From 2300a4b6c95b34d46c48965e859d6f8afd0bbc13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mr-Wiseguy <>
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2022 19:55:48 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Implemented register state tracking to identify jump tables
 for jr instructions

 RecompPort.vcxproj         |   1 +
 RecompPort.vcxproj.filters |   3 +
 include/recomp_port.h      |  15 +++
 recomp.h                   |   2 +
 src/analysis.cpp           | 229 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/main.cpp               |  60 ++++++----
 src/recompilation.cpp      |  66 ++++++++++-
 7 files changed, 346 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/analysis.cpp

diff --git a/RecompPort.vcxproj b/RecompPort.vcxproj
index 6978eca..132452b 100644
--- a/RecompPort.vcxproj
+++ b/RecompPort.vcxproj
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
+    <ClCompile Include="src\analysis.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="src\main.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="src\recompilation.cpp" />
diff --git a/RecompPort.vcxproj.filters b/RecompPort.vcxproj.filters
index c3edfb2..700a836 100644
--- a/RecompPort.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/RecompPort.vcxproj.filters
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
     <ClCompile Include="src\recompilation.cpp">
       <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
+    <ClCompile Include="src\analysis.cpp">
+      <Filter>Source Files</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
     <ClInclude Include="lib\ELFIO\elfio\elfio.hpp">
diff --git a/include/recomp_port.h b/include/recomp_port.h
index 834115d..7852650 100644
--- a/include/recomp_port.h
+++ b/include/recomp_port.h
@@ -19,6 +19,15 @@ constexpr uint32_t byteswap(uint32_t val) {
 namespace RecompPort {
+    struct JumpTable {
+        uint32_t vram;
+        uint32_t addend_reg;
+        uint32_t rom;
+        uint32_t lw_vram;
+        uint32_t jr_vram;
+        std::vector<uint32_t> entries;
+    };
     struct Function {
         uint32_t vram;
         uint32_t rom;
@@ -26,11 +35,17 @@ namespace RecompPort {
         std::string name;
+    struct FunctionStats {
+        std::vector<JumpTable> jump_tables;
+    };
     struct Context {
         std::vector<RecompPort::Function> functions;
         std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::vector<size_t>> functions_by_vram;
+        std::vector<uint8_t> rom;
+    bool analyze_function(const Context& context, const Function& function, const std::vector<rabbitizer::InstructionCpu>& instructions, FunctionStats& stats);
     bool recompile_function(const Context& context, const Function& func, std::string_view output_path);
diff --git a/recomp.h b/recomp.h
index ef01f81..6cc002c 100644
--- a/recomp.h
+++ b/recomp.h
@@ -104,4 +104,6 @@ typedef struct {
     uint64_t hi, lo;
 } recomp_context;
+void switch_error(const char* func, uint32_t vram, uint32_t jtbl);
diff --git a/src/analysis.cpp b/src/analysis.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3e1e47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/analysis.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+#include <set>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "rabbitizer.hpp"
+#include "fmt/format.h"
+#include "recomp_port.h"
+extern "C" const char* RabbitizerRegister_getNameGpr(uint8_t regValue);
+// If 64-bit addressing is ever implemented, these will need to be changed to 64-bit values
+struct RegState {
+	// For tracking a register that will be used to load from RAM
+	uint32_t prev_lui;
+	uint32_t prev_addiu;
+	uint8_t prev_addend_reg;
+	bool valid_lui;
+	bool valid_addiu;
+	bool valid_addend;
+	// For tracking a register that has been loaded from RAM
+	uint32_t loaded_lw_addr;
+	uint32_t loaded_addr;
+	uint8_t loaded_addend_reg;
+	bool valid_loaded;
+	RegState() = default;
+	void invalidate() {
+		prev_lui = 0;
+		prev_addiu = 0;
+		prev_addend_reg = 0;
