_context.sections[b];
// // Sort primarily by ROM address.
// if (section_a.rom_addr != section_b.rom_addr) {
// return section_a.rom_addr < section_b.rom_addr;
// }
// // Sort secondarily by RAM address.
// return section_a.ram_addr < section_b.ram_addr;
// }
// TODO avoid a copy here.
ret.rom = input_context.rom;
// Copy the dependency data from the input context.
ret.dependencies_by_name = input_context.dependencies_by_name;
ret.import_symbols = input_context.import_symbols;
ret.dependency_events = input_context.dependency_events;
ret.dependency_events_by_name = input_context.dependency_events_by_name;
ret.dependency_imports_by_name = input_context.dependency_imports_by_name;
uint32_t rom_to_ram = (uint32_t)-1;
size_t output_section_index = (size_t)-1;
// Mapping of input section to output section for fixing up relocations.
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, uint16_t> input_section_to_output_section{};
// Iterate over the input sections in their sorted order.
for (uint16_t section_index : section_order) {
const auto& cur_section = input_context.sections[section_index];
uint32_t cur_rom_to_ram = cur_section.ram_addr - cur_section.rom_addr;
// Check if this is a non-allocated section.
if (cur_section.rom_addr == (uint32_t)-1) {
// If so, check if it has a vram address directly after the current output section. If it does, then add this
// section's size to the output section's bss size.
if (output_section_index != -1 && cur_section.size != 0) {
auto& section_out = ret.sections[output_section_index];
uint32_t output_section_bss_start = section_out.ram_addr + section_out.size;
uint32_t output_section_bss_end = output_section_bss_start + section_out.bss_size;
// Check if the current section starts at the end of the output section, allowing for a range of matches to account for 16 byte section alignment.
if (cur_section.ram_addr >= output_section_bss_end && cur_section.ram_addr <= round_up_16(output_section_bss_end)) {
// Calculate the output section's bss size by using its non-bss end address and the current section's end address.
section_out.bss_size = cur_section.ram_addr + cur_section.size - output_section_bss_start;
input_section_to_output_section[section_index] = output_section_index;
// Check if this section matches up with the previous section to merge them together.
if (rom_to_ram == cur_rom_to_ram) {
auto& section_out = ret.sections[output_section_index];
uint32_t cur_section_end = cur_section.rom_addr + cur_section.size;
section_out.size = cur_section_end - section_out.rom_addr;
// Otherwise, create a new output section and advance to it.
else {
ret.sections.resize(output_section_index + 1);
ret.section_functions.resize(output_section_index + 1);
rom_to_ram = cur_rom_to_ram;
auto& new_section = ret.sections[output_section_index];
new_section.rom_addr = cur_section.rom_addr;
new_section.ram_addr = cur_section.ram_addr;
new_section.size = cur_section.size;
// Map this section to the current output section.
input_section_to_output_section[section_index] = output_section_index;
// Check for special section names.
bool patch_section = cur_section.name == N64Recomp::PatchSectionName;
bool force_patch_section = cur_section.name == N64Recomp::ForcedPatchSectionName;
bool export_section = cur_section.name == N64Recomp::ExportSectionName;
bool event_section = cur_section.name == N64Recomp::EventSectionName;
bool import_section = cur_section.name.starts_with(N64Recomp::ImportSectionPrefix);
bool callback_section = cur_section.name.starts_with(N64Recomp::CallbackSectionPrefix);
// Add the functions from the current input section to the current output section.
auto& section_out = ret.sections[output_section_index];
const auto& cur_section_funcs = input_context.section_functions[section_index];
// Skip the functions and relocs in this section if it's the event section, instead opting to create event functions from the section's functions.
// This has to be done to find events that are never called, which may pop up as a valid use case for maintaining backwards compatibility
// if a mod removes a call to an event but doesn't want to break mods that reference it. If this code wasn't present, then only events that are actually
// triggered would show up in the mod's symbol file.
if (event_section) {
// Create event reference symbols for any functions in the event section. Ignore functions that already
// have a symbol, since relocs from previous sections may have triggered creation of the event's reference symbol already.
for (const auto& input_func_index : cur_section_funcs) {
const auto& cur_func = input_context.functions[input_func_index];
// Check if this event already has a symbol to prevent creating a duplicate.
