diff --git a/onlylegs/__init__.py b/onlylegs/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e15e3e1..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-Onlylegs Gallery
-This is the main app file, it loads all the other files and sets up the app
-import os
-import logging
-from flask_assets import Bundle
-from flask_migrate import init as migrate_init
-from flask import Flask, render_template, abort
-from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
-from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash
-from onlylegs.extensions import db, migrate, login_manager, assets, compress, cache
-from onlylegs.config import INSTANCE_DIR, MIGRATIONS_DIR
-from onlylegs.models import User
-from onlylegs.views import (
-    index as view_index,
-    image as view_image,
-    group as view_group,
-    settings as view_settings,
-    profile as view_profile,
-from onlylegs.api import media as api_media, group as api_group, account as api_account
-from onlylegs import auth as view_auth
-from onlylegs import gwagwa
-def create_app():  # pylint: disable=R0914
-    """
-    Create and configure the main app
-    """
-    app = Flask(__name__, instance_path=INSTANCE_DIR)
-    app.config.from_pyfile("config.py")
-    db.init_app(app)
-    migrate.init_app(app, db, directory=MIGRATIONS_DIR)
-    # If database file doesn't exist, create it
-    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(INSTANCE_DIR, "gallery.sqlite3")):
-        print("Creating database")
-        with app.app_context():
-            db.create_all()
-            register_user = User(
-                username=app.config["ADMIN_CONF"]["username"],
-                email=app.config["ADMIN_CONF"]["email"],
-                password=generate_password_hash("changeme!", method="sha256"),
-            )
-            db.session.add(register_user)
-            db.session.commit()
-            print(
-                """
-            """
-            )
-    # Check if migrations directory exists, if not create it
-    with app.app_context():
-        if not os.path.exists(MIGRATIONS_DIR):
-            print("Creating migrations directory")
-            migrate_init(directory=MIGRATIONS_DIR)
-    # can also set session_protection to "strong"
-    # this would protect against session hijacking
-    login_manager.init_app(app)
-    login_manager.login_view = "onlylegs.index"
-    @login_manager.user_loader
-    def load_user(user_id):  # skipcq: PTC-W0065
-        return User.query.filter_by(alt_id=user_id).first()
-    @login_manager.unauthorized_handler
-    def unauthorized():  # skipcq: PTC-W0065
-        error = 401
-        msg = "You are not authorized to view this page!!!!"
-        return render_template("error.html", error=error, msg=msg), error
-    @app.errorhandler(Exception)
-    def error_page(err):  # skipcq: PTC-W0065
-        """
-        Error handlers, if the error is not a HTTP error, return 500
-        """
-        if not isinstance(err, HTTPException):
-            abort(500)
-        return (
-            render_template("error.html", error=err.code, msg=err.description),
-            err.code,
-        )
-    # ASSETS
-    assets.init_app(app)
-    scripts = Bundle(
-        "js/*.js", output="gen/js.js", depends="js/*.js"
-    )  # filter jsmin is broken :c
-    styles = Bundle(
-        "sass/style.sass",
-        filters="libsass, cssmin",
-        output="gen/styles.css",
-        depends="sass/**/*.sass",
-    )
-    assets.register("scripts", scripts)
-    assets.register("styles", styles)
-    app.register_blueprint(view_auth.blueprint)
-    app.register_blueprint(view_index.blueprint)
-    app.register_blueprint(view_image.blueprint)
-    app.register_blueprint(view_group.blueprint)
-    app.register_blueprint(view_profile.blueprint)
-    app.register_blueprint(view_settings.blueprint)
-    # APIS
-    app.register_blueprint(api_media.blueprint)
-    app.register_blueprint(api_group.blueprint)
-    app.register_blueprint(api_account.blueprint)
-    cache.init_app(app)
-    compress.init_app(app)
-    # Yupee! We got there :3
-    print("Done!")
-    logging.info("Gallery started successfully!")
-    return app
diff --git a/onlylegs/api.py b/onlylegs/api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fffeea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+Onlylegs - API endpoints
+import os
+import pathlib
+import re
+import logging
+from uuid import uuid4
+from flask import (
+    Blueprint,
+    abort,
+    send_from_directory,
+    jsonify,
+    request,
+    current_app,
+from flask_login import login_required, current_user
+from colorthief import ColorThief
+from onlylegs.extensions import db
+from onlylegs.models import Users, Pictures
+from onlylegs.utils.metadata import yoink
+from onlylegs.utils.generate_image import generate_thumbnail
+blueprint = Blueprint("api", __name__, url_prefix="/api")
+@blueprint.route("/account/picture/<int:user_id>", methods=["POST"])
+def account_picture(user_id):
+    """
+    Returns the profile of a user
+    """
+    user = db.get_or_404(Users, user_id)
+    file = request.files.get("file", None)
+    # If no image is uploaded, return 404 error
+    if not file:
+        return jsonify({"error": "No file uploaded"}), 400
+    if user.id != current_user.id:
+        return jsonify({"error": "You are not allowed to do this, go away"}), 403
+    # Get file extension, generate random name and set file path
+    img_ext = pathlib.Path(file.filename).suffix.replace(".", "").lower()
+    img_name = str(user.id)
+    img_path = os.path.join(current_app.config["PFP_FOLDER"], img_name + "." + img_ext)
+    # Check if file extension is allowed
+    if img_ext not in current_app.config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"].keys():
+        logging.info("File extension not allowed: %s", img_ext)
+        return jsonify({"error": "File extension not allowed"}), 403
+    if user.picture:
+        # Delete cached files and old image
+        os.remove(os.path.join(current_app.config["PFP_FOLDER"], user.picture))
+        cache_name = user.picture.rsplit(".")[0]
+        for cache_file in pathlib.Path(current_app.config["CACHE_FOLDER"]).glob(
+            cache_name + "*"
+        ):
+            os.remove(cache_file)
+    # Save file
+    try:
+        file.save(img_path)
+    except OSError as err:
+        logging.info("Error saving file %s because of %s", img_path, err)
+        return jsonify({"error": "Error saving file"}), 500
+    img_colors = ColorThief(img_path).get_color()
+    # Save to database
+    user.colour = img_colors
+    user.picture = str(img_name + "." + img_ext)
+    db.session.commit()
+    return jsonify({"message": "File uploaded"}), 200
+@blueprint.route("/account/username/<int:user_id>", methods=["POST"])
+def account_username(user_id):
+    """
+    Returns the profile of a user
+    """
+    user = db.get_or_404(Users, user_id)
+    new_name = request.form["name"]
+    username_regex = re.compile(r"\b[A-Za-z0-9._-]+\b")
+    # Validate the form
+    if not new_name or not username_regex.match(new_name):
+        return jsonify({"error": "Username is invalid"}), 400
+    if user.id != current_user.id:
+        return jsonify({"error": "You are not allowed to do this, go away"}), 403
+    # Save to database
+    user.username = new_name
+    db.session.commit()
+    return jsonify({"message": "Username changed"}), 200
+@blueprint.route("/media/<path:path>", methods=["GET"])
+def media(path):
+    """
+    Returns image from media folder
+    r for resolution, thumb for thumbnail etc
+    e for extension, jpg, png etc
+    """
+    res = request.args.get("r", "").strip()
+    ext = request.args.get("e", "").strip()
+    # if no args are passed, return the raw file
+    if not res and not ext:
+        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(current_app.config["MEDIA_FOLDER"], path)):
+            abort(404)
+        return send_from_directory(current_app.config["MEDIA_FOLDER"], path)
+    # Generate thumbnail, if None is returned a server error occured
+    thumb = generate_thumbnail(path, res, ext)
+    if not thumb:
+        abort(500)
+    response = send_from_directory(os.path.dirname(thumb), os.path.basename(thumb))
+    response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "public, max-age=31536000"
+    response.headers["Expires"] = "31536000"
+    return response
+@blueprint.route("/media/upload", methods=["POST"])
+def upload():
+    """
+    Uploads an image to the server and saves it to the database
+    """
+    form_file = request.files.get("file", None)
+    form = request.form
+    if not form_file:
+        return jsonify({"message": "No file"}), 400
+    # Get file extension, generate random name and set file path
+    img_ext = pathlib.Path(form_file.filename).suffix.replace(".", "").lower()
+    img_name = "GWAGWA_" + str(uuid4())
+    img_path = os.path.join(
+        current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], img_name + "." + img_ext
+    )
+    # Check if file extension is allowed
+    if img_ext not in current_app.config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"].keys():
+        logging.info("File extension not allowed: %s", img_ext)
+        return jsonify({"message": "File extension not allowed"}), 403
+    # Save file
+    try:
+        form_file.save(img_path)
+    except OSError as err:
+        logging.info("Error saving file %s because of %s", img_path, err)
+        return jsonify({"message": "Error saving file"}), 500
+    img_exif = yoink(img_path)  # Get EXIF data
+    img_colors = ColorThief(img_path).get_palette(color_count=3)  # Get color palette
+    # Save to database
+    query = Pictures(
+        author_id=current_user.id,
+        filename=img_name + "." + img_ext,
+        mimetype=img_ext,
+        exif=img_exif,
+        colours=img_colors,
+        description=form["description"],
+        alt=form["alt"],
+    )
+    db.session.add(query)
+    db.session.commit()
+    return jsonify({"message": "File uploaded"}), 200
diff --git a/onlylegs/api/__init__.py b/onlylegs/api/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/onlylegs/api/account.py b/onlylegs/api/account.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fb54c25..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/api/account.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-Onlylegs - API endpoints
-import os
-import pathlib
-import re
-import logging
-from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, request, current_app
-from flask_login import login_required, current_user
-from colorthief import ColorThief
-from onlylegs.extensions import db
-from onlylegs.models import User
-blueprint = Blueprint("account_api", __name__, url_prefix="/api/account")
-@blueprint.route("/picture/<int:user_id>", methods=["POST"])
-def account_picture(user_id):
-    """
-    Returns the profile of a user
-    """
-    user = db.get_or_404(User, user_id)
-    file = request.files["file"]
-    # If no image is uploaded, return 404 error
-    if not file:
-        return jsonify({"error": "No file uploaded"}), 400
-    if user.id != current_user.id:
-        return jsonify({"error": "You are not allowed to do this, go away"}), 403