+		valid_lui = false;
+		valid_addiu = false;
+		valid_addend = false;
+		loaded_lw_addr = 0;
+		loaded_addr = 0;
+		loaded_addend_reg = 0;
+		valid_loaded = false;
+	}
+using InstrId = rabbitizer::InstrId::UniqueId;
+bool analyze_instruction(const rabbitizer::InstructionCpu& instr, const RecompPort::Function& func, RecompPort::FunctionStats& stats,
+	RegState reg_states[32]) {
+	// Temporary register state for tracking the register being operated on
+	RegState temp{};
+	int rd = (int)instr.GetO32_rd();
+	int rs = (int)instr.GetO32_rs();
+	int base = rs;
+	int rt = (int)instr.GetO32_rt();
+	int sa = (int)instr.Get_sa();
+	uint16_t imm = instr.Get_immediate();
+	auto check_move = [&]() {
+		if (rs == 0) {
+			// rs is zero so copy rt to rd
+			reg_states[rd] = reg_states[rt];
+		} else if (rt == 0) {
+			// rt is zero so copy rs to rd
+			reg_states[rd] = reg_states[rs];
+		} else {
+			// Not a move, invalidate rd
+			reg_states[rd].invalidate();
+		}
+	};
+	switch (instr.getUniqueId()) {
+	case InstrId::cpu_lui:
+		// rt has been completely overwritten, so invalidate it
+		reg_states[rt].invalidate();
+		reg_states[rt].prev_lui = (int16_t)imm << 16;
+		reg_states[rt].valid_lui = true;
+		break;
+	case InstrId::cpu_addiu:
+		// The target reg is a copy of the source reg plus an immediate, so copy the source reg's state
+		reg_states[rt] = reg_states[rs];
+		// Set the addiu state if and only if there hasn't been an addiu already
+		if (!reg_states[rt].valid_addiu) {
+			reg_states[rt].prev_addiu = (int16_t)imm;
+			reg_states[rt].valid_addiu = true;
+		} else {
+			// Otherwise, there have been 2 or more consecutive addius so invalidate the whole register
+			reg_states[rt].invalidate();
+		}
+		break;
+	case InstrId::cpu_addu:
+		// rd has been completely overwritten, so invalidate it
+		temp.invalidate();
+		// Exactly one of the two addend register states should have a valid lui at this time
+		if (reg_states[rs].valid_lui != reg_states[rt].valid_lui) {
+			// Track which of the two registers has the valid lui state and which is the addend
+			int valid_lui_reg = reg_states[rs].valid_lui ? rs : rt;
+			int addend_reg = reg_states[rs].valid_lui ? rt : rs;
+			// Copy the lui reg's state into the destination reg, then set the destination reg's addend to the other operand
+			temp = reg_states[valid_lui_reg];
+			temp.valid_addend = true;
+			temp.prev_addend_reg = addend_reg;
+		} else {
+			// Check if this is a move
+			check_move();
+		}
+		reg_states[rd] = temp;
+		break;
+	case InstrId::cpu_daddu:
+	case InstrId::cpu_or:
+		check_move();
+		break;
+	case InstrId::cpu_lw:
+		// rt has been completely overwritten, so invalidate it
+		temp.invalidate();
+		// If the base register has a valid lui state and a valid addend before this, then this may be a load from a jump table
+		if (reg_states[base].valid_lui && reg_states[base].valid_addend) {
+			// Exactly one of the lw and the base reg should have a valid lo16 value
+			bool nonzero_immediate = imm != 0;
+			if (nonzero_immediate != reg_states[base].valid_addiu) {
+				uint32_t lo16;
+				if (nonzero_immediate) {
+					lo16 = (int16_t)imm;
+				} else {
+					lo16 = reg_states[base].prev_addiu;
+				}
+				uint32_t address = reg_states[base].prev_lui + lo16;
+				temp.valid_loaded = true;
+				temp.loaded_lw_addr = instr.getVram();
+				temp.loaded_addr = address;
+				temp.loaded_addend_reg = reg_states[base].prev_addend_reg;
+			}
+		}
+		reg_states[rt] = temp;
+		break;
+	case InstrId::cpu_jr:
+		// Ignore jr $ra
+		if (rs == (int)rabbitizer::Registers::Cpu::GprO32::GPR_O32_ra) {
+			break;
+		}
+		// Check if the source reg has a valid loaded state and if so record that as a jump table
+		if (reg_states[rs].valid_loaded) {
+			stats.jump_tables.emplace_back(
+				reg_states[rs].loaded_addr,
+				reg_states[rs].loaded_addend_reg,
+				0,
+				reg_states[rs].loaded_lw_addr,
+				instr.getVram(),
+				std::vector<uint32_t>{}
+			);
+		} else {
+			// Inconclusive analysis
