diff --git a/gallery/__init__.py b/gallery/__init__.py
index 47ac985..86c0a1b 100644
--- a/gallery/__init__.py
+++ b/gallery/__init__.py
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ def create_app(test_config=None):
     # Load routes for home and images
-    from . import gallery
-    app.register_blueprint(gallery.blueprint)
+    from . import routing
+    app.register_blueprint(routing.blueprint)
     app.add_url_rule('/', endpoint='index')
     # Load APIs
diff --git a/gallery/api.py b/gallery/api.py
index 4109c69..b3cbc66 100644
--- a/gallery/api.py
+++ b/gallery/api.py
@@ -11,14 +11,6 @@ from uuid import uuid4
 blueprint = Blueprint('viewsbp', __name__, url_prefix='/api')
-def human_size(num, suffix="B"):
-    for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]:
-        if abs(num) < 1024.0:
-            return f"{num:3.1f}{unit}{suffix}"
-        num /= 1024.0
-    return f"{num:.1f}Yi{suffix}"
 @blueprint.route('/uploads/<file>/<int:quality>', methods=['GET'])
 def uploads(file, quality):
     # If quality is 0, return original file
@@ -127,6 +119,5 @@ def metadata(id):
     exif = mt.metadata.yoink(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], img['file_name']))
-    filesize = os.path.getsize(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], img['file_name']))
-    return jsonify({'metadata': exif, 'filesize': {'bytes': filesize, 'human': human_size(filesize)}})
\ No newline at end of file
+    return jsonify(exif)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gallery/metadata.py b/gallery/metadata.py
index 96e25e0..f688fff 100644
--- a/gallery/metadata.py
+++ b/gallery/metadata.py
@@ -2,38 +2,65 @@ import PIL
 from PIL import Image
 from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS
 from datetime import datetime
+import os
 class metadata:
     def yoink(filename):
         exif = metadata.getFile(filename)
+        file_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
+        file_name = os.path.basename(filename)
+        file_resolution = Image.open(filename).size
         if exif:
-            formatted = metadata.format(exif)
+            unformatted_exif = metadata.format(exif, file_size, file_name, file_resolution)
-            return None
+            # No EXIF data, get some basic informaton from the file
+            unformatted_exif = {
+                'File': {
+                    'Name': {
+                        'type': 'text',
+                        'raw': file_name
+                    },
+                    'Size': {
+                        'type': 'number',
+                        'raw': file_size,
+                        'formatted': metadata.human_size(file_size)
+                    },
+                    'Format': {
+                        'type': 'text',
+                        'raw': file_name.split('.')[-1]
+                    },
+                    'Width': {
+                        'type': 'number',
+                        'raw': file_resolution[0]
+                    },
+                    'Height': {
+                        'type': 'number',
+                        'raw': file_resolution[1]
+                    },
+                }
+            }
-        return metadata.deleteEmpty(formatted)
-    def deleteEmpty(dict):
-        new_dict = {}
+        formatted_exif = {}
-        for section in dict:
+        for section in unformatted_exif:
             tmp = {}
-            for value in dict[section]:
-                if dict[section][value]['raw'] != None:
-                    if isinstance(dict[section][value]['raw'], PIL.TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational):
-                        dict[section][value]['raw'] = dict[section][value]['raw'].__float__()
-                    elif isinstance(dict[section][value]['raw'], bytes):
-                        dict[section][value]['raw'] = dict[section][value]['raw'].decode('utf-8')
+            for value in unformatted_exif[section]:
+                if unformatted_exif[section][value]['raw'] != None:
+                    raw_type = unformatted_exif[section][value]['raw']
+                    if isinstance(raw_type, PIL.TiffImagePlugin.IFDRational):
+                        raw_type = raw_type.__float__()
+                    elif isinstance(raw_type, bytes):