N64Recomp::SymbolReference event_ref;
if (!ret.find_event_symbol(cur_func.name, event_ref)) {
// Otherwise, copy the functions and relocs over from this section into the output context.
// Import sections can be skipped, as those only contain dummy functions. Imports will be found while scanning relocs.
else if (!import_section) {
for (size_t section_function_index = 0; section_function_index < cur_section_funcs.size(); section_function_index++) {
size_t output_func_index = ret.functions.size();
size_t input_func_index = cur_section_funcs[section_function_index];
const auto& cur_func = input_context.functions[input_func_index];
// If this is the patch section, create a replacement for this function.
if (patch_section || force_patch_section) {
// Find the corresponding symbol in the reference symbols.
N64Recomp::SymbolReference cur_reference;
bool original_func_exists = input_context.find_regular_reference_symbol(cur_func.name, cur_reference);
// Check that the function being patched exists in the original reference symbols.
if (!original_func_exists) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Function {} is marked as a patch but doesn't exist in the original ROM.\n", cur_func.name);
return {};
// Check that the reference symbol is actually a function.
const auto& reference_symbol = input_context.get_reference_symbol(cur_reference);
if (!reference_symbol.is_function) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Function {0} is marked as a patch, but {0} was a variable in the original ROM.\n", cur_func.name);
return {};
uint32_t reference_section_vram = input_context.get_reference_section_vram(reference_symbol.section_index);
uint32_t reference_section_rom = input_context.get_reference_section_rom(reference_symbol.section_index);
// Add a replacement for this function to the output context.
N64Recomp::FunctionReplacement {
.func_index = (uint32_t)output_func_index,
.original_section_vrom = reference_section_rom,
.original_vram = reference_section_vram + reference_symbol.section_offset,
.flags = force_patch_section ? N64Recomp::ReplacementFlags::Force : N64Recomp::ReplacementFlags{}
std::string name_out;
if (export_section) {
// Names are required for exported funcs, so copy the input function's name if we're in the export section.
name_out = cur_func.name;
if (callback_section) {
std::string dependency_name, event_name;
if (!parse_callback_name(std::string_view{ cur_section.name }.substr(N64Recomp::CallbackSectionPrefix.size()), dependency_name, event_name)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Invalid mod name or event name for callback function {}.\n",
return {};
size_t dependency_index;
if (!ret.find_dependency(dependency_name, dependency_index)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to register callback {} to event {} from mod {} as the mod is not a registered dependency.\n",
cur_func.name, event_name, dependency_name);
return {};
size_t event_index;
if (!ret.add_dependency_event(event_name, dependency_index, event_index)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Internal error: Failed to register event {} for dependency {}. Please report this issue.\n",
event_name, dependency_name);
return {};
if (!ret.add_callback(event_index, output_func_index)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Internal error: Failed to add callback {} to event {} in dependency {}. Please report this issue.\n",
cur_func.name, event_name, dependency_name);
return {};
// Add this function to the output context.
std::vector<uint32_t>{}, // words
std::move(name_out), // name
false, // ignored
false, // reimplemented
false // stubbed
// Resize the words vector so the function has the correct size. No need to copy the words, as they aren't used when making a mod symbol file.
// Copy relocs and patch HI16/LO16/26 relocs for non-relocatable reference symbols
section_out.relocs.reserve(section_out.relocs.size() + cur_section.relocs.size());
for (const auto& cur_reloc : cur_section.relocs) {
// Skip null relocs.
if (cur_reloc.type == N64Recomp::RelocType::R_MIPS_NONE) {
// Reloc to a special section symbol.
if (!input_context.is_regular_reference_section(cur_reloc.target_section)) {
// Reloc to a reference symbol.
else if (cur_reloc.reference_symbol) {
bool is_relocatable = input_context.is_reference_section_relocatable(cur_reloc.target_section);
uint32_t section_vram = input_context.get_reference_section_vram(cur_reloc.target_section);
// Patch relocations to non-relocatable reference sections.
if (!is_relocatable) {
uint32_t reloc_target_address = section_vram + cur_reloc.target_section_offset;
uint32_t reloc_rom_address = cur_reloc.address - cur_section.ram_addr + cur_section.rom_addr;
uint32_t* reloc_word_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(ret.rom.data() + reloc_rom_address);
uint32_t reloc_word = byteswap(*reloc_word_ptr);
switch (cur_reloc.type) {
case N64Recomp::RelocType::R_MIPS_32:
// Don't patch MIPS32 relocations, as they've already been patched during elf parsing.