+			fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to to find jump table for `jr {}` at 0x{:08X} in {}\n", RabbitizerRegister_getNameGpr(rs), instr.getVram(),;
+			return false;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		if (instr.modifiesRd()) {
+			reg_states[rd].invalidate();
+		}
+		if (instr.modifiesRt()) {
+			reg_states[rt].invalidate();
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	return true;
+bool RecompPort::analyze_function(const RecompPort::Context& context, const RecompPort::Function& func,
+	const std::vector<rabbitizer::InstructionCpu>& instructions, RecompPort::FunctionStats& stats) {
+	// Create a state to track each register (r0 won't be used)
+	RegState reg_states[32] {};
+	// Look for jump tables
+	// A linear search through the func won't be accurate due to not taking control flow into account, but it'll work for finding jtables
+	for (const auto& instr : instructions) {
+		if (!analyze_instruction(instr, func, stats, reg_states)) {
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	// Sort jump tables by their address
+	std::sort(stats.jump_tables.begin(), stats.jump_tables.end(),
+		[](const JumpTable& a, const JumpTable& b)
+	{
+		return a.vram < b.vram;
+	});
+	// Determine jump table sizes
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < stats.jump_tables.size(); i++) {
+		JumpTable& cur_jtbl = stats.jump_tables[i];
+		uint32_t end_address = (uint32_t)-1;
+		uint32_t entry_count = 0;
+		uint32_t vram = cur_jtbl.vram;
+		if (i < stats.jump_tables.size() - 1) {
+			end_address = stats.jump_tables[i + 1].vram;
+		}
+		// TODO this assumes that the jump table is in the same section as the function itself
+		cur_jtbl.rom = cur_jtbl.vram + func.rom - func.vram;
+		while (vram < end_address) {
+			// Retrieve the current entry of the jump table
+			// TODO same as above
+			uint32_t rom_addr = vram + func.rom - func.vram;
+			uint32_t jtbl_word = byteswap(*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(&context.rom[rom_addr]));
+			// Check if the entry is a valid address in the current function
+			if (jtbl_word < func.vram || jtbl_word > func.vram + func.words.size_bytes()) {
+				// If it's not then this is the end of the jump table
+				break;
+			}
+			cur_jtbl.entries.push_back(jtbl_word);
+			vram += 4;
+		}
+		if (cur_jtbl.entries.size() == 0) {
+			fmt::print("Failed to determine size of jump table at 0x{:08X} for instruction at 0x{:08X}\n", cur_jtbl.vram, cur_jtbl.jr_vram);
+			return false;
+		}
+		//fmt::print("Jtbl at 0x{:08X} (rom 0x{:08X}) with {} entries used by instr at 0x{:08X}\n", cur_jtbl.vram, cur_jtbl.rom, cur_jtbl.entries.size(), cur_jtbl.jr_vram);
+	}
+	return true;
diff --git a/src/main.cpp b/src/main.cpp
index 7e2eda9..9d759c8 100644
--- a/src/main.cpp
+++ b/src/main.cpp
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ std::unordered_set<std::string> ignored_funcs {
-    "__osGetWatchLo",
+    "__osGetWatchLo"
 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
@@ -254,21 +254,25 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
     // Pointer to the symbol table section
     ELFIO::section* symtab_section = nullptr;
-    // Size of the ROM as determined by the elf
-    ELFIO::Elf_Xword rom_size = 0;
     // ROM address of each section
     std::vector<ELFIO::Elf_Xword> section_rom_addrs{};
+    RecompPort::Context context{};
+    context.functions.reserve(1024);
+    context.rom.reserve(8 * 1024 * 1024);
     // Iterate over every section to record rom addresses and find the symbol table
     for (const std::unique_ptr<ELFIO::section>& section : elf_file.sections) {
-        fmt::print("  {}: {} @ 0x{:08X}, 0x{:08X}\n", section->get_index(), section->get_name(), section->get_address(), rom_size);
+        //fmt::print("  {}: {} @ 0x{:08X}, 0x{:08X}\n", section->get_index(), section->get_name(), section->get_address(), context.rom.size());
         // Set the rom address of this section to the current accumulated ROM size
-        section_rom_addrs[section->get_index()] = rom_size;