-    # Get file extension, generate random name and set file path
-    img_ext = pathlib.Path(file.filename).suffix.replace(".", "").lower()
-    img_name = str(user.id)
-    img_path = os.path.join(current_app.config["PFP_FOLDER"], img_name + "." + img_ext)
-    # Check if file extension is allowed
-    if img_ext not in current_app.config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"].keys():
-        logging.info("File extension not allowed: %s", img_ext)
-        return jsonify({"error": "File extension not allowed"}), 403
-    if user.picture:
-        # Delete cached files and old image
-        os.remove(os.path.join(current_app.config["PFP_FOLDER"], user.picture))
-        cache_name = user.picture.rsplit(".")[0]
-        for cache_file in pathlib.Path(current_app.config["CACHE_FOLDER"]).glob(
-            cache_name + "*"
-        ):
-            os.remove(cache_file)
-    # Save file
-    try:
-        file.save(img_path)
-    except OSError as err:
-        logging.info("Error saving file %s because of %s", img_path, err)
-        return jsonify({"error": "Error saving file"}), 500
-    img_colors = ColorThief(img_path).get_color()
-    # Save to database
-    user.colour = img_colors
-    user.picture = str(img_name + "." + img_ext)
-    db.session.commit()
-    return jsonify({"message": "File uploaded"}), 200
-@blueprint.route("/username/<int:user_id>", methods=["POST"])
-def account_username(user_id):
-    """
-    Returns the profile of a user
-    """
-    user = db.get_or_404(User, user_id)
-    new_name = request.form["name"]
-    username_regex = re.compile(r"\b[A-Za-z0-9._-]+\b")
-    # Validate the form
-    if not new_name or not username_regex.match(new_name):
-        return jsonify({"error": "Username is invalid"}), 400
-    if user.id != current_user.id:
-        return jsonify({"error": "You are not allowed to do this, go away"}), 403
-    # Save to database
-    user.username = new_name
-    db.session.commit()
-    return jsonify({"message": "Username changed"}), 200
diff --git a/onlylegs/api/group.py b/onlylegs/api/group.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be39a5..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/api/group.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-Onlylegs - API endpoints
-from flask import Blueprint, flash, jsonify, request
-from flask_login import login_required, current_user
-from onlylegs.extensions import db
-from onlylegs.models import Post, Group, GroupJunction
-blueprint = Blueprint("group_api", __name__, url_prefix="/api/group")
-@blueprint.route("/create", methods=["POST"])
-def create_group():
-    """
-    Creates a group
-    """
-    new_group = Group(
-        name=request.form["name"],
-        description=request.form["description"],
-        author_id=current_user.id,
-    )
-    db.session.add(new_group)
-    db.session.commit()
-    return jsonify({"message": "Group created", "id": new_group.id})
-@blueprint.route("/modify", methods=["POST"])
-def modify_group():
-    """
-    Changes the images in a group
-    """
-    group_id = request.form["group"]
-    image_id = request.form["image"]
-    action = request.form["action"]
-    group = db.get_or_404(Group, group_id)
-    db.get_or_404(Post, image_id)  # Check if image exists
-    if group.author_id != current_user.id:
-        return jsonify({"message": "You are not the owner of this group"}), 403
-    if (
-        action == "add"
-        and not GroupJunction.query.filter_by(
-            group_id=group_id, post_id=image_id
-        ).first()
-    ):
-        db.session.add(GroupJunction(group_id=group_id, post_id=image_id))
-    elif request.form["action"] == "remove":
-        GroupJunction.query.filter_by(group_id=group_id, post_id=image_id).delete()
-    db.session.commit()
-    return jsonify({"message": "Group modified"})
-@blueprint.route("/delete", methods=["POST"])
-def delete_group():
-    """
-    Deletes a group
-    """
-    group_id = request.form["group"]
-    group = db.get_or_404(Group, group_id)
-    if group.author_id != current_user.id:
-        return jsonify({"message": "You are not the owner of this group"}), 403
-    GroupJunction.query.filter_by(group_id=group_id).delete()
-    db.session.delete(group)
-    db.session.commit()
-    flash(["Group yeeted!", "1"])
-    return jsonify({"message": "Group deleted"})
diff --git a/onlylegs/api/media.py b/onlylegs/api/media.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ce774b..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/api/media.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-Onlylegs - API endpoints
-Media upload and retrieval
-from uuid import uuid4
-import os
-import pathlib
-import logging
-from flask import (
-    Blueprint,
-    flash,
-    abort,
-    send_from_directory,
-    jsonify,
-    request,
-    current_app,
-from flask_login import login_required, current_user
-from colorthief import ColorThief
-from onlylegs.extensions import db
-from onlylegs.models import Post, GroupJunction
-from onlylegs.utils import metadata as mt
-from onlylegs.utils.generate_image import generate_thumbnail
-blueprint = Blueprint("media_api", __name__, url_prefix="/api/media")
-@blueprint.route("/<path:path>", methods=["GET"])
-def media(path):
-    """
-    Returns a file from the uploads folder
-    r for resolution, thumb for thumbnail etc
-    e for extension, jpg, png etc
-    """
-    res = request.args.get("r", default=None, type=str)
-    ext = request.args.get("e", default=None, type=str)
-    # path = secure_filename(path)
-    # if no args are passed, return the raw file
-    if not res and not ext:
-        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(current_app.config["MEDIA_FOLDER"], path)):
-            abort(404)
-        return send_from_directory(current_app.config["MEDIA_FOLDER"], path)
-    thumb = generate_thumbnail(path, res, ext)
-    if not thumb:
-        abort(500)
-    return send_from_directory(os.path.dirname(thumb), os.path.basename(thumb))
-@blueprint.route("/upload", methods=["POST"])
-def upload():
-    """
-    Uploads an image to the server and saves it to the database
-    """
-    form_file = request.files["file"]
-    form = request.form
-    if not form_file:
-        return jsonify({"message": "No file"}), 400
-    # Get file extension, generate random name and set file path
-    img_ext = pathlib.Path(form_file.filename).suffix.replace(".", "").lower()
-    img_name = "GWAGWA_" + str(uuid4())
-    img_path = os.path.join(
-        current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], img_name + "." + img_ext
-    )
-    # Check if file extension is allowed
-    if img_ext not in current_app.config["ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS"].keys():
-        logging.info("File extension not allowed: %s", img_ext)
-        return jsonify({"message": "File extension not allowed"}), 403
-    # Save file
-    try:
-        form_file.save(img_path)
-    except OSError as err:
-        logging.info("Error saving file %s because of %s", img_path, err)
-        return jsonify({"message": "Error saving file"}), 500
-    img_exif = mt.Metadata(img_path).yoink()  # Get EXIF data
-    img_colors = ColorThief(img_path).get_palette(color_count=3)  # Get color palette
-    # Save to database
-    query = Post(
-        author_id=current_user.id,
-        filename=img_name + "." + img_ext,
-        mimetype=img_ext,
-        exif=img_exif,
-        colours=img_colors,
-        description=form["description"],
-        alt=form["alt"],
-    )
-    db.session.add(query)
-    db.session.commit()
-    return jsonify({"message": "File uploaded"}), 200
-@blueprint.route("/delete/<int:image_id>", methods=["POST"])
-def delete_image(image_id):
-    """
-    Deletes an image from the server and database
-    """
-    post = db.get_or_404(Post, image_id)
-    # Check if image exists and if user is allowed to delete it (author)
-    if post.author_id != current_user.id:
-        logging.info("User %s tried to delete image %s", current_user.id, image_id)
-        return (
-            jsonify({"message": "You are not allowed to delete this image, heck off"}),
-            403,
-        )
-    # Delete file
-    try:
-        os.remove(os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], post.filename))
-    except FileNotFoundError:
-        logging.warning(
-            "File not found: %s, already deleted or never existed", post.filename
-        )
-    # Delete cached files
-    cache_name = post.filename.rsplit(".")[0]
-    for cache_file in pathlib.Path(current_app.config["CACHE_FOLDER"]).glob(
-        cache_name + "*"
-    ):
-        os.remove(cache_file)
-    GroupJunction.query.filter_by(post_id=image_id).delete()
-    db.session.delete(post)
-    db.session.commit()
-    logging.info("Removed image (%s) %s", image_id, post.filename)
-    flash(["Image was all in Le Head!", "1"])
-    return jsonify({"message": "Image deleted"}), 200
diff --git a/onlylegs/app.py b/onlylegs/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd4349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+Onlylegs Gallery
+This is the main app file, it loads all the other files and sets up the app
+import os
+import logging
+from flask_assets import Bundle
+from flask_migrate import init as migrate_init
+from flask import Flask, render_template, abort
+from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
+from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash
+from onlylegs.extensions import db, migrate, login_manager, assets, compress, cache
+from onlylegs.config import INSTANCE_DIR, MIGRATIONS_DIR
+from onlylegs.models import Users
+from onlylegs.views import (
+    index as view_index,
+    image as view_image,
+    group as view_group,
+    settings as view_settings,
+    profile as view_profile,
+from onlylegs import api
+from onlylegs import auth as view_auth
+from onlylegs import filters
+app = Flask(__name__, instance_path=INSTANCE_DIR)
+migrate.init_app(app, db, directory=MIGRATIONS_DIR)
+# If database file doesn't exist, create it
+if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(INSTANCE_DIR, "gallery.sqlite3")):
+    print("Creating database")
+    with app.app_context():
+        db.create_all()
+        register_user = Users(
+            username=app.config["ADMIN_CONF"]["username"],
+            email=app.config["ADMIN_CONF"]["email"],
+            password=generate_password_hash("changeme!", method="sha256"),
+        )
+        db.session.add(register_user)
+        db.session.commit()
+        print(
+            """
+        """
+        )
+# Check if migrations directory exists, if not create it
+with app.app_context():
+    if not os.path.exists(MIGRATIONS_DIR):
+        print("Creating migrations directory")
+        migrate_init(directory=MIGRATIONS_DIR)
+# can also set session_protection to "strong"
+# this would protect against session hijacking
+login_manager.login_view = "onlylegs.index"
+def load_user(user_id):
+    return Users.query.filter_by(alt_id=user_id).first()
+def unauthorized():
+    error = 401
+    msg = "You are not authorized to view this page!!!!"
