""" Onlylegs - Image Groups Why groups? Because I don't like calling these albums sounds more limiting that it actually is in this gallery """ from flask import Blueprint, render_template, url_for, request, flash, jsonify from flask_login import login_required, current_user from onlylegs.models import Pictures, Users, AlbumJunction, Albums from onlylegs.extensions import db from onlylegs.utils import colour blueprint = Blueprint("group", __name__, url_prefix="/group") @blueprint.route("/", methods=["GET"]) def groups(): """ Group overview, shows all image groups """ groups = Albums.query.all() # For each group, get the 3 most recent images for group in groups: group.author_username = ( Users.query.with_entities(Users.username) .filter(Users.id == group.author_id) .first()[0] ) # Get the 3 most recent images images = ( AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.picture_id) .filter(AlbumJunction.album_id == group.id) .order_by(AlbumJunction.date_added.desc()) .limit(3) ) # For each image, get the image data and add it to the group item group.images = [] for image in images: group.images.append( Pictures.query.with_entities( Pictures.filename, Pictures.alt, Pictures.colours, Pictures.id ) .filter(Pictures.id == image[0]) .first() ) return render_template("list.html", groups=groups) @blueprint.route("/", methods=["POST"]) @login_required def groups_post(): """ Creates a group """ group_name = request.form.get("name", "").strip() group_description = request.form.get("description", "").strip() new_group = Albums( name=group_name, description=group_description, author_id=current_user.id, ) db.session.add(new_group) db.session.commit() flash(["Group created!", "1"]) return jsonify({"message": "Group created", "id": new_group.id}) @blueprint.route("/", methods=["GET"]) def group(group_id): """ Group view, shows all images in a group """ # Get the group, if it doesn't exist, 404 group = db.get_or_404(Albums, group_id, description="Group not found! D:") # Get all images in the group from the junction table junction = ( AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.picture_id) .filter(AlbumJunction.album_id == group_id) .order_by(AlbumJunction.date_added.desc()) .all() ) # Get the image data for each image in the group images = [] for image in junction: images.append(Pictures.query.filter(Pictures.id == image[0]).first()) # Check contrast for the first image in the group for the banner text_colour = "rgb(var(--fg-black))" if images: colour_obj = colour.Colour(images[0].colours[0]) text_colour = ( "rgb(var(--fg-black));" if colour_obj.is_light() else "rgb(var(--fg-white));" ) return render_template( "group.html", group=group, images=images, text_colour=text_colour ) @blueprint.route("/", methods=["PUT"]) @login_required def group_put(group_id): """ Changes the images in a group """ image_id = request.form.get("imageId", "").strip() action = request.form.get("action", "").strip() group_record = db.get_or_404(Albums, group_id) db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id) # Check if image exists if group_record.author_id != current_user.id: return jsonify({"message": "You are not the owner of this group"}), 403 junction_exist = AlbumJunction.query.filter_by( album_id=group_id, picture_id=image_id ).first() if action == "add" and not junction_exist: db.session.add(AlbumJunction(album_id=group_id, picture_id=image_id)) elif request.form["action"] == "remove": AlbumJunction.query.filter_by(album_id=group_id, picture_id=image_id).delete() db.session.commit() flash(["Group modified!", "1"]) return jsonify({"message": "Group modified"}) @blueprint.route("/", methods=["DELETE"]) @login_required def group_delete(group_id): """ Deletes a group """ group_record = db.get_or_404(Albums, group_id) if group_record.author_id != current_user.id: return jsonify({"message": "You are not the owner of this group"}), 403 AlbumJunction.query.filter_by(album_id=group_id).delete() db.session.delete(group_record) db.session.commit() flash(["Group yeeted!", "1"]) return jsonify({"message": "Group deleted"}) @blueprint.route("//") def group_post(group_id, image_id): """ Image view, shows the image and its metadata from a specific group """ # Get the image, if it doesn't exist, 404 image = db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id, description="Image not found :<") # Get all groups the image is in groups = ( AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.album_id) .filter(AlbumJunction.picture_id == image_id) .all() ) # Get the group data for each group the image is in image.groups = [] for group in groups: image.groups.append( Albums.query.with_entities(Albums.id, Albums.name) .filter(Albums.id == group[0]) .first() ) # Get the next and previous images in the group next_url = ( AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.picture_id) .filter(AlbumJunction.album_id == group_id) .filter(AlbumJunction.picture_id > image_id) .order_by(AlbumJunction.date_added.asc()) .first() ) prev_url = ( AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.picture_id) .filter(AlbumJunction.album_id == group_id) .filter(AlbumJunction.picture_id < image_id) .order_by(AlbumJunction.date_added.desc()) .first() ) # If there is a next or previous image, get the URL for it if next_url: next_url = url_for("group.group_post", group_id=group_id, image_id=next_url[0]) if prev_url: prev_url = url_for("group.group_post", group_id=group_id, image_id=prev_url[0]) close_tab = True if request.cookies.get("image-info") == "0": close_tab = False return render_template( "image.html", image=image, next_url=next_url, prev_url=prev_url, close_tab=close_tab, )