-        // If this section isn't bss (SHT_NOBITS) and ends up in the rom (SHF_ALLOC), increase the rom size by this section's size
+        section_rom_addrs[section->get_index()] = context.rom.size();
+        // If this section isn't bss (SHT_NOBITS) and ends up in the rom (SHF_ALLOC), copy this section into the rom
         if (section->get_type() != ELFIO::SHT_NOBITS && section->get_flags() & ELFIO::SHF_ALLOC) {
-            rom_size += section->get_size();
+            size_t cur_rom_size = context.rom.size();
+            context.rom.resize(context.rom.size() + section->get_size());
+            std::copy(section->get_data(), section->get_data() + section->get_size(), &context.rom[cur_rom_size]);
         // Check if this section is the symbol table and record it if so
         if (section->get_type() == ELFIO::SHT_SYMTAB) {
@@ -278,16 +282,13 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
     // If no symbol table was found then exit
     if (symtab_section == nullptr) {
-        exit_failure("No symbol section found\n");
+        exit_failure("No symbol table section found\n");
     ELFIO::symbol_section_accessor symbols{ elf_file, symtab_section };
     fmt::print("Num symbols: {}\n", symbols.get_symbols_num());
-    RecompPort::Context context{};
-    context.functions.reserve(1024);
     for (int sym_index = 0; sym_index < symbols.get_symbols_num(); sym_index++) {
         std::string   name;
         ELFIO::Elf64_Addr    value;
@@ -303,19 +304,30 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv) {
         // Check if this symbol is a function or has no type (like a regular glabel would)
         // Symbols with no type have a dummy entry created so that their symbol can be looked up for function calls
-        if (type == ELFIO::STT_FUNC || (type == ELFIO::STT_NOTYPE && section_index < section_rom_addrs.size())) {
-            auto section_rom_addr = section_rom_addrs[section_index];
-            auto section_offset = value - elf_file.sections[section_index]->get_address();
-            const uint32_t* words = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(elf_file.sections[section_index]->get_data() + section_offset);
-            uint32_t vram = static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
-            uint32_t num_instructions = type == ELFIO::STT_FUNC ? size / 4 : 0;
-            context.functions_by_vram[vram].push_back(context.functions.size());
-            context.functions.emplace_back(
-                vram,
-                static_cast<uint32_t>(section_offset + section_rom_addr),
-                std::span{ words, num_instructions },
-                std::move(name)
-            );
+        if (type == ELFIO::STT_FUNC || type == ELFIO::STT_NOTYPE) {
+            if (section_index < section_rom_addrs.size()) {
+                auto section_rom_addr = section_rom_addrs[section_index];
+                auto section_offset = value - elf_file.sections[section_index]->get_address();
+                const uint32_t* words = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(elf_file.sections[section_index]->get_data() + section_offset);
+                uint32_t vram = static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
+                uint32_t num_instructions = type == ELFIO::STT_FUNC ? size / 4 : 0;
+                context.functions_by_vram[vram].push_back(context.functions.size());
+                context.functions.emplace_back(
+                    vram,
+                    static_cast<uint32_t>(section_offset + section_rom_addr),
+                    std::span{ words, num_instructions },
+                    std::move(name)
+                );
+            } else {
+                uint32_t vram = static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
+                context.functions_by_vram[vram].push_back(context.functions.size());
+                context.functions.emplace_back(
+                    vram,
+                    0,
+                    std::span<const uint32_t>{},