+                        raw_type = raw_type.decode('utf-8')
-                    tmp[value] = dict[section][value]
+                    tmp[value] = unformatted_exif[section][value]  
             if len(tmp) > 0:
-                new_dict[section] = tmp
+                formatted_exif[section] = tmp
-        return new_dict
+        return formatted_exif
     def getFile(filename):
@@ -54,9 +81,9 @@ class metadata:
             return exif
         except Exception as e:
-            return None
+            return False
-    def format(raw):
+    def format(raw, file_size, file_name, file_resolution):
         exif = {}
         exif['Photographer'] = {
@@ -72,11 +99,6 @@ class metadata:
                 'type': 'text',
                 'raw': raw["ImageDescription"]["raw"]
-            'Date Digitized': {
-                'type': 'date',
-                'raw': raw["DateTimeDigitized"]["raw"],
-                'formatted': metadata.date(raw["DateTimeDigitized"]["raw"])
-            },
             'Copyright': {
                 'type': 'text',
                 'raw': raw["Copyright"]["raw"]
@@ -91,6 +113,14 @@ class metadata:
                 'type': 'text',
                 'raw': raw['Make']['raw']
+            'Camera Type': {
+                'type': 'text',
+                'raw': raw['BodySerialNumber']['raw']
+            },
+            'Lens Make': {
+                'type': 'text',
+                'raw': raw['LensMake']['raw'],
+            },
             'Lense Model': {
                 'type': 'text',
                 'raw': raw['LensModel']['raw'],
@@ -110,24 +140,28 @@ class metadata:
                 'raw': raw['DateTime']['raw'],
                 'formatted': metadata.date(raw['DateTime']['raw'])
-        }
-        exif['Software'] = {
-            'Software': {
+            'Date Digitized': {
+                'type': 'date',
+                'raw': raw["DateTimeDigitized"]["raw"],
+                'formatted': metadata.date(raw["DateTimeDigitized"]["raw"])
+            },
+            'Time Offset': {
                 'type': 'text',
-                'raw': raw['Software']['raw']
+                'raw': raw["OffsetTime"]["raw"]
-            'Colour Space': {
-                'type': 'number',
-                'raw': raw['ColorSpace']['raw'],
-                'formatted': metadata.colorSpace(raw['ColorSpace']['raw'])
+            'Time Offset - Original': {
+                'type': 'text',
+                'raw': raw["OffsetTimeOriginal"]["raw"]
-            'Compression': {
-                'type': 'number',
-                'raw': raw['Compression']['raw'],
-                'formatted': metadata.compression(raw['Compression']['raw'])
+            'Time Offset - Digitized': {
+                'type': 'text',
+                'raw': raw["OffsetTimeDigitized"]["raw"]
+            },
+            'Date Original': {
+                'type': 'date',
+                'raw': raw["DateTimeOriginal"]["raw"],
+                'formatted': metadata.date(raw["DateTimeOriginal"]["raw"])
-        }
-        exif['Photo'] = {
             'FNumber': {
                 'type': 'fnumber',
                 'raw': raw["FNumber"]["raw"],
@@ -135,11 +169,13 @@ class metadata:
             'Focal Length': {
                 'type': 'focal',
-                'raw': raw["FocalLength"]["raw"]
+                'raw': raw["FocalLength"]["raw"],
+                'formatted': metadata.focal(raw["FocalLength"]["raw"])
-            'Focal Length - Film': {
+            'Focal Length (35mm format)': {
                 'type': 'focal',
-                'raw': raw["FocalLengthIn35mmFilm"]["raw"]
+                'raw': raw["FocalLengthIn35mmFilm"]["raw"],
+                'formatted': metadata.focal(raw["FocalLengthIn35mmFilm"]["raw"])
             'Max Aperture': {
                 'type': 'fnumber',
@@ -220,16 +256,55 @@ class metadata:
                 'type': 'number',
                 'raw': raw["SceneType"]["raw"],
                 'formatted': metadata.sceneType(raw["SceneType"]["raw"])
-            },   
+            },
+            'Rating': {
+                'type': 'number',
+                'raw': raw["Rating"]["raw"],
+                'formatted': metadata.rating(raw["Rating"]["raw"])