+    return render_template("error.html", error=error, msg=msg), error
+def error_page(err):
+    """
+    Error handlers, if the error is not a HTTP error, return 500
+    """
+    if not isinstance(err, HTTPException):
+        abort(500)
+    return (
+        render_template("error.html", error=err.code, msg=err.description),
+        err.code,
+    )
+scripts = Bundle(
+    "js/*.js", output="gen/js.js", depends="js/*.js"
+)  # filter jsmin is broken :c
+styles = Bundle(
+    "sass/style.sass",
+    filters="libsass, cssmin",
+    output="gen/styles.css",
+    depends="sass/**/*.sass",
+assets.register("scripts", scripts)
+assets.register("styles", styles)
+# Yupee! We got there :3
+logging.info("Gallery started successfully!")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    app.run()
diff --git a/onlylegs/auth.py b/onlylegs/auth.py
index 6b5884f..c3d0698 100644
--- a/onlylegs/auth.py
+++ b/onlylegs/auth.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from werkzeug.security import check_password_hash, generate_password_hash
 from flask_login import login_user, logout_user, login_required
 from onlylegs.extensions import db
-from onlylegs.models import User
+from onlylegs.models import Users
 blueprint = Blueprint("auth", __name__, url_prefix="/auth")
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def login():
     password = request.form["password"].strip()
     remember = bool(request.form["remember-me"])
-    user = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first()
+    user = Users.query.filter_by(username=username).first()
     if not user or not check_password_hash(user.password, password):
         logging.error("Login attempt from %s", request.remote_addr)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ def register():
     elif password_repeat != password:
         error.append("Passwords do not match!")
-    user_exists = User.query.filter_by(username=username).first()
+    user_exists = Users.query.filter_by(username=username).first()
     if user_exists:
         error.append("User already exists!")
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def register():
         return jsonify(error), 400
-    register_user = User(
+    register_user = Users(
         password=generate_password_hash(password, method="sha256"),
diff --git a/onlylegs/config.py b/onlylegs/config.py
index 58e7a80..06cd271 100644
--- a/onlylegs/config.py
+++ b/onlylegs/config.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Gallery configuration file
 import os
 import platformdirs
+import importlib.metadata
 from dotenv import load_dotenv
 from yaml import safe_load
@@ -41,3 +42,6 @@ MEDIA_FOLDER = os.path.join(user_dir, "media")
 # Database
 INSTANCE_DIR = instance_dir
 MIGRATIONS_DIR = os.path.join(INSTANCE_DIR, "migrations")
+# App
+APP_VERSION = importlib.metadata.version("OnlyLegs")
diff --git a/onlylegs/extensions.py b/onlylegs/extensions.py
index 0b27ca4..9e3eb84 100644
--- a/onlylegs/extensions.py
+++ b/onlylegs/extensions.py
@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ migrate = Migrate()
 login_manager = LoginManager()
 assets = Environment()
 compress = Compress()
-cache = Cache(config={"CACHE_TYPE": "SimpleCache", "CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT": 300})
+cache = Cache(config={"CACHE_TYPE": "simple", "CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT": 300})
diff --git a/onlylegs/filters.py b/onlylegs/filters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..765003b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/filters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+OnlyLegs filters
+Custom Jinja2 filters
+from flask import Blueprint
+from onlylegs.utils import colour as colour_utils
+blueprint = Blueprint("filters", __name__)
+def colour_contrast(colour):
+    """
+    Pass in the colour of the background and will return
+    a css variable based on the contrast of text required to be readable
+    "color: var(--fg-white);" or "color: var(--fg-black);"
+    """
+    colour_obj = colour_utils.Colour(colour)
+    return "rgb(var(--fg-black));" if colour_obj.is_light() else "rgb(var(--fg-white));"
diff --git a/onlylegs/gwagwa.py b/onlylegs/gwagwa.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fb58f6..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/gwagwa.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Gwa Gwa!
-print("Gwa Gwa!")
diff --git a/onlylegs/langs/gb.json b/onlylegs/langs/gb.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d3f0895..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/langs/gb.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-    "IMAGES_UPLOADED": "%s images uploaded!",
-    "DONT USE THIS": "variable:format(data), jinja2 doesnt use the same method as Django does, odd"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/onlylegs/models.py b/onlylegs/models.py
index af3eb6f..6970a9b 100644
--- a/onlylegs/models.py
+++ b/onlylegs/models.py
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ from flask_login import UserMixin
 from onlylegs.extensions import db
-class GroupJunction(db.Model):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
+class AlbumJunction(db.Model):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
-    Junction table for posts and groups
-    Joins with posts and groups
+    Junction table for picturess and albums
+    Joins with picturess and albums
-    __tablename__ = "group_junction"
+    __tablename__ = "album_junction"
     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
-    group_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("group.id"))
-    post_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("post.id"))
+    album_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("albums.id"))
+    picture_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("pictures.id"))
     date_added = db.Column(
@@ -26,16 +26,15 @@ class GroupJunction(db.Model):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
-class Post(db.Model):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
+class Pictures(db.Model):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
-    Post table
+    Pictures table
-    __tablename__ = "post"
+    __tablename__ = "pictures"
     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
-    author_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("user.id"))
+    author_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("users.id"))
     filename = db.Column(db.String, unique=True, nullable=False)
     mimetype = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
@@ -51,37 +50,37 @@ class Post(db.Model):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
         server_default=db.func.now(),  # pylint: disable=E1102
-    junction = db.relationship("GroupJunction", backref="posts")
+    album_fk = db.relationship("AlbumJunction", backref="pictures")
-class Group(db.Model):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
+class Albums(db.Model):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
-    Group table
+    albums table
-    __tablename__ = "group"
+    __tablename__ = "albums"
     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
     name = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
     description = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
-    author_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("user.id"))
+    author_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey("users.id"))
     created_at = db.Column(
         server_default=db.func.now(),  # pylint: disable=E1102
-    junction = db.relationship("GroupJunction", backref="groups")
+    album_fk = db.relationship("AlbumJunction", backref="albums")
-class User(db.Model, UserMixin):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
+class Users(db.Model, UserMixin):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C0103
-    User table
+    Users table
-    __tablename__ = "user"
+    __tablename__ = "users"
     # Gallery used information
     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
@@ -100,8 +99,8 @@ class User(db.Model, UserMixin):  # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, C010
         server_default=db.func.now(),  # pylint: disable=E1102
-    posts = db.relationship("Post", backref="author")
-    groups = db.relationship("Group", backref="author")
+    pictures_fk = db.relationship("Pictures", backref="author")
+    albums_fk = db.relationship("Albums", backref="author")
     def get_id(self):
         return str(self.alt_id)
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/banner.png b/onlylegs/static/banner.png
index 179ed20..67aacfc 100644
Binary files a/onlylegs/static/banner.png and b/onlylegs/static/banner.png differ
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/fonts/Rubik.ttf b/onlylegs/static/fonts/Rubik.ttf
deleted file mode 100644
index 547f069..0000000
Binary files a/onlylegs/static/fonts/Rubik.ttf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/fonts/font.css b/onlylegs/static/fonts/font.css
deleted file mode 100644
index bb8f61b..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/static/fonts/font.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-@font-face {
-    font-family: 'Rubik';
-    src: url('./Rubik.ttf') format('truetype');
-    font-style: normal;
-    font-display: block;
-    font-weight: 300 900;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/js/clipboard.js b/onlylegs/static/js/clipboard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0882f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/static/js/clipboard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+function copyToClipboard(data) {
+    try {
+        navigator.clipboard.writeText(data)
+        addNotification("Copied to clipboard!", 4);
+    } catch (err) {
+        addNotification("Oh noes, something when wrong D:", 2);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/js/fade.js b/onlylegs/static/js/fade.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56749ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/static/js/fade.js
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// fade in images
+function imgFade(obj, time = 200) {
+    setTimeout(() => {
+        obj.style.animation = `imgFadeIn ${time}ms`;
+        setTimeout(() => {
+            obj.style.opacity = null;
+            obj.style.animation = null;
+        }, time);
+    }, 1);
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/js/grid.js b/onlylegs/static/js/grid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54aae09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/static/js/grid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+function makeGrid() {
+    // Get the container and images
+    const container = document.querySelector('.gallery-grid');
+    const images = document.querySelectorAll('.gallery-item');
+    // Set the gap between images
+    const gap = 0.6 * 16;
+    const maxWidth = container.clientWidth - gap;
+    const maxHeight = 13 * 16;
+    if (window.innerWidth < 800) {
+        for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
+            images[i].style.height = images[i].offsetWidth + 'px';
+            images[i].style.width = null;
+            images[i].style.left = null;
+            images[i].style.top = null;
+        }
+        container.style.height = null;
+        return;
+    }
+    // Calculate the width and height of each image
+    let calculated = {};
+    for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
+        const image = images[i].querySelector('img');
+        const width = image.naturalWidth;
+        const height = image.naturalHeight;
+        let ratio = width / height;
+        const newWidth = maxHeight * ratio;
+        if (newWidth > maxWidth) {
+            newWidth = maxWidth / 3 - gap; // 3 images per row max
+            ratio = newWidth / height;
+        }
+        calculated[i] = {"width": newWidth,
+                         "height": maxHeight,
+                         "ratio": ratio};
+    }
+    // Next images position
+    let nextTop = gap;
+    let nextLeft = gap;
+    for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
+        let currentRow = [];
+        let currectLength = 0;
+        // While the row is not full add images to it
+        while (currectLength < maxWidth && i !== images.length) {
+            currentRow.push(i);
+            currectLength += calculated[i]["width"];
+            i++;
+        }
+        // Go back one image since the last one pushed the row over the limit
+        i--;
+        // Calculate the amount of space required to fill the row
+        const currentRowDiff = (currectLength - maxWidth);
+        // Cycle through the images in the row and adjust their width and left position
+        for (let j = 0; j < currentRow.length; j++) {
+            const image = images[currentRow[j]];
+            const data = calculated[currentRow[j]];
+            // Shrink compared to the % of the row it takes up
+            const shrink = currentRowDiff * (data["width"] / currectLength);
+            image.style.width = data["width"] - shrink - gap + 'px';
+            image.style.height = data["height"] + 'px';
+            image.style.left = nextLeft + 'px';
+            image.style.top = nextTop + 'px';
+            nextLeft += data["width"] - shrink;
+        }
+        // Reset for the next row
+        nextTop += maxHeight + gap;
+        nextLeft = gap;
+    }
+    container.style.height = nextTop + 'px';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/js/groupPage.js b/onlylegs/static/js/groupPage.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..193dccc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/static/js/groupPage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+function groupDeletePopup() {
+    let title = 'Yeet!';
+    let subtitle =
+        'Are you surrrre? This action is irreversible ' +
+        'and very final. This wont delete the images, ' +
+        'but it will remove them from this group.'