+                    std::move(name)
+                );
+            }
diff --git a/src/recompilation.cpp b/src/recompilation.cpp
index 8d28d41..51caaef 100644
--- a/src/recompilation.cpp
+++ b/src/recompilation.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <set>
+#include <unordered_set>
 #include "rabbitizer.hpp"
 #include "fmt/format.h"
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ std::string_view ctx_gpr_prefix(int reg) {
     return "";
-bool process_instruction(const RecompPort::Context& context, size_t instr_index, const std::vector<rabbitizer::InstructionCpu>& instructions, std::ofstream& output_file, bool indent, bool emit_link_branch, int link_branch_index, bool& needs_link_branch, bool& is_branch_likely) {
+bool process_instruction(const RecompPort::Context& context, const RecompPort::Function& func, const RecompPort::FunctionStats& stats, const std::unordered_set<uint32_t>& skipped_insns, size_t instr_index, const std::vector<rabbitizer::InstructionCpu>& instructions, std::ofstream& output_file, bool indent, bool emit_link_branch, int link_branch_index, bool& needs_link_branch, bool& is_branch_likely) {
     const auto& instr = instructions[instr_index];
     needs_link_branch = false;
     is_branch_likely = false;
@@ -30,6 +31,10 @@ bool process_instruction(const RecompPort::Context& context, size_t instr_index,
         fmt::print(output_file, "    // {}\n", instr.disassemble(0));
+    if (skipped_insns.contains(instr.getVram())) {
+        return true;
+    }
     auto print_indent = [&]() {
         fmt::print(output_file, "    ");
@@ -49,7 +54,7 @@ bool process_instruction(const RecompPort::Context& context, size_t instr_index,
         if (instr_index < instructions.size() - 1) {
             bool dummy_needs_link_branch;
             bool dummy_is_branch_likely;
-            process_instruction(context, instr_index + 1, instructions, output_file, false, false, link_branch_index, dummy_needs_link_branch, dummy_is_branch_likely);
+            process_instruction(context, func, stats, skipped_insns, instr_index + 1, instructions, output_file, false, false, link_branch_index, dummy_needs_link_branch, dummy_is_branch_likely);
         fmt::print(output_file, fmt_str, args...);
@@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ bool process_instruction(const RecompPort::Context& context, size_t instr_index,
         if (instr_index < instructions.size() - 1) {
             bool dummy_needs_link_branch;
             bool dummy_is_branch_likely;
-            process_instruction(context, instr_index + 1, instructions, output_file, true, false, link_branch_index, dummy_needs_link_branch, dummy_is_branch_likely);
+            process_instruction(context, func, stats, skipped_insns, instr_index + 1, instructions, output_file, true, false, link_branch_index, dummy_needs_link_branch, dummy_is_branch_likely);
         fmt::print(output_file, "        ");
         fmt::print(output_file, fmt_str, args...);
@@ -102,6 +107,9 @@ bool process_instruction(const RecompPort::Context& context, size_t instr_index,
     case InstrId::cpu_addu:
         print_line("{}{} = ADD32({}{}, {}{})", ctx_gpr_prefix(rd), rd, ctx_gpr_prefix(rs), rs, ctx_gpr_prefix(rt), rt);
+    case InstrId::cpu_daddu:
+        print_line("{}{} = {}{} + {}{}", ctx_gpr_prefix(rd), rd, ctx_gpr_prefix(rs), rs, ctx_gpr_prefix(rt), rt);
+        break;
     case InstrId::cpu_negu: // pseudo instruction for subu x, 0, y
     case InstrId::cpu_subu:
         print_line("{}{} = SUB32({}{}, {}{})", ctx_gpr_prefix(rd), rd, ctx_gpr_prefix(rs), rs, ctx_gpr_prefix(rt), rt);
@@ -260,6 +268,13 @@ bool process_instruction(const RecompPort::Context& context, size_t instr_index,
                         nonzero_func_index = cur_func_index;
+                if (nonzero_func_index == (size_t)-1) {
+                    fmt::print(stderr, "[Warn] Potential jal resolution ambiguity\n");
+                    for (size_t cur_func_index : matching_funcs_vec) {
