""" Onlylegs - Image View """ import os import logging import pathlib from math import ceil from flask import ( Blueprint, render_template, url_for, current_app, request, flash, jsonify, ) from flask_login import current_user from onlylegs.models import Pictures, AlbumJunction, Albums from onlylegs.extensions import db blueprint = Blueprint("image", __name__, url_prefix="/image") @blueprint.route("/", methods=["GET"]) def image(image_id): """ Image view, shows the image and its metadata """ # Get the image, if it doesn't exist, 404 image = db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id, description="Image not found :<") # Get all groups the image is in groups = ( AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.album_id) .filter(AlbumJunction.picture_id == image_id) .all() ) # Get the group data for each group the image is in image.groups = [] for group in groups: image.groups.append( Albums.query.with_entities(Albums.id, Albums.name) .filter(Albums.id == group[0]) .first() ) # Get the next and previous images # Check if there is a group ID set next_url = ( Pictures.query.with_entities(Pictures.id) .filter(Pictures.id > image_id) .order_by(Pictures.id.asc()) .first() ) prev_url = ( Pictures.query.with_entities(Pictures.id) .filter(Pictures.id < image_id) .order_by(Pictures.id.desc()) .first() ) # If there is a next or previous image, get the url next_url = url_for("image.image", image_id=next_url[0]) if next_url else None prev_url = url_for("image.image", image_id=prev_url[0]) if prev_url else None # Yoink all the images in the database total_images = ( Pictures.query.with_entities(Pictures.id).order_by(Pictures.id.desc()).all() ) limit = current_app.config["UPLOAD_CONF"]["max-load"] # If the number of items is less than the limit, no point of calculating the page if len(total_images) <= limit: return_page = None else: # How many pages should there be for i in range(ceil(len(total_images) / limit)): # Slice the list of IDs into chunks of the limit for j in total_images[i * limit : (i + 1) * limit]: # Is our image in this chunk? if not image_id > j[-1]: return_page = i + 1 break close_tab = True if request.cookies.get("image-info") == "0": close_tab = False return render_template( "image.html", image=image, next_url=next_url, prev_url=prev_url, return_page=return_page, close_tab=close_tab, ) @blueprint.route("/", methods=["PUT"]) def image_put(image_id): """ Update the image metadata """ image_record = db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id, description="Image not found :<") image_record.description = request.form.get("description", image_record.description) image_record.alt = request.form.get("alt", image_record.alt) print(request.form.get("description")) db.session.commit() flash(["Image updated!", "1"]) return "OK", 200 @blueprint.route("/", methods=["DELETE"]) def image_delete(image_id): image_record = db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id) # Check if image exists and if user is allowed to delete it (author) if image_record.author_id != current_user.id: logging.info("User %s tried to delete image %s", current_user.id, image_id) return ( jsonify({"message": "You are not allowed to delete this image, heck off"}), 403, ) # Delete file try: os.remove( os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], image_record.filename) ) except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning( "File not found: %s, already deleted or never existed", image_record.filename, ) # Delete cached files cache_name = image_record.filename.rsplit(".")[0] for cache_file in pathlib.Path(current_app.config["CACHE_FOLDER"]).glob( cache_name + "*" ): os.remove(cache_file) AlbumJunction.query.filter_by(picture_id=image_id).delete() db.session.delete(image_record) db.session.commit() logging.info("Removed image (%s) %s", image_id, image_record.filename) flash(["Image was all in Le Head!", "1"]) return jsonify({"message": "Image deleted"}), 200