case N64Recomp::RelocType::R_MIPS_26:
// Don't patch MIPS26 relocations, as there may be multiple functions with the same vram. Emit the reloc instead.
case N64Recomp::RelocType::R_MIPS_NONE:
// Nothing to do.
case N64Recomp::RelocType::R_MIPS_HI16:
reloc_word &= 0xFFFF0000;
reloc_word |= (reloc_target_address - (int16_t)(reloc_target_address & 0xFFFF)) >> 16 & 0xFFFF;
case N64Recomp::RelocType::R_MIPS_LO16:
reloc_word &= 0xFFFF0000;
reloc_word |= reloc_target_address & 0xFFFF;
fmt::print(stderr, "Unsupported or unknown relocation type {} in reloc at address 0x{:08X} in section {}.\n",
(int)cur_reloc.type, cur_reloc.address, cur_section.name);
return {};
*reloc_word_ptr = byteswap(reloc_word);
// Copy relocations to relocatable reference sections as-is.
else {
// Reloc to an internal symbol.
else {
const N64Recomp::Section& target_section = input_context.sections[cur_reloc.target_section];
uint32_t output_section_offset = cur_reloc.target_section_offset + target_section.ram_addr - cur_section.ram_addr;
// Check if the target section is the event section. If so, create a reference symbol reloc
// to the event symbol, creating the event symbol if necessary.
if (target_section.name == N64Recomp::EventSectionName) {
if (cur_reloc.type != N64Recomp::RelocType::R_MIPS_26) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Symbol {} is an event and cannot have its address taken.\n",
return {};
uint32_t target_function_vram = cur_reloc.target_section_offset + target_section.ram_addr;
size_t target_function_index = input_context.find_function_by_vram_section(target_function_vram, cur_reloc.target_section);
if (target_function_index == (size_t)-1) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Internal error: Failed to find event symbol in section {} with offset 0x{:08X} (vram 0x{:08X}). Please report this issue.\n",
target_section.name, cur_reloc.target_section_offset, target_function_vram);
return {};
const auto& target_function = input_context.functions[target_function_index];
// Check if this event already has a symbol to prevent creating a duplicate.
N64Recomp::SymbolReference event_ref;
if (!ret.find_event_symbol(target_function.name, event_ref)) {
// Update the event symbol reference now that the symbol was created.
ret.find_event_symbol(target_function.name, event_ref);
// Create a reloc to the event symbol.
.address = cur_reloc.address,
.target_section_offset = output_section_offset,
.symbol_index = static_cast<uint32_t>(event_ref.symbol_index),
.target_section = N64Recomp::SectionEvent,
.type = cur_reloc.type,
.reference_symbol = true,
// Check if the target is an import section. If so, create a reference symbol reloc
// to the import symbol, creating the import symbol if necessary.
else if (target_section.name.starts_with(N64Recomp::ImportSectionPrefix)) {
if (cur_reloc.type != N64Recomp::RelocType::R_MIPS_26) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Symbol {} is an import and cannot have its address taken.\n",
return {};
uint32_t target_function_vram = cur_reloc.target_section_offset + target_section.ram_addr;
size_t target_function_index = input_context.find_function_by_vram_section(target_function_vram, cur_reloc.target_section);
if (target_function_index == (size_t)-1) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Internal error: Failed to find import symbol in section {} with offset 0x{:08X} (vram 0x{:08X}). Please report this issue.\n",
target_section.name, cur_reloc.target_section_offset, target_function_vram);
return {};
const auto& target_function = input_context.functions[target_function_index];
// Find the dependency that this import belongs to.
std::string dependency_name = target_section.name.substr(N64Recomp::ImportSectionPrefix.size());
size_t dependency_index;
if (!ret.find_dependency(dependency_name, dependency_index)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to import function {} from mod {} as the mod is not a registered dependency.\n",
target_function.name, dependency_name);
return {};
// Check if this event already has a symbol to prevent creating a duplicate.
N64Recomp::SymbolReference import_ref;
if (!ret.find_import_symbol(target_function.name, dependency_index, import_ref)) {
ret.add_import_symbol(target_function.name, dependency_index);
// Update the event symbol reference now that the symbol was created.
ret.find_import_symbol(target_function.name, dependency_index, import_ref);
// Create a reloc to the event symbol.