+            },
+            'Rating Percent': {
+                'type': 'number',
+                'raw': raw["RatingPercent"]["raw"],
+                'formatted': metadata.ratingPercent(raw["RatingPercent"]["raw"])
+            },
+        }
+        exif['Software'] = {
+            'Software': {
+                'type': 'text',
+                'raw': raw['Software']['raw']
+            },
+            'Colour Space': {
+                'type': 'number',
+                'raw': raw['ColorSpace']['raw'],
+                'formatted': metadata.colorSpace(raw['ColorSpace']['raw'])
+            },
+            'Compression': {
+                'type': 'number',
+                'raw': raw['Compression']['raw'],
+                'formatted': metadata.compression(raw['Compression']['raw'])
+            },
         exif['File'] = {
+            'Name': {
+                'type': 'text',
+                'raw': file_name
+            },
+            'Size': {
+                'type': 'number',
+                'raw': file_size,
+                'formatted': metadata.human_size(file_size)
+            },
+            'Format': {
+                'type': 'text',
+                'raw': file_name.split('.')[-1]
+            },
             'Width': {
                 'type': 'number',
-                'raw': raw["ImageWidth"]["raw"]
+                'raw': file_resolution[0]
             'Height': {
                 'type': 'number',
-                'raw': raw["ImageLength"]["raw"]
+                'raw': file_resolution[1]
             'Orientation': {
                 'type': 'number',
@@ -250,8 +325,27 @@ class metadata:
                 'formatted': metadata.resolutionUnit(raw["ResolutionUnit"]["raw"])
+        #exif['Raw'] = {}
+        #for key in raw:
+        #    try:
+        #        exif['Raw'][key] = {
+        #            'type': 'text',
+        #            'raw': raw[key]['raw'].decode('utf-8')
+        #        }
+        #    except:
+        #        exif['Raw'][key] = {
+        #            'type': 'text',
+        #            'raw': str(raw[key]['raw'])
+        #        }
         return exif
+    def human_size(num, suffix="B"):
+        for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]:
+            if abs(num) < 1024.0:
+                return f"{num:3.1f}{unit}{suffix}"
+            num /= 1024.0
+        return f"{num:.1f}Yi{suffix}"
     def date(date):
         date_format = '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S'
@@ -281,7 +375,10 @@ class metadata:
     def focal(value):
         if value != None:
-            return str(value[0] / value[1]) + 'mm'
+            try:
+                return str(value[0] / value[1]) + 'mm'
+            except:
+                return str(value) + 'mm'
             return None
@@ -297,7 +394,6 @@ class metadata:
             65535: 'Uncalibrated',
             0: 'Reserved'
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -328,7 +424,6 @@ class metadata:
             93: 'Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction mode',
             95: 'Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction mode'
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -346,7 +441,6 @@ class metadata:
             7: 'Portrait mode',
             8: 'Landscape mode'
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -363,7 +457,6 @@ class metadata:
             6: 'Partial',
             255: 'Other'
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -375,7 +468,6 @@ class metadata:
             2: 'Inch',
             3: 'Centimeter'
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -405,7 +497,6 @@ class metadata:
             24: 'ISO studio tungsten',
             255: 'Other light source',
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -418,7 +509,6 @@ class metadata:
             2: 'Portrait',
             3: 'Night scene',
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -435,7 +525,6 @@ class metadata:
             0: 'Auto white balance',
             1: 'Manual white balance',
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -447,7 +536,6 @@ class metadata:
             1: 'Manual exposure',
             2: 'Auto bracket',
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -464,7 +552,6 @@ class metadata:
