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Onlylegs - Image Groups
Why groups? Because I don't like calling these albums
sounds more limiting that it actually is in this gallery
from flask import Blueprint, render_template, url_for
from gallery.models import Post, User, GroupJunction, Group
from gallery.extensions import db
from gallery.utils import contrast
blueprint = Blueprint("group", __name__, url_prefix="/group")
@blueprint.route("/", methods=["GET"])
def groups():
Group overview, shows all image groups
groups = Group.query.all()
# For each group, get the 3 most recent images
for group in groups:
group.author_username = (
.filter(User.id == group.author_id)
# Get the 3 most recent images
images = (
.filter(GroupJunction.group_id == group.id)
# For each image, get the image data and add it to the group item
group.images = []
for image in images:
Post.query.with_entities(Post.filename, Post.alt, Post.colours, Post.id)
.filter(Post.id == image[0])
return render_template("list.html", groups=groups)
def group(group_id):
Group view, shows all images in a group
# Get the group, if it doesn't exist, 404
group = db.get_or_404(Group, group_id, description="Group not found! D:")
# Get all images in the group from the junction table
junction = (
.filter(GroupJunction.group_id == group_id)
# Get the image data for each image in the group
images = []
for image in junction:
images.append(Post.query.filter(Post.id == image[0]).first())
# Check contrast for the first image in the group for the banner
text_colour = "rgb(var(--fg-black))"
if images:
text_colour = contrast.contrast(
images[0].colours[0], "rgb(var(--fg-black))", "rgb(var(--fg-white))"
return render_template(
"group.html", group=group, images=images, text_colour=text_colour
def group_post(group_id, image_id):
Image view, shows the image and its metadata from a specific group
# Get the image, if it doesn't exist, 404
image = db.get_or_404(Post, image_id, description="Image not found :<")
# Get all groups the image is in
groups = (
.filter(GroupJunction.post_id == image_id)
# Get the group data for each group the image is in
image.groups = []
for group in groups:
Group.query.with_entities(Group.id, Group.name)
.filter(Group.id == group[0])
# Get the next and previous images in the group
next_url = (
.filter(GroupJunction.group_id == group_id)
.filter(GroupJunction.post_id > image_id)
prev_url = (
.filter(GroupJunction.group_id == group_id)
.filter(GroupJunction.post_id < image_id)
# If there is a next or previous image, get the URL for it
if next_url:
next_url = url_for("group.group_post", group_id=group_id, image_id=next_url[0])
if prev_url:
prev_url = url_for("group.group_post", group_id=group_id, image_id=prev_url[0])
return render_template(
"image.html", image=image, next_url=next_url, prev_url=prev_url