+    let body = null;
+    let deleteBtn = document.createElement('button');
+        deleteBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
+        deleteBtn.classList.add('critical');
+        deleteBtn.innerHTML = 'Dewww eeeet!';
+        deleteBtn.onclick = groupDeleteConfirm;
+    popupShow(title, subtitle, body, [popupCancelButton, deleteBtn]);
+function groupDeleteConfirm(event) {
+    // AJAX takes control of subby form :3
+    event.preventDefault();
+    fetch('/group/' + group_data['id'], {
+        method: 'DELETE',
+    }).then(response => {
+        if (response.ok) {
+            window.location.href = '/group/';
+        } else {
+            addNotification('Server exploded, returned:' + response.status, 2);
+        }
+    }).catch(error => {
+        addNotification('Error yeeting group!' + error, 2);
+    });
+function groupEditPopup() {
+    let title = 'Nothing stays the same';
+    let subtitle = 'Add, remove, or change, the power is in your hands...'
+    let formSubmitButton = document.createElement('button');
+        formSubmitButton.setAttribute('form', 'groupEditForm');
+        formSubmitButton.setAttribute('type', 'submit');
+        formSubmitButton.classList.add('btn-block');
+        formSubmitButton.classList.add('primary');
+        formSubmitButton.innerHTML = 'Saveeee';
+    // Create form
+    let body = document.createElement('form');
+        body.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'return groupEditConfirm(event);');
+        body.id = 'groupEditForm';
+    let formImageId = document.createElement('input');
+        formImageId.setAttribute('type', 'text');
+        formImageId.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Image ID');
+        formImageId.setAttribute('required', '');
+        formImageId.classList.add('input-block');
+        formImageId.id = 'groupFormImageId';
+    let formAction = document.createElement('input');
+        formAction.setAttribute('type', 'text');
+        formAction.setAttribute('value', 'add');
+        formAction.setAttribute('placeholder', '[add, remove]');
+        formAction.setAttribute('required', '');
+        formAction.classList.add('input-block');
+        formAction.id = 'groupFormAction';
+    body.appendChild(formImageId);
+    body.appendChild(formAction);
+    popupShow(title, subtitle, body, [popupCancelButton, formSubmitButton]);
+function groupEditConfirm(event) {
+    // AJAX takes control of subby form :3
+    event.preventDefault();
+    let imageId = document.querySelector("#groupFormImageId").value;
+    let action = document.querySelector("#groupFormAction").value;
+    let formData = new FormData();
+        formData.append("imageId", imageId);
+        formData.append("action", action);
+    fetch('/group/' + group_data['id'], {
+        method: 'PUT',
+        body: formData
+    }).then(response => {
+       if (response.ok) {
+            window.location.reload();
+        } else {
+            addNotification('Server exploded, returned:' + response.status, 2);
+        }
+    }).catch(error => {
+        addNotification('Error!!!!! Panic!!!!' + error, 2);
+    });
+function groupCreatePopup() {
+    let title = 'New stuff!';
+    let subtitle =
+        'Image groups are a simple way to ' +
+        '"group" images together, are you ready?'
+    let formSubmitButton = document.createElement('button');
+        formSubmitButton.setAttribute('form', 'groupCreateForm');
+        formSubmitButton.setAttribute('type', 'submit');
+        formSubmitButton.classList.add('btn-block');
+        formSubmitButton.classList.add('primary');
+        formSubmitButton.innerHTML = 'Huzzah!';
+    // Create form
+    let body = document.createElement('form');
+        body.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'return groupCreateConfirm(event);');
+        body.id = 'groupCreateForm';
+    let formName = document.createElement('input');
+        formName.setAttribute('type', 'text');
+        formName.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Group namey');
+        formName.setAttribute('required', '');
+        formName.classList.add('input-block');
+        formName.id = 'groupFormName';
+    let formDescription = document.createElement('input');
+        formDescription.setAttribute('type', 'text');
+        formDescription.setAttribute('placeholder', 'What it about????');
+        formDescription.classList.add('input-block');
+        formDescription.id = 'groupFormDescription';
+    body.appendChild(formName);
+    body.appendChild(formDescription);
+    popupShow(title, subtitle, body, [popupCancelButton, formSubmitButton]);
+function groupCreateConfirm(event) {
+    // AJAX takes control of subby form :3
+    event.preventDefault();
+    let name = document.querySelector("#groupFormName").value;
+    let description = document.querySelector("#groupFormDescription").value;
+    let formData = new FormData();
+        formData.append("name", name);
+        formData.append("description", description);
+    fetch('/group/', {
+        method: 'POST',
+        body: formData
+    }).then(response => {
+        if (response.ok) {
+            window.location.reload();
+        } else {
+            addNotification('Server exploded, returned:' + response.status, 2);
+        }
+    }).catch(error => {
+        addNotification('Error summoning group!' + error, 2);
+    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/js/imagePage.js b/onlylegs/static/js/imagePage.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b98d46d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/static/js/imagePage.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+function imageFullscreen() {
+    let info = document.querySelector('.info-container');
+    let image = document.querySelector('.image-container');
+    if (info.classList.contains('collapsed')) {
+        info.classList.remove('collapsed');
+        image.classList.remove('collapsed');
+        document.cookie = "image-info=0"
+    } else {
+        info.classList.add('collapsed');
+        image.classList.add('collapsed');
+        document.cookie = "image-info=1"
+    }
+function imageDeletePopup() {
+    let title = 'DESTRUCTION!!!!!!';
+    let subtitle =
+        'Do you want to delete this image along with ' +
+        'all of its data??? This action is irreversible!';
+    let body = null;
+    let deleteBtn = document.createElement('button');
+        deleteBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
+        deleteBtn.classList.add('critical');
+        deleteBtn.innerHTML = 'Dewww eeeet!';
+        deleteBtn.onclick = imageDeleteConfirm;
+    popupShow(title, subtitle, body, [popupCancelButton, deleteBtn]);
+function imageDeleteConfirm() {
+    popupDismiss();
+    fetch('/image/' + image_data["id"], {
+        method: 'DELETE',
+    }).then(response => {
+        if (response.ok) {
+            window.location.href = '/';
+        } else {
+            addNotification('Image *clings*', 2);
+        }
+    });
+function imageEditPopup() {
+    let title = 'Edit image!';
+    let subtitle = 'Enter funny stuff here!';
+    let formSubmitButton = document.createElement('button');
+        formSubmitButton.setAttribute('form', 'imageEditForm');
+        formSubmitButton.setAttribute('type', 'submit');
+        formSubmitButton.classList.add('btn-block');
+        formSubmitButton.classList.add('primary');
+        formSubmitButton.innerHTML = 'Saveeee';
+    // Create form
+    let body = document.createElement('form');
+        body.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'return imageEditConfirm(event);');
+        body.id = 'imageEditForm';
+    let formAlt = document.createElement('input');
+        formAlt.setAttribute('type', 'text');
+        formAlt.setAttribute('value', image_data["alt"]);
+        formAlt.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Image Alt');
+        formAlt.classList.add('input-block');
+        formAlt.id = 'imageFormAlt';
+    let formDescription = document.createElement('input');
+        formDescription.setAttribute('type', 'text');
+        formDescription.setAttribute('value', image_data["description"]);
+        formDescription.setAttribute('placeholder', 'Image Description');
+        formDescription.classList.add('input-block');
+        formDescription.id = 'imageFormDescription';
+    body.appendChild(formAlt);
+    body.appendChild(formDescription);
+    popupShow(title, subtitle, body, [popupCancelButton, formSubmitButton]);
+function imageEditConfirm(event) {
+    // Yoink subby form
+    event.preventDefault();
+    let alt = document.querySelector('#imageFormAlt').value;
+    let description = document.querySelector('#imageFormDescription').value;
+    let form = new FormData();
+        form.append('alt', alt);
+        form.append('description', description);
+    fetch('/image/' + image_data["id"], {
+        method: 'PUT',
+        body: form,
+    }).then(response => {
+        if (response.ok) {
+            popupDismiss();
+            window.location.reload();
+        } else {
+            addNotification('Image *clings*', 2);
+        }
+    });
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/js/index.js b/onlylegs/static/js/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d9d0aa5..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/static/js/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// fade in images
-function imgFade(obj, time = 250) {
-    obj.style.transition = `opacity ${time}ms`;
-    obj.style.opacity = 1;
-// Lazy load images when they are in view
-function loadOnView() {
-    const lazyLoad = document.querySelectorAll('#lazy-load');
-    const webpSupport = checkWebpSupport();
-    for (let i = 0; i < lazyLoad.length; i++) {
-        const image = lazyLoad[i];
-        if (image.getBoundingClientRect().top < window.innerHeight && image.getBoundingClientRect().bottom > 0) {
-            if (!image.src && webpSupport) {
-                image.src = `${image.getAttribute('data-src')}&e=webp`;
-            } else if (!image.src) {
-                image.src = image.getAttribute('data-src');
-            }
-        }
-    }
-window.onload = function () {
-    loadOnView();
-    const times = document.querySelectorAll('.time');
-    for (let i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
-        // Remove milliseconds
-        const raw = times[i].innerHTML.split('.')[0];
-        // Parse YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS to Date object
-        const time = raw.split(' ')[1];
-        const date = raw.split(' ')[0].split('-');
-        // Format to YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS and convert to UTC Date object
-        const dateTime = new Date(`${date[0]}/${date[1]}/${date[2]} ${time} UTC`);
-        // Convert to local time
-        times[i].innerHTML = `${dateTime.toLocaleDateString()} ${dateTime.toLocaleTimeString()}`;
-    }
-    // Top Of Page button
-    const topOfPage = document.querySelector('.top-of-page');
-    if (document.body.scrollTop > 300 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {
-        topOfPage.classList.add('show');
-    } else {
-        topOfPage.classList.remove('show');
-    }
-    topOfPage.onclick = function () {