             6: 'Recommended Exposure Index and ISO Speed',
             7: 'Standard Output Sensitivity, Recommended Exposure Index and ISO Speed',
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -479,9 +566,55 @@ class metadata:
     def compression(value):
         types = {
             1: 'Uncompressed',
-            6: 'JPEG compression',
+            2: 'CCITT 1D',
+            3: 'T4/Group 3 Fax',
+            4: 'T6/Group 4 Fax',
+            5: 'LZW',
+            6: 'JPEG (old-style)',
+            7: 'JPEG',
+            8: 'Adobe Deflate',
+            9: 'JBIG B&W',
+            10: 'JBIG Color',
+            99: 'JPEG',
+            262: 'Kodak 262',
+            32766: 'Next',
+            32767: 'Sony ARW Compressed',
+            32769: 'Packed RAW',
+            32770: 'Samsung SRW Compressed',
+            32771: 'CCIRLEW',
+            32772: 'Samsung SRW Compressed 2',
+            32773: 'PackBits',
+            32809: 'Thunderscan',
+            32867: 'Kodak KDC Compressed',
+            32895: 'IT8CTPAD',
+            32896: 'IT8LW',
+            32897: 'IT8MP',
+            32898: 'IT8BL',
+            32908: 'PixarFilm',
+            32909: 'PixarLog',
+            32946: 'Deflate',
+            32947: 'DCS',
+            33003: 'Aperio JPEG 2000 YCbCr',
+            33005: 'Aperio JPEG 2000 RGB',
+            34661: 'JBIG',
+            34676: 'SGILog',
+            34677: 'SGILog24',
+            34712: 'JPEG 2000',
+            34713: 'Nikon NEF Compressed',
+            34715: 'JBIG2 TIFF FX',
+            34718: '(MDI) Binary Level Codec',
+            34719: '(MDI) Progressive Transform Codec',
+            34720: '(MDI) Vector',
+            34887: 'ESRI Lerc',
+            34892: 'Lossy JPEG',
+            34925: 'LZMA2',
+            34926: 'Zstd',
+            34927: 'WebP',
+            34933: 'PNG',
+            34934: 'JPEG XR',
+            65000: 'Kodak DCR Compressed',
+            65535: 'Pentax PEF Compressed',
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -498,7 +631,6 @@ class metadata:
             7: 'Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW',
             8: 'Rotate 270 CW',
             return types[int(value)]
@@ -514,8 +646,13 @@ class metadata:
             5: 'G',
             6: 'B',
             return ''.join([types[int(x)] for x in value])
-            return None
\ No newline at end of file
+            return None
+    def rating(value):
+        return str(value) + ' stars'
+    def ratingPercent(value):
+        return str(value) + '%'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gallery/gallery.py b/gallery/routing.py
similarity index 65%
rename from gallery/gallery.py
rename to gallery/routing.py
index d641bd9..7107b07 100644
--- a/gallery/gallery.py
+++ b/gallery/routing.py
@@ -15,14 +15,6 @@ dt = datetime.now()
 blueprint = Blueprint('gallery', __name__)
-def human_size(num, suffix="B"):
-    for unit in ["", "Ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi"]:
-        if abs(num) < 1024.0:
-            return f"{num:3.1f}{unit}{suffix}"
-        num /= 1024.0
-    return f"{num:.1f}Yi{suffix}"
 def index():
     db = get_db()
@@ -42,18 +34,8 @@ def image(id):
     exif = mt.metadata.yoink(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], image['file_name']))
-    file_size = human_size(os.path.getsize(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], image['file_name'])))
-    try:
-        width = exif['File']['Width']['value']
-        height = exif['File']['Height']['value']
-    except:
-        try:
-            width, height = Image.open(os.path.join(current_app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], image['file_name'])).size
-        except:
-            width, height = 0, 0
-    return render_template('image.html', image=image, exif=exif, file_size=file_size, width=width, height=height)
+    return render_template('image.html', image=image, exif=exif)
diff --git a/gallery/templates/image.html b/gallery/templates/image.html
index 77a5c4d..243e448 100644
--- a/gallery/templates/image.html
+++ b/gallery/templates/image.html
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
             src="/api/uploads/{{ image['file_name'] }}/1000"
             onload="imgFade(this)" style="opacity:0;"