.address = cur_reloc.address,
.target_section_offset = output_section_offset,
.symbol_index = static_cast<uint32_t>(import_ref.symbol_index),
.target_section = N64Recomp::SectionImport,
.type = cur_reloc.type,
.reference_symbol = true,
// Not an import or event section, so handle the reloc normally.
else {
uint32_t target_rom_to_ram = target_section.ram_addr - target_section.rom_addr;
bool is_noload = target_section.rom_addr == (uint32_t)-1;
if (!is_noload && target_rom_to_ram != cur_rom_to_ram) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Reloc at address 0x{:08X} in section {} points to a different section.\n",
cur_reloc.address, cur_section.name);
return {};
.address = cur_reloc.address,
// Use the original target section offset, this will be recalculated based on the output section afterwards.
.target_section_offset = cur_reloc.target_section_offset,
.symbol_index = 0,
// Use the input section index in the reloc, this will be converted to the output section afterwards.
.target_section = cur_reloc.target_section,
.type = cur_reloc.type,
.reference_symbol = false,
// Fix up every internal reloc's target section based on the input to output section mapping.
for (auto& section : ret.sections) {
for (auto& reloc : section.relocs) {
if (!reloc.reference_symbol) {
uint16_t input_section_index = reloc.target_section;
auto find_it = input_section_to_output_section.find(input_section_index);
if (find_it == input_section_to_output_section.end()) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Reloc at address 0x{:08X} references section {}, which didn't get mapped to an output section\n",
reloc.address, input_context.sections[input_section_index].name);
return {};
uint16_t output_section_index = find_it->second;
const auto& input_section = input_context.sections[input_section_index];
const auto& output_section = ret.sections[output_section_index];
// Adjust the reloc's target section offset based on the reloc's new section.
reloc.target_section_offset = reloc.target_section_offset + input_section.ram_addr - output_section.ram_addr;
// Replace the target section with the mapped output section.
reloc.target_section = find_it->second;
// Copy the reference sections from the input context as-is for resolving reference symbol relocations.
good = true;
return ret;
bool create_mod_zip(const std::filesystem::path& output_dir, const ModConfig& config) {
std::filesystem::path output_path = output_dir / (config.manifest.mod_id + "-" + config.manifest.version_string + ".nrm");
#ifdef _WIN32
std::filesystem::path temp_zip_path = output_path;
std::string command_string = fmt::format("powershell -command Compress-Archive -Force -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath \"{}\" -Path \"{}\",\"{}\",\"{}\"",
temp_zip_path.string(), (output_dir / symbol_filename).string(), (output_dir / binary_filename).string(), (output_dir / manifest_filename).string());
for (const auto& cur_file : config.inputs.additional_files) {
command_string += fmt::format(",\"{}\"", cur_file.string());
ZeroMemory( &si, sizeof(si) );
si.cb = sizeof(si);
ZeroMemory( &pi, sizeof(pi) );
std::vector<char> command_string_buffer;
command_string_buffer.resize(command_string.size() + 1);
std::copy(command_string.begin(), command_string.end(), command_string_buffer.begin());
command_string_buffer[command_string.size()] = '\x00';
if (!CreateProcessA(NULL, command_string_buffer.data(), NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Process creation failed {}\n", GetLastError());
return false;
WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &ec);
if (ec != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Compress-Archive failed with exit code {}\n", ec);
return false;
std::error_code rename_ec;
std::filesystem::rename(temp_zip_path, output_path, rename_ec);
if (rename_ec != std::error_code{}) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to rename temporary zip to output path\n");
return false;
std::string args_string{};
std::vector<size_t> arg_positions{};
// Adds an argument with a null terminator to args_string, which is used as a buffer to hold null terminated arguments.