-        document.body.scrollTop = 0;
-        document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
-    }
-    // Info button
-    const infoButton = document.querySelector('.info-button');
-    if (infoButton) {
-        if (document.body.scrollTop > 300 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {
-            infoButton.classList.remove('show');
-        } else {
-            infoButton.classList.add('show');
-        }
-        infoButton.onclick = function () {
-            popUpShow('OnlyLegs',
-                      '<a href="https://github.com/Fluffy-Bean/onlylegs">v0.1.2</a> ' +
-                      'using <a href="https://phosphoricons.com/">Phosphoricons</a> and Flask.' +
-                      '<br>Made by Fluffy and others with ❤️');
-        }
-    }
-window.onscroll = function () {
-    loadOnView();
-    // Top Of Page button
-    const topOfPage = document.querySelector('.top-of-page');
-    if (document.body.scrollTop > 300 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {
-        topOfPage.classList.add('show');
-    } else {
-        topOfPage.classList.remove('show');
-    }
-    // Info button
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-40,-143 -29,-95 -71,-197 -142,-345 -55,-115 -115,-246 -133,-290 -40,-101 -44,-108 -125,-235 -57.6611,-76.9253 -108.8483,-155.9466 -158,-245 -41.8198,-72.4341 -151.3026,-225.4907 -108,-300 65.0126,-70.4405 142.2339,-55.61 217,-79 24,-8 70,-20 103,-26 32,-7 54,-16 50,-20 -5,-5 -54.4462,-13.6036 -109,-25 -55.5759,-11.6099 -107.6919,-23.3581 -190,-41 -86.0096,-13.9667 -223.7414,-29.6671 -275,-106 -59,-97 -1,-143 260,-211 l 55,-14 -55,-13 c -165,-38 -232,-110 -185,-199 14,-28 13,-29 -13,-39 -15,-6 -49,-15 -77,-22 -65,-14 -153,-72 -161,-105 -13,-51 31,-105 84,-105 10,0 34,11 54,25 20,14 64,31 96,39 l 59,14 17,-83 c 9,-46 16,-107 16,-135 0,-44 4,-56 29,-81 37,-37 65,-37 102,0 27,27 29,35 29,105 0,41 -4,85 -9,98 -4,13 -11,47 -15,76 l -7,52 c 180.2886,6.4837 207.2871,-4.1989 355.8174,23.0309 66,12 305.1826,43.9691 335.1826,52.9691 85,26 170,34 170,16 0,-8 15,-29 34,-48 59,-59 104,-45 271,80 117,89 129,91 178,35 21,-24 59,-74 83,-111 30,-44 62,-77 97,-100 48,-31 58,-33 149,-36 l 98,-4 v 85 85 l -66,-6 c -82,-6 -102,4 -150,77 -160,243 -270,269 -476,113 l -66,-50 -13,29 c -12,31 -54,59 -86,59 -10,0 -34,-8 -53,-18 -19,-11 -62,-22 -95,-25 -33,-3 -80,-13 -104,-22 -25,-8 -97,-24 -160,-36 -150.6695,-31.5585 -331.7946,-51.6255 -476.3702,-37.9738 -66,9 53.3702,64.9738 155.3702,82.9738 221,38 324,64 342,86 31,38 17,107 -26,129 -33,17 -144,40 -226,46 -41,4 -95,10 -120,15 -25,5 -65,12 -90,16 -39,6 -42,8 -22,15 12,5 53,13 90,19 138,23 319,62 386,83 77,25 136,78 136,123 0,35 -47,80 -101,94 -24,7 -80,23 -124,36 -44,13 -136,38 -205,55 -69,17 -128,33 -133,36 -4,2 18,32 49,66 30,34 78,103 106,152 28,50 67,115 88,145 45,68 103,173 120,220 7,19 66,148 131,285 216,458 279,758 208,1000 -12,39 -27,81 -34,95 -7,14 -21,48 -30,75 -26,78 -35,93 -68,106 -58,24 -139,-13 -239,-108 -311,-298 -478,-484 -659,-735 -65,-90 -214,-337 -228,-377 -6,-19 -35,-75 -64,-125 -30,-50 -62,-110 -72,-134 -10,-24 -23,-42 -29,-40 -6,2 -69,22 -141,45 -163,52 -290,84 -380,94 -124,14 -394,10 -455,-6 -30,-8 -67,-15 -81,-15 -15,0 -38,-9 -52,-20 -14,-11 -28,-17 -31,-12 -2,4 -14,55 -25,112 -54,270 -139,504 -262,723 -28,51 -71,127 -95,169 -54,95 -275,380 -364,468 -36,36 -93,89 -128,118 -67,55 -96,63 -142,38 z"
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/animations.sass
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@@ -8,4 +8,12 @@
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-        left: 100%
\ No newline at end of file
+        left: 100%
+@keyframes imgFadeIn
+    0%
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+        // filter: blur(0.5rem)
+    100%
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index 483c071..037e38d 100644
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/banner.sass
+++ b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/banner.sass
@@ -20,26 +20,10 @@
             background-color: RGB($fg-black)
             color: RGB($fg-white)
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@@ -122,10 +106,10 @@
             background-color: RGB($primary)
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--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/buttons/block.sass
+++ b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/buttons/block.sass
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         @include btn-block($black)
+    &.disabled, &:disabled
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+        cursor: unset
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     display: flex
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/buttons/pill.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/buttons/pill.sass
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--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/buttons/pill.sass
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         color: RGB($primary)
+    &.disabled, &:disabled
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+        cursor: unset
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     margin: 0.35rem
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@@ -44,8 +42,7 @@
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@@ -88,19 +85,6 @@
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@@ -187,14 +168,8 @@
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-            &.loaded
-                filter: blur(0)
-                opacity: 1
+            transition: transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(.79, .14, .15, .86)
@@ -219,11 +194,6 @@
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-        content: ""
-        display: block
-        padding-bottom: 100%
@@ -252,3 +222,7 @@
 @media (max-width: 800px)
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+    .gallery-item
+        margin: 0.35rem
+        position: relative
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0000000..1439670
--- /dev/null
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+    padding: 0.5rem 0 0 0.5rem
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+        background: none
+        // While probably not the best way of doing this
+        // Not bothered to fight with CSS today
+        &.collapsed
+            left: 0
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+    flex-direction: column
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+        > i
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+        h2
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+    &[open]
+        summary
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+            > i.collapse-indicator
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+    p
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+    picture
+        margin: auto
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+        img
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+    &.collapsed
+        padding: 0
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+        picture img
+            border-radius: 0
+@media (max-width: 1100px)
+    .image-container
+        position: relative
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+        picture
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+            max-height: 69vh
+            img
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+        &.collapsed
+            padding: 0.5rem
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+            picture img
+                border-radius: $rad
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+    animation: imgLoading 1.8s linear infinite forwards
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+    img
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+        filter: blur(3rem) saturate(1.2) brightness(0.7)
+        transform: scale(1.1)
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+    &::after
+        content: ''
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+        z-index: +1
+@media (max-width: 1100px)
+    #fullscreenImage
+        display: none
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/background.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/background.sass
deleted file mode 100644
index e7478b5..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/background.sass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-    width: 100%
-    height: 100vh
-    position: fixed
-    top: 0
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-    background-color: RGB($bg-300)
-    background-image: linear-gradient(to right, RGB($bg-400) 15%, RGB($bg-200) 35%, RGB($bg-400) 50%)
-    background-size: 1000px 640px
-    animation: imgLoading 1.8s linear infinite forwards
-    user-select: none
-    overflow: hidden
-    z-index: 1
-    img
-        position: absolute
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-        background-color: RGB($fg-white)
-        filter: blur(1rem) saturate(1.2)
-        transform: scale(1.1)
-        object-fit: cover
-        object-position: center center
-    span
-        position: absolute
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-        z-index: +1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/image.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/image.sass
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index 99fd1ac..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/image.sass
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-    display: flex
-    overflow: hidden
-    img
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-        padding: 0
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-        height: auto
-        max-width: 100%
-        max-height: 100%
-        object-fit: contain
-        object-position: center
-@media (max-width: 1100px)
-    .image-container
-        margin: 0 auto
-        max-height: 69vh
-        img
-            max-height: 69vh
\ No newline at end of file
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index 1b42c1e..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/info-tab.sass
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@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-    padding: 0.5rem 0 0.5rem 0.5rem
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-    transition: left 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.76, 0, 0.17, 1)
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-    &.collapsed
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-    &.collapsed
-        height: 2.5rem
-        .collapse-indicator
-            transform: rotate(90deg)
-        .info-header
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-        .info-table
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-    border: none
-    z-index: +2
-    transition: transform 0.15s cubic-bezier(.79, .14, .15, .86)
-    cursor: pointer
-    > i
-        font-size: 1.1rem
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-    padding: 0.5rem
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-    height: 2.5rem
-    display: flex
-    justify-content: start
-    align-items: center
-    gap: 0.5rem
-    background-color: RGB($bg-200)
-    border-radius: $rad $rad 0 0