-            width="{{ width }}"
-            height="{{ height }}"
+            width="{{ exif['File']['Width']['raw'] }}"
+            height="{{ exif['File']['Height']['raw'] }}"
@@ -121,86 +121,69 @@
                         <td>Upload date</td>
                         <td><span class="time">{{ image['created_at'] }}</span></td>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>Filename</td>
-                        <td>{{ image['file_name'] }}</td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr>
-                        <td>File size</td>
-                        <td>{{ file_size }}</td>
-                    </tr>
-        </div>
-        {% if exif %}            
-            {% for tag in exif %}
-                <div class="image-info">
-                    {% if tag == 'Photographer' %}
-                        <div class="image-info__header">
-                            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-5 -2 24 24" fill="currentColor">
-                                <path d="M3.534 10.07a1 1 0 1 1 .733 1.86A3.579 3.579 0 0 0 2 15.26V17a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1.647a3.658 3.658 0 0 0-2.356-3.419 1 1 0 1 1 .712-1.868A5.658 5.658 0 0 1 14 15.353V17a3 3 0 0 1-3 3H3a3 3 0 0 1-3-3v-1.74a5.579 5.579 0 0 1 3.534-5.19zM7 0a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v2a4 4 0 1 1-8 0V4a4 4 0 0 1 4-4zm0 2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2a2 2 0 1 0 4 0V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z"></path>
-                            </svg>
-                            <h2>Photographer</h2>
-                        </div>
-                    {% elif tag == 'Camera' %}
-                        <div class="image-info__header">
-                            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-2 -4 24 24" fill="currentColor">
-                                <path d="M5.676 5H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v5a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1.676l-.387-1.501A2.002 2.002 0 0 0 12 2H8a2 2 0 0 0-1.937 1.499L5.676 5zm-1.55-2C4.57 1.275 6.136 0 8 0h4a4.002 4.002 0 0 1 3.874 3H16a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v5a4 4 0 0 1-4 4H4a4 4 0 0 1-4-4V7a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h.126zM10 13a4 4 0 1 1 0-8 4 4 0 0 1 0 8zm0-2a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4zm6-3a1 1 0 1 0 0-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2z"></path>
-                            </svg>
-                            <h2>Camera</h2>
-                        </div>
-                    {% elif tag == 'Software' %}
-                        <div class="image-info__header">
-                            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-2 -4 24 24" fill="currentColor">
-                                <path d="M2 13v1h3V2H2v9h1v2H2zM1 0h5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v14a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H1a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1zm9 3h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-8a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2zm0 2v6h8V5h-8zm2 9h4a1 1 0 0 1 0 2h-4a1 1 0 0 1 0-2z"></path>
-                            </svg>
-                            <h2>Software</h2>
-                        </div>
-                    {% elif tag == 'Photo' %}
-                        <div class="image-info__header">
-                            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-4 -2 24 24" fill="currentColor">
-                                <path d="M14 8.322V2H2v12h3.576l3.97-5.292A3 3 0 0 1 14 8.322zm0 3.753l-1.188-2.066a1 1 0 0 0-1.667-.101L8.076 14H14v-1.925zM14 16H2v2h12v-2zM2 0h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v16a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2zm4 9a3 3 0 1 1 0-6 3 3 0 0 1 0 6zm0-2a1 1 0 1 0 0-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2z"></path>
-                            </svg>
-                            <h2>Photo</h2>
-                        </div>
-                    {% elif tag == 'File' %}
-                        <div class="image-info__header">
-                            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-4 -2 24 24" fill="currentColor">