// Also adds the argument's offset into the string into arg_positions for creating the array of character pointers for the exec.
auto add_arg = [&args_string, &arg_positions](const std::string& arg){
args_string += (arg + '\x00');
add_arg("zip"); // The program name (argv[0]).
add_arg("-q"); // Quiet mode.
add_arg("-9"); // Maximum compression level.
add_arg("-MM"); // Error if any files aren't found.
add_arg("-j"); // Junk the paths (store just as the provided filename).
add_arg("-T"); // Test zip integrity.
add_arg((output_dir / symbol_filename).string());
add_arg((output_dir / binary_filename).string());
add_arg((output_dir / manifest_filename).string());
// Add arguments for every additional file in the archive.
for (const auto& cur_file : config.inputs.additional_files) {
// Build the argument char* array in a vector.
std::vector<char*> arg_pointers{};
for (size_t arg_index = 0; arg_index < arg_positions.size(); arg_index++) {
arg_pointers.emplace_back(args_string.data() + arg_positions[arg_index]);
// Termimate the argument list with a null pointer.
// Delete the output file if it exists already.
// Fork-exec to run zip.
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == -1) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to run \"zip\"\n");
return false;
else if (pid == 0) {
// This is the child process, so exec zip with the arguments.
if (execvp(arg_pointers[0], arg_pointers.data()) == -1) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to run \"zip\" ({})\n", errno);
else {
// This is the parent process, so wait for the child process to complete and check its exit code.
int status;
if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == (pid_t)-1) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Waiting for \"zip\" failed\n");
return false;
if (status != EXIT_SUCCESS) {
fmt::print(stderr, "\"zip\" failed with exit code {}\n", status);
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
if (argc != 3) {
fmt::print("Usage: {} [mod toml] [output folder]\n", argv[0]);
bool config_good;
std::filesystem::path output_dir{ argv[2] };
if (!std::filesystem::exists(output_dir)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Specified output folder does not exist!\n");
if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(output_dir)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Specified output folder is not a folder!\n");
ModConfig config = parse_mod_config(argv[1], config_good);
if (!config_good) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to read mod config file: {}\n", argv[1]);
N64Recomp::Context context{};
// Import symbols from symbols files that were provided.
// Create a new temporary context to read the function reference symbol file into, since it's the same format as the recompilation symbol file.
std::vector<uint8_t> dummy_rom{};
N64Recomp::Context reference_context{};
if (!N64Recomp::Context::from_symbol_file(config.inputs.func_reference_syms_file_path, std::move(dummy_rom), reference_context, false)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to load provided function reference symbol file\n");
// Use the reference context to build a reference symbol list for the actual context.
if (!context.import_reference_context(reference_context)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Internal error: failed to import reference context. Please report this issue.\n");
for (const std::filesystem::path& cur_data_sym_path : config.inputs.data_reference_syms_file_paths) {
if (!context.read_data_reference_syms(cur_data_sym_path)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to load provided data reference symbol file: {}\n", cur_data_sym_path.string());
// Copy the dependencies from the config into the context.
N64Recomp::ElfParsingConfig elf_config {
.bss_section_suffix = {},
.manually_sized_funcs = {},
.relocatable_sections = {},
.has_entrypoint = false,
.entrypoint_address = 0,
.use_absolute_symbols = false,
.unpaired_lo16_warnings = false,
.all_sections_relocatable = true
bool dummy_found_entrypoint;
N64Recomp::DataSymbolMap dummy_syms_map;
bool elf_good = N64Recomp::Context::from_elf_file(config.inputs.elf_path, context, elf_config, false, dummy_syms_map, dummy_found_entrypoint);
if (!elf_good) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to parse mod elf\n");
if (context.sections.size() == 0) {
fmt::print(stderr, "No sections found in mod elf\n");
bool mod_context_good;
N64Recomp::Context mod_context = build_mod_context(context, mod_context_good);
std::vector<uint8_t> symbols_bin = N64Recomp::symbols_to_bin_v1(mod_context);
if (symbols_bin.empty()) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to create symbol file\n");
std::filesystem::path output_syms_path = output_dir / symbol_filename;
std::filesystem::path output_binary_path = output_dir / binary_filename;
std::filesystem::path output_manifest_path = output_dir / manifest_filename;
// Write the symbol file.
std::ofstream output_syms_file{ output_syms_path, std::ios::binary };
output_syms_file.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(symbols_bin.data()), symbols_bin.size());
// Write the binary file.
std::ofstream output_binary_file{ output_binary_path, std::ios::binary };
output_binary_file.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(mod_context.rom.data()), mod_context.rom.size());
// Write the manifest.
write_manifest(output_manifest_path, config.manifest);
// Create the zip.
if (!create_mod_zip(output_dir, config)) {
fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to create mod file.\n");