-    > i
-        font-size: 1.25rem
-        color: RGB($primary)
-    h2
-        margin: 0
-        font-size: 1.1rem
-        font-weight: 500
-        color: RGB($primary)
-        text-overflow: ellipsis
-        overflow: hidden
-    margin: 0
-    padding: 0.5rem
-    display: flex
-    flex-direction: column
-    gap: 1rem
-    color: RGB($fg-white)
-    overflow-x: hidden
-    p
-        margin: 0
-        padding: 0
-        font-size: 1rem
-        font-weight: 400
-        text-overflow: ellipsis
-        overflow: hidden
-    .link
-        margin: 0
-        padding: 0
-        color: RGB($primary)
-        cursor: pointer
-        text-decoration: none
-        &:hover
-            text-decoration: underline
-    table
-        margin: 0
-        padding: 0
-        width: 100%
-        overflow-x: hidden
-        border-collapse: collapse
-        tr
-            white-space: nowrap
-            td
-                padding-bottom: 0.5rem
-                max-width: 0
-                font-size: 1rem
-                font-weight: 400
-                vertical-align: top
-            td:first-child
-                padding-right: 0.5rem
-                width: 50%
-                overflow: hidden
-                text-overflow: ellipsis
-                white-space: nowrap
-            td:last-child
-                width: 50%
-                white-space: normal
-                word-break: break-word
-        tr:last-of-type td
-            padding-bottom: 0
-    width: 100%
-    display: flex
-    gap: 0.5rem
-    span
-        margin: 0
-        padding: 0
-        width: 1.5rem
-        height: 1.5rem
-        display: flex
-        justify-content: center
-        align-items: center
-        border-radius: $rad-inner
-        // border: 1px solid RGB($white)
-    width: 100%
-    display: flex
-    flex-wrap: wrap
-    gap: 0.5rem
-@media (max-width: 1100px)
-    .info-container
-        padding: 0.5rem
-        width: 100%
-        height: 100%
-        position: relative       
-        &.collapsed
-            left: unset
-    .info-container
-        background: transparent
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/view.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/view.sass
deleted file mode 100644
index 8103d88..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/image-view/view.sass
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-@import 'background'
-@import 'info-tab'
-@import 'image'
-    padding: 0
-    width: 100%
-    height: 100vh
-    position: relative
-    display: flex
-    flex-direction: column
-    z-index: 3
-    .image-block
-        margin: 0 0 0 27rem
-        padding: 0.5rem
-        width: calc(100% - 27rem)
-        height: 100vh
-        position: relative
-        display: flex
-        flex-direction: column
-        gap: 0
-        z-index: 3
-        transition: margin 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.76, 0, 0.17, 1), width 0.3s cubic-bezier(0.76, 0, 0.17, 1)
-        .pill-row
-            margin-top: 0.5rem
-    &.collapsed
-        .image-block
-            margin: 0
-            width: 100%
-@media (max-width: 1100px)
-    .image-grid
-        height: auto
-        .image-block
-            margin: 0
-            padding: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0 0.5rem
-            width: 100%
-            height: auto
-            transition: margin 0s, width 0s
-            .pill-row
-                #fullscreenImage
-                    display: none
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/navigation.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/navigation.sass
index c58805e..760a7d3 100644
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/navigation.sass
+++ b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/navigation.sass
@@ -1,36 +1,20 @@
-    margin: 0
-    padding: 0
     width: 3.5rem
     height: 100%
     height: 100dvh
     display: flex
     flex-direction: column
-    justify-content: space-between
     position: fixed
     top: 0
     left: 0
-    background-color: RGB($bg-100)
-    color: RGB($fg-white)
+    background-color: transparent
+    color: inherit
     z-index: 69
-    .logo
-        margin: 0
-        padding: 0
-        width: 3.5rem
-        height: 3.5rem
-        min-height: 3.5rem
-        display: flex
-        flex-direction: row
-        align-items: center
     height: 100%
@@ -50,6 +34,7 @@
     align-items: center
     background-color: transparent
+    color: inherit
     border: none
     text-decoration: none
@@ -58,7 +43,7 @@
         padding: 0.5rem
         font-size: 1.3rem
         border-radius: $rad-inner
-        color: RGB($fg-white)
+        color: inherit
     > .nav-pfp
         padding: 0.4rem
@@ -72,68 +57,29 @@
             object-fit: cover
             border-radius: $rad-inner
-    .tool-tip
-        padding: 0.4rem 0.7rem
-        display: block
-        position: absolute
-        top: 50%
-        left: 3rem
-        transform: translateY(-50%)
-        font-size: 0.9rem
-        font-weight: 500
-        background-color: RGB($bg-100)
-        color: RGB($fg-white)
-        opacity: 0
-        border-radius: $rad-inner
-        transition: opacity 0.2s cubic-bezier(.76,0,.17,1), left 0.2s cubic-bezier(.76,0,.17,1)
-        pointer-events: none
-        > i
-            display: block
-            position: absolute
-            top: 50%
-            left: -0.45rem
-            transform: translateY(-50%)
-            font-size: 0.75rem
-            color: RGB($bg-100)
         > i, .nav-pfp
             background: RGBA($fg-white, 0.1)
-        span
-            opacity: 1
-            left: 3.9rem
-        > i
-            color: RGB($primary)
+        color: RGB($primary)
             content: ''
             display: block
             position: absolute
-            top: 3px
-            left: 0
+            top: 0.5rem
+            left: 0.2rem
             width: 3px
-            height: calc(100% - 6px)
+            height: calc(100% - 1rem)
-            background-color: RGB($primary)
+            background-color: currentColor
             border-radius: $rad-inner
 @media (max-width: $breakpoint)
-    .navigation
+    nav
         width: 100vw
         height: 3.5rem
@@ -145,6 +91,8 @@
         bottom: 0
         left: 0
+        background-color: RGB($background)
         > span
             display: none
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/notification.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/notification.sass
index 3a468a2..feea589 100644
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/notification.sass
+++ b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/notification.sass
@@ -22,23 +22,22 @@
     margin: 0
     padding: 0
-    width: 450px
+    width: 24rem
     height: auto
     position: fixed
-    top: 0.3rem
+    bottom: 0.3rem
     right: 0.3rem
     display: flex
-    flex-direction: column
+    flex-direction: column-reverse
     z-index: 621
-    margin: 0 0 0.3rem 0
+    margin-top: 0.3rem
     padding: 0
-    width: 450px
     height: auto
     max-height: 100px
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@
     box-sizing: border-box
     overflow: hidden
-    transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out, opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(.68,-0.55,.27,1.55)
+    transition: opacity 0.2s ease-in-out, transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(.68,-0.55,.27,1.55)
         content: ""
@@ -89,10 +88,8 @@
         margin: 0
         max-height: 0
         opacity: 0
         transform: translateX(100%)
         transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out, max-height 0.2s ease-in-out
@@ -130,6 +127,7 @@
 @media (max-width: $breakpoint)
+        bottom: 3.8rem
         width: calc(100vw - 0.6rem)
         height: auto
@@ -138,7 +136,7 @@
             opacity: 0
-            transform: translateY(-5rem)
+            transform: translateY(1rem)
         width: 100%
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/settings.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/settings.sass
index cce4ac3..8587a76 100644
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/settings.sass
+++ b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/settings.sass
@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
         padding: 0
         font-size: 1.25rem
-        font-weight: 700
\ No newline at end of file
+        font-weight: 700
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/tags.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/tags.sass
index 4901829..6da6e67 100644
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/components/tags.sass
+++ b/onlylegs/static/sass/components/tags.sass
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
     margin: 0
-    padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem
+    padding: 0.3rem 0.5rem
     display: flex
-    align-items: center
+    align-items: flex-end
     justify-content: center
-    gap: 0.25rem
+    gap: 0.3rem
     font-size: 0.9rem
     font-weight: 500
@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@
     cursor: pointer
     transition: background-color 0.2s ease-in-out, color 0.2s ease-in-out
-    svg
-        width: 1.15rem
-        height: 1.15rem
+    i
+        font-size: 1.15rem
-        background-color: RGBA($primary, 0.3)
+        background-color: RGBA($primary, 0.2)
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/style.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/style.sass
index 097346c..daf7094 100644
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/style.sass
+++ b/onlylegs/static/sass/style.sass
@@ -18,15 +18,13 @@
 @import "components/buttons/pill"
 @import "components/buttons/block"
-@import "components/image-view/view"
+@import "components/image-view"
 @import "components/settings"
-// Reset
     box-sizing: border-box
-    font-family: $font
     scrollbar-color: RGB($primary) transparent
+    font-family: $font
         width: 0.5rem
@@ -37,66 +35,49 @@
         background: RGB($fg-white)
-html, body
     margin: 0
     padding: 0
-    min-height: 100vh
-    max-width: 100vw
-    background-color: RGB($fg-white)
     scroll-behavior: smooth
-    overflow-x: hidden
     margin: 0
     padding: 0 0 0 3.5rem
+    max-width: 100%
     min-height: 100vh
+    display: grid
+    grid-template-rows: auto 1fr auto
+    background-color: RGB($background)
+    color: RGB($foreground)
+    overflow-x: hidden
+@media (max-width: $breakpoint)
+    body
+        padding: 0 0 3.5rem 0
     display: flex
     flex-direction: column
-    background-color: RGB($bg-bright)
-    color: RGB($bg-100)
-    height: 20rem
-    display: flex
-    flex-direction: column
-    justify-content: center
-    align-items: center
-    color: RGB($bg-100)
-    h1
-        margin: 0 2rem
-        font-size: 4rem
-        font-weight: 900
-        text-align: center
-    p
-        margin: 0 2rem
-        max-width: 40rem
-        font-size: 1rem
-        font-weight: 400
-        text-align: center
+    position: relative
+    background: RGBA($white, 1)
+    color: RGB($fg-black)
+    border-top-left-radius: $rad
+    overflow: hidden
+@media (max-width: $breakpoint)