-                                <path d="M10.298 2H3a1 1 0 0 0-1 1v14a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h10a1 1 0 0 0 1-1V4.961L10.298 2zM3 0h8l5 4v13a3 3 0 0 1-3 3H3a3 3 0 0 1-3-3V3a3 3 0 0 1 3-3z"></path>
-                            </svg>
-                            <h2>File</h2>
-                        </div>
-                    {% else %}
-                        <div class="image-info__header">
-                            <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-2 -2 24 24" fill="currentColor">
-                                <path d="M14.95 7.879l-.707-.707a1 1 0 0 1 1.414-1.415l.707.707 1.414-1.414-2.828-2.828L2.222 14.95l2.828 2.828 1.414-1.414L5.05 14.95a1 1 0 0 1 1.414-1.414L7.88 14.95l1.414-1.414-.707-.708A1 1 0 0 1 10 11.414l.707.707 1.414-1.414-1.414-1.414a1 1 0 0 1 1.414-1.414l1.415 1.414 1.414-1.414zM.808 13.536L13.536.808a2 2 0 0 1 2.828 0l2.828 2.828a2 2 0 0 1 0 2.828L6.464 19.192a2 2 0 0 1-2.828 0L.808 16.364a2 2 0 0 1 0-2.828z"></path>
-                            </svg>
-                            <h2>{{tag}}</h2>
-                        </div>
-                    {% endif %}
-                    <div class="image-info__content">
-                        <table>
-                            {% for subtag in exif[tag] %}
-                                <tr>
-                                    <td>{{subtag}}</td>
-                                    {% if exif[tag][subtag]['formatted'] %}
-                                        {% if exif[tag][subtag]['type'] == 'date' %}
-                                            <td><span class="time">{{exif[tag][subtag]['formatted']}}</span></td>
-                                        {% else %}
-                                            <td>{{exif[tag][subtag]['formatted']}}</td>
-                                        {% endif %}
-                                    {% elif exif[tag][subtag]['raw'] %}
-                                        <td>{{exif[tag][subtag]['raw']}}</td>
-                                    {% else %}
-                                        <td class="empty-table">sad noises</td>
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                </tr>
-                            {% endfor %}
-                        </table>
+        </div>       
+        {% for tag in exif %}
+            <div class="image-info"> 
+                {% if tag == 'Photographer' %}
+                    <div class="image-info__header">
+                        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-5 -2 24 24" fill="currentColor">
+                            <path d="M3.534 10.07a1 1 0 1 1 .733 1.86A3.579 3.579 0 0 0 2 15.26V17a1 1 0 0 0 1 1h8a1 1 0 0 0 1-1v-1.647a3.658 3.658 0 0 0-2.356-3.419 1 1 0 1 1 .712-1.868A5.658 5.658 0 0 1 14 15.353V17a3 3 0 0 1-3 3H3a3 3 0 0 1-3-3v-1.74a5.579 5.579 0 0 1 3.534-5.19zM7 0a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v2a4 4 0 1 1-8 0V4a4 4 0 0 1 4-4zm0 2a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v2a2 2 0 1 0 4 0V4a2 2 0 0 0-2-2z"></path>
+                        </svg>
+                        <h2>Photographer</h2>
+                {% elif tag == 'Camera' %}
+                    <div class="image-info__header">
+                        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-2 -4 24 24" fill="currentColor">
+                            <path d="M5.676 5H4a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v5a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2V7a2 2 0 0 0-2-2h-1.676l-.387-1.501A2.002 2.002 0 0 0 12 2H8a2 2 0 0 0-1.937 1.499L5.676 5zm-1.55-2C4.57 1.275 6.136 0 8 0h4a4.002 4.002 0 0 1 3.874 3H16a4 4 0 0 1 4 4v5a4 4 0 0 1-4 4H4a4 4 0 0 1-4-4V7a4 4 0 0 1 4-4h.126zM10 13a4 4 0 1 1 0-8 4 4 0 0 1 0 8zm0-2a2 2 0 1 0 0-4 2 2 0 0 0 0 4zm6-3a1 1 0 1 0 0-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2z"></path>
+                        </svg>
+                        <h2>Camera</h2>
+                    </div>
+                {% elif tag == 'Software' %}
+                    <div class="image-info__header">
+                        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-2 -4 24 24" fill="currentColor">
