from flask import Blueprint, flash, g, redirect, render_template, request, url_for, jsonify, current_app from werkzeug.exceptions import abort from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from gallery.db import get_db import os import datetime from PIL import Image from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS dt = blueprint = Blueprint('image', __name__, url_prefix='/image') def get_post(id, check_author=True): post = get_db().execute( 'SELECT p.author_id FROM posts p JOIN users u ON p.author_id =' ' WHERE = ?', (id,) ).fetchone() if post is None: return False if check_author and post['author_id'] != g.user['id']: return False return post @blueprint.route('/', methods=('GET', 'POST')) def image(id): if request.method == 'POST': image = get_post(id) action = request.form['action'] if not image: abort(403) if action == 'delete': try: db = get_db() db.execute('DELETE FROM posts WHERE id = ?', (id,)) db.commit() except: return 'database error' try: os.remove(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], 'original', image['file_name'])) except: return 'os error' # GET, it should be called Gwa Gwa because it sounds funny # Get image from database db = get_db() image = db.execute( 'SELECT * FROM posts' ' WHERE id = ?', (id,) ).fetchone() if image is None: abort(404) # Get exif data from image try: file =['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], 'original', image['file_name'])) raw_exif = file.getexif() human_exif = {} for tag in raw_exif: name = TAGS.get(tag, tag) value = raw_exif.get(tag) if isinstance(value, bytes): value = value.decode() human_exif[name] = value if len(human_exif) == 0: human_exif = False except: # Cringe, no file present human_exif = False # All in le head return render_template('image.html', image=image, exif=human_exif, file=file)