+    main
+        border-top-left-radius: 0
-    width: 100%
-    height: 100vh
+    min-height: 100%
     display: flex
     flex-direction: column
     justify-content: center
     align-items: center
-    background-color: RGB($bg-bright)
         margin: 0 2rem
@@ -113,23 +94,8 @@ html, body
         font-size: 1.25rem
         font-weight: 400
         text-align: center
-        color: $fg-black
 @media (max-width: $breakpoint)
-    .wrapper
-        padding: 0 0 3.5rem 0
-    .big-text
-        height: calc(75vh - 3.5rem)
-        h1
-            font-size: 3.5rem
-        height: calc(100vh - 3.5rem)
             font-size: 4.5rem
diff --git a/onlylegs/static/sass/variables.sass b/onlylegs/static/sass/variables.sass
index bc1bd9f..e3fcd83 100644
--- a/onlylegs/static/sass/variables.sass
+++ b/onlylegs/static/sass/variables.sass
@@ -37,6 +37,11 @@ $font: 'Rubik', sans-serif
 $breakpoint: 800px
+// New variables, Slowly moving over to them because I suck at planning ahead and coding reeee
+$background: var(--bg-100)
+$foreground: var(--fg-white)
     --bg-dim: 16, 16, 16
     --bg-bright: 232, 227, 227
@@ -66,7 +71,7 @@ $breakpoint: 800px
     --success: var(--green)
     --info: var(--blue)
-    --rad: 8px
+    --rad: 0.5rem
     --rad-inner: calc(var(--rad) / 2)
     --animation-smooth: cubic-bezier(0.76, 0, 0.17, 1)
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/base.html b/onlylegs/templates/base.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b580c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/base.html
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <title>{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.name }}</title>
+    <meta charset="UTF-8">
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
+    <meta name="description" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.motto }}">
+    <meta name="author" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.author }}">
+    <meta property="og:title" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.name }}">
+    <meta property="og:description" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.motto }}">
+    <meta property="og:type" content="website">
+    <meta name="twitter:title" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.name }}">
+    <meta name="twitter:description" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.motto }}">
+    <!-- Fonts -->
+    <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com">
+    <link rel="preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" crossorigin>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Rubik:ital,wght@0,300;0,400;0,500;0,600;0,700;0,800;0,900;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,600;1,700;1,800;1,900&display=swap">
+    <!-- phosphor icons -->
+    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@phosphor-icons/web"></script>
+    <!-- Favicon -->
+    <link rel="icon" href="{{url_for('static', filename='icon.png')}}" type="image/png">
+    {% assets "scripts" %} <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script> {% endassets %}
+    {% assets "styles" %} <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ ASSET_URL }}" type="text/css" defer> {% endassets %}
+    {% block head %}{% endblock %}
+    <div class="notifications"></div>
+    <button class="top-of-page" aria-label="Jump to top of page"><i class="ph ph-arrow-up"></i></button>
+    <div class="pop-up">
+        <span class="pop-up__click-off" onclick="popupDismiss()"></span>
+        <div class="pop-up-wrapper">
+            <div class="pop-up-header"></div>
+            <div class="pop-up-controlls"></div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+    <nav>
+        <a href="{{ url_for('gallery.index') }}{% block page_index %}{% endblock %}" class="navigation-item {% block nav_home %}{% endblock %}" aria-label="Home Page">
+            <i class="ph-fill ph-images-square"></i>
+        </a>
+        <a href="{{ url_for('group.groups') }}" class="navigation-item {% block nav_groups %}{% endblock %}" aria-label="Photo Groups">
+            <i class="ph-fill ph-package"></i>
+        </a>
+        {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
+            <button class="navigation-item {% block nav_upload %}{% endblock %}" onclick="toggleUploadTab()" aria-label="Upload Photo">
+                <i class="ph-fill ph-upload"></i>
+            </button>
+        {% endif %}
+        <span class="navigation-spacer"></span>
+        {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
+            <a href="{{ url_for('profile.profile') }}" class="navigation-item {% block nav_profile %}{% endblock %}" aria-label="Profile Page">
+                {% if current_user.picture %}
+                    <span class="nav-pfp">
+                        <picture>
+                            <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='pfp/' + current_user.picture) }}?r=pfp&e=webp">
+                            <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='pfp/' + current_user.picture) }}?r=pfp&e=png">
+                            <img
+                                src="{{ url_for('api.media', path='pfp/' + current_user.picture) }}?r=icon"
+                                alt="Profile picture"
+                                onload="imgFade(this)"
+                                style="opacity:0;"
+                            >
+                        </picture>
+                    </span>
+                {% else %}
+                    <i class="ph-fill ph-folder-simple-user"></i>
+                {% endif %}
+            </a>
+            <a href="{{ url_for('settings.general') }}" class="navigation-item {% block nav_settings %}{% endblock %}" aria-label="Gallery Settings">
+                <i class="ph-fill ph-gear-fine"></i>
+            </a>
+        {% else %}
+            <button class="navigation-item {% block nav_login %}{% endblock %}" onclick="showLogin()" aria-label="Sign up or Login">
+                <i class="ph-fill ph-sign-in"></i>
+            </button>
+        {% endif %}
+    </nav>
+    <header>{% block header %}{% endblock %}</header>
+    <main>
+        {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
+            <div class="upload-panel">
+                <span class="click-off" onclick="closeUploadTab()"></span>
+                <div class="container">
+                    <span id="dragIndicator"></span>
+                    <h3>Upload stuffs</h3>
+                    <p>May the world see your stuff 👀</p>
+                    <form id="uploadForm">
+                        <button class="fileDrop-block" type="button">
+                            <i class="ph ph-upload"></i>
+                            <span class="status">Choose or Drop file</span>
+                            <input type="file" id="file" tab-index="-1">
+                        </button>
+                        <input class="input-block" type="text" placeholder="alt" id="alt">
+                        <input class="input-block" type="text" placeholder="description" id="description">
+                        <input class="input-block" type="text" placeholder="tags" id="tags">
+                        <button class="btn-block primary" type="submit">Upload</button>
+                    </form>
+                    <div class="upload-jobs"></div>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        {% endif %}
+        {% block content %}{% endblock %}
+    </main>
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        keepSquare();
+        const times = document.querySelectorAll('.time');
+        for (let i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
+            // Remove milliseconds
+            const raw = times[i].innerHTML.split('.')[0];
+            // Parse YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS to Date object
+            const time = raw.split(' ')[1];
+            const date = raw.split(' ')[0].split('-');
+            // Format to YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS and convert to UTC Date object
+            const dateTime = new Date(`${date[0]}/${date[1]}/${date[2]} ${time} UTC`);
+            // Convert to local time
+            times[i].innerHTML = `${dateTime.toLocaleDateString()} ${dateTime.toLocaleTimeString()}`;
+        }
+        // Top Of Page button
+        const topOfPage = document.querySelector('.top-of-page');
+        if (document.body.scrollTop > 300 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {
+            topOfPage.classList.add('show');
+        } else {
+            topOfPage.classList.remove('show');
+        }
+        topOfPage.onclick = () => {
+            document.body.scrollTop = 0;
+            document.documentElement.scrollTop = 0;
+        }
+        // Info button
+        const infoButton = document.querySelector('.info-button');
+        if (infoButton) {
+            if (document.body.scrollTop > 300 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {
+                infoButton.classList.remove('show');
+            } else {
+                infoButton.classList.add('show');
+            }
+            infoButton.onclick = () => {
+                popupShow('OnlyLegs',
+                            '<a href="https://github.com/Fluffy-Bean/onlylegs">v{{ config['APP_VERSION'] }}</a> ' +
+                            'using <a href="https://phosphoricons.com/">Phosphoricons</a> and Flask.' +
+                            '<br>Made by Fluffy and others with ❤️');
+            }
+        }
+        window.onload = () => { keepSquare(); }
+        window.onresize = () => { keepSquare(); }
+        window.onscroll = () => {
+            if (document.body.scrollTop > 300 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {
+                topOfPage.classList.add('show');
+            } else {
+                topOfPage.classList.remove('show');
+            }
+            if (infoButton) {
+                if (document.body.scrollTop > 300 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 20) {
+                    infoButton.classList.remove('show');
+                } else {
+                    infoButton.classList.add('show');
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        {% for message in get_flashed_messages() %}
+            addNotification('{{ message[0] }}', {{ message[1] }});
+        {% endfor %}
+    </script>
+    {% block script %}{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/error.html b/onlylegs/templates/error.html
index 9d76c79..7e9c20c 100644
--- a/onlylegs/templates/error.html
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/error.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-{% extends 'layout.html' %}
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
 {% block content %}
-    <span class="error-page">
+    <div class="error-page">
-    </span>
+    </div>
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/group.html b/onlylegs/templates/group.html
index bebe8ec..67cfb1f 100644
--- a/onlylegs/templates/group.html
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/group.html
@@ -1,227 +1,76 @@
-{% extends 'layout.html' %}
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
+{% from 'macros/image.html' import gallery_item %}