+                            <path d="M2 13v1h3V2H2v9h1v2H2zM1 0h5a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v14a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H1a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1zm9 3h8a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v6a2 2 0 0 1-2 2h-8a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V5a2 2 0 0 1 2-2zm0 2v6h8V5h-8zm2 9h4a1 1 0 0 1 0 2h-4a1 1 0 0 1 0-2z"></path>
+                        </svg>
+                        <h2>Software</h2>
+                    </div>
+                {% elif tag == 'Photo' %}
+                    <div class="image-info__header">
+                        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-4 -2 24 24" fill="currentColor">
+                            <path d="M14 8.322V2H2v12h3.576l3.97-5.292A3 3 0 0 1 14 8.322zm0 3.753l-1.188-2.066a1 1 0 0 0-1.667-.101L8.076 14H14v-1.925zM14 16H2v2h12v-2zM2 0h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v16a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V2a2 2 0 0 1 2-2zm4 9a3 3 0 1 1 0-6 3 3 0 0 1 0 6zm0-2a1 1 0 1 0 0-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2z"></path>
+                        </svg>
+                        <h2>Photo</h2>
+                    </div>
+                {% else %}
+                    <div class="image-info__header">
+                        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="-2 -2 24 24" fill="currentColor">
+                            <path d="M14.95 7.879l-.707-.707a1 1 0 0 1 1.414-1.415l.707.707 1.414-1.414-2.828-2.828L2.222 14.95l2.828 2.828 1.414-1.414L5.05 14.95a1 1 0 0 1 1.414-1.414L7.88 14.95l1.414-1.414-.707-.708A1 1 0 0 1 10 11.414l.707.707 1.414-1.414-1.414-1.414a1 1 0 0 1 1.414-1.414l1.415 1.414 1.414-1.414zM.808 13.536L13.536.808a2 2 0 0 1 2.828 0l2.828 2.828a2 2 0 0 1 0 2.828L6.464 19.192a2 2 0 0 1-2.828 0L.808 16.364a2 2 0 0 1 0-2.828z"></path>
+                        </svg>
+                        <h2>{{tag}}</h2>
+                    </div>
+                {% endif %}
+                <div class="image-info__content">
+                    <table>
+                        {% for subtag in exif[tag] %}
+                            <tr>
+                                <td>{{subtag}}</td>
+                                {% if exif[tag][subtag]['formatted'] %}
+                                    {% if exif[tag][subtag]['type'] == 'date' %}
+                                        <td><span class="time">{{exif[tag][subtag]['formatted']}}</span></td>
+                                    {% else %}
+                                        <td>{{exif[tag][subtag]['formatted']}}</td>
+                                    {% endif %}
+                                {% elif exif[tag][subtag]['raw'] %}
+                                    <td>{{exif[tag][subtag]['raw']}}</td>
+                                {% else %}
+                                    <td class="empty-table">Oops, an error</td>
+                                {% endif %}
+                            </tr>
+                        {% endfor %}
+                    </table>
-            {% endfor %}
-        {% endif %}
+            </div>
+        {% endfor %}
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/gallery/user/themes/default/ui/wrappers/image.sass b/gallery/user/themes/default/ui/wrappers/image.sass
index f34abc9..fefb157 100644
--- a/gallery/user/themes/default/ui/wrappers/image.sass
+++ b/gallery/user/themes/default/ui/wrappers/image.sass
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
         overflow: hidden
-        margin: 0 0 0 1rem
+        margin: 0
         padding: 0
         max-width: 100%
@@ -190,7 +190,10 @@
                 padding: 0.25rem 1rem 0.25rem 0
                 width: 50%
+                max-width: 0
+                overflow: hidden
+                text-overflow: ellipsis
                 white-space: nowrap
                 font-size: 1rem
@@ -264,15 +267,6 @@
         padding-bottom: 4rem
-    .image-info__content
-        table
-            margin: 0
-            tr
-                td:first-child
-                    width: auto
-                td:last-child
-                    width: 75%
         background-image: none
         background-color: $black2
\ No newline at end of file