+                        fmt::print(stderr, "  {}\n", context.functions[cur_func_index].name);
+                    }
+                    nonzero_func_index = 0;
+                }
                 real_func_index = nonzero_func_index;
                 ambiguous = false;
             } else {
@@ -295,7 +310,28 @@ bool process_instruction(const RecompPort::Context& context, size_t instr_index,
         if (rs == (int)rabbitizer::Registers::Cpu::GprO32::GPR_O32_ra) {
         } else {
-            // TODO jump table handling
+            uint32_t instr_vram = instr.getVram();
+            auto find_result = std::find_if(stats.jump_tables.begin(), stats.jump_tables.end(),
+                [instr_vram](const RecompPort::JumpTable& jtbl) {
+                    return jtbl.jr_vram == instr_vram;
+                });
+            if (find_result == stats.jump_tables.end()) {
+                fmt::print(stderr, "No jump table found for jr at 0x{:08X}\n", instr_vram);
+            }
+            const RecompPort::JumpTable& cur_jtbl = *find_result;
+            bool dummy_needs_link_branch, dummy_is_branch_likely;
+            process_instruction(context, func, stats, skipped_insns, instr_index + 1, instructions, output_file, false, false, link_branch_index, dummy_needs_link_branch, dummy_is_branch_likely);
+            print_indent();
+            // TODO this will fail if the register holding the addend is mangled, add logic to emit a temp with the addend into the code
+            fmt::print(output_file, "switch ({}{} >> 2) {{\n", ctx_gpr_prefix(cur_jtbl.addend_reg), cur_jtbl.addend_reg, cur_jtbl.vram);
+            for (size_t entry_index = 0; entry_index < cur_jtbl.entries.size(); entry_index++) {
+                print_indent();
+                print_line("case {}: goto L_{:08X}; break", entry_index, cur_jtbl.entries[entry_index]);
+            }
+            print_indent();
+            print_line("default: switch_error(__func__, 0x{:08X}, 0x{:08X})", instr_vram, cur_jtbl.vram);
+            print_indent();
+            fmt::print(output_file, "}}\n");
     case InstrId::cpu_bnel:
@@ -685,7 +721,7 @@ bool process_instruction(const RecompPort::Context& context, size_t instr_index,
 bool RecompPort::recompile_function(const RecompPort::Context& context, const RecompPort::Function& func, std::string_view output_path) {
-    fmt::print("Recompiling {}\n",;
+    //fmt::print("Recompiling {}\n",;
     std::vector<rabbitizer::InstructionCpu> instructions;
     // Open the output file and write the file header
@@ -717,6 +753,24 @@ bool RecompPort::recompile_function(const RecompPort::Context& context, const Re
         vram += 4;
+    // Analyze function
+    RecompPort::FunctionStats stats{};
+    if (!RecompPort::analyze_function(context, func, instructions, stats)) {
+        fmt::print(stderr, "Failed to analyze {}\n",;
+        output_file.clear();
+        return false;
+    }
+    std::unordered_set<uint32_t> skipped_insns{};
+    // Add jump table labels into function
+    for (const auto& jtbl : stats.jump_tables) {
+        skipped_insns.insert(jtbl.lw_vram);
+        for (uint32_t jtbl_entry : jtbl.entries) {
+            branch_labels.insert(jtbl_entry);
+        }
+    }
     // Second pass, emit code for each instruction and emit labels
     auto cur_label = branch_labels.cbegin();
     vram = func.vram;
@@ -737,7 +791,7 @@ bool RecompPort::recompile_function(const RecompPort::Context& context, const Re
         // Process the current instruction and check for errors
-        if (process_instruction(context, instr_index, instructions, output_file, false, needs_link_branch, num_link_branches, needs_link_branch, is_branch_likely) == false) {
+        if (process_instruction(context, func, stats, skipped_insns, instr_index, instructions, output_file, false, needs_link_branch, num_link_branches, needs_link_branch, is_branch_likely) == false) {
             fmt::print(stderr, "Error in recompilation, clearing {}\n", output_path);
             return false;