 {% block nav_groups %}selected{% endblock %}
 {% block head %}
     {% if images %}
-        <meta name="theme-color" content="rgb({{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}{{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}{{ images.0.colours.0.2 }})"/>
+        <meta property="og:image" content="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + images.0.filename) }}"/>
+        <meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + images.0.filename) }}">
+        <meta name="theme-color" content="rgb{{ images.0.colours.0 }}"/>
+        <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
     {% endif %}
     <script type="text/javascript">
-        function groupShare() {
-            try {
-                navigator.clipboard.writeText(window.location.href)
-                addNotification("Copied link!", 4);
-            } catch (err) {
-                addNotification("Failed to copy link! Are you on HTTP?", 2);
-            }
+        group_data = {
+            'id': {{ group.id }},
+            'name': "{{ group.name }}",
+            'description': "{{ group.description }}",
-        {% if current_user.id == group.author.id %}
-            function groupDelete() {
-                cancelBtn = document.createElement('button');
-                cancelBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
-                cancelBtn.classList.add('transparent');
-                cancelBtn.innerHTML = 'AAAAAAAAAA';
-                cancelBtn.onclick = popupDissmiss;
-                deleteBtn = document.createElement('button');
-                deleteBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
-                deleteBtn.classList.add('critical');
-                deleteBtn.innerHTML = 'No ragrats!';
-                deleteBtn.onclick = deleteConfirm;
-                popUpShow('Yeet!',
-                          'Are you surrrre? This action is irreversible and very final.' +
-                          ' This wont delete the images, but it will remove them from this group.',
-                          null,
-                          [cancelBtn, deleteBtn]);
-            }
-            function deleteConfirm(event) {
-                // AJAX takes control of subby form :3
-                event.preventDefault();
-                let formID = {{ group.id }};
-                if (!formID) {
-                    addNotification("Dont tamper with the JavaScript pls!", 3);
-                    return;
-                }
-                // Make form
-                const formData = new FormData();
-                formData.append("group", formID);
-                fetch('{{ url_for('group_api.delete_group') }}', {
-                    method: 'POST',
-                    body: formData
-                }).then(response => {
-                    if (response.status === 200) {
-                        // Redirect to groups page
-                        window.location.href = '{{ url_for('group.groups') }}';
-                    } else {
-                        switch (response.status) {
-                            case 500:
-                                addNotification('Server exploded, F\'s in chat', 2);
-                                break;
-                            case 403:
-                                addNotification('None but devils play past here... Bad information', 2);
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                addNotification('Error logging in, blame someone', 2);
-                                break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }).catch(error => {
-                    addNotification('Error yeeting group!', 2);
-                });
-            }
-            function groupEdit() {
-                // Create elements
-                cancelBtn = document.createElement('button');
-                cancelBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
-                cancelBtn.classList.add('transparent');
-                cancelBtn.innerHTML = 'go baaaaack';
-                cancelBtn.onclick = popupDissmiss;
-                submitBtn = document.createElement('button');
-                submitBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
-                submitBtn.classList.add('primary');
-                submitBtn.innerHTML = 'Saveeee';
-                submitBtn.type = 'submit';
-                submitBtn.setAttribute('form', 'editForm');
-                // Create form
-                editForm = document.createElement('form');
-                editForm.id = 'editForm';
-                editForm.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'return edit(event);');
-                groupInput = document.createElement('input');
-                groupInput.classList.add('input-block');
-                groupInput.type = 'text';
-                groupInput.placeholder = 'Group ID';
-                groupInput.value = {{ group.id }};
-                groupInput.id = 'group';
-                imageInput = document.createElement('input');
-                imageInput.classList.add('input-block');
-                imageInput.type = 'text';
-                imageInput.placeholder = 'Image ID';
-                imageInput.id = 'image';
-                actionInput = document.createElement('input');
-                actionInput.classList.add('input-block');
-                actionInput.type = 'text';
-                actionInput.placeholder = 'add/remove';
-                actionInput.value = 'add';
-                actionInput.id = 'action';
-                editForm.appendChild(groupInput);
-                editForm.appendChild(imageInput);
-                editForm.appendChild(actionInput);
-                popUpShow(
-                    'Nothing stays the same',
-                    'Add, remove, or change, the power is in your hands...',
-                    editForm,
-                    [cancelBtn, submitBtn]
-                );
-            }
-            function edit(event) {
-                // AJAX takes control of subby form :3
-                event.preventDefault();
-                let formGroup = document.querySelector("#group").value;
-                let formImage = document.querySelector("#image").value;
-                let formAction = document.querySelector("#action").value;
-                if (!formGroup || !formImage || !formAction) {
-                    addNotification("All values must be set!", 3);
-                    return;
-                }
-                // Make form
-                const formData = new FormData();
-                formData.append("group", formGroup);
-                formData.append("image", formImage);
-                formData.append("action", formAction);
-                fetch('{{ url_for('group_api.modify_group') }}', {
-                    method: 'POST',
-                    body: formData
-                }).then(response => {
-                    if (response.status === 200) {
-                        addNotification('Group edited!!!', 1);
-                        popupDissmiss();
-                    } else {
-                        switch (response.status) {
-                            case 500:
-                                addNotification('Server exploded, F\'s in chat', 2);
-                                break;
-                            case 403:
-                                addNotification('None but devils play past here... Bad information', 2);
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                addNotification('Error logging in, blame someone', 2);
-                                break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }).catch(error => {
-                    addNotification('Error!!!!! Panic!!!!', 2);
-                });
-            }
-        {% endif %}
         {% if images %}
-            .banner::after {
-                box-shadow: 0 calc(var(--rad) * -1) 0 0 rgb({{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.2 }});
-            }
-            .banner-content p {
+            :root { --bg-100: {{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.2 }} }
+            body {
+                background: rgb{{ images.0.colours.0 }} !important;
                 color: {{ text_colour }} !important;
-            .banner-content h1 {
-                color: {{ text_colour }} !important;
+            main {
+                background: rgba(var(--white), 0.6) !important;
+            .navigation-item.selected { color: {{ text_colour }} !important; }
+            .banner .banner-content .banner-header,
+            .banner .banner-content .banner-info,
+            .banner .banner-content .banner-subtitle {
+                color: {{ text_colour }} !important;
+            }
             .banner-content .link {
                 background-color: {{ text_colour }} !important;
-                color: rgb({{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.2 }}) !important;
+                color: rgb{{ images.0.colours.0 }} !important;
             .banner-content .link:hover {
-                background-color: rgb({{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.2 }}) !important;
+                background-color: rgb{{ images.0.colours.0 }} !important;
                 color: {{ text_colour }} !important;
             .banner-filter {
-                background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb({{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.2 }}),
-                                                   rgba({{ images.0.colours.1.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.1.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.1.2 }}, 0.3)) !important;
+                background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb{{ images.0.colours.0 }}, rgba({{ images.0.colours.1.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.1.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.1.2 }}, 0.3)) !important;
             @media (max-width: 800px) {
                 .banner-filter {
-                    background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba({{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.2 }}, 1),
-                                                        rgba({{ images.0.colours.1.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.1.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.1.2 }}, 0.5)) !important;
+                    background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba({{ images.0.colours.1.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.1.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.1.2 }}, 0.4), rgba({{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.2 }}, 0.3)) !important;
-            .navigation {
-                background-color: rgb({{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}, {{ images.0.colours.0.2 }}) !important;
-            }
-            .navigation-item > i {
-                color: {{ text_colour }} !important;
-            }
-            .navigation-item.selected::before {
-                background-color: {{ text_colour }} !important;
-            }
         {% endif %}
 {% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
+{% block header %}
     {% if images %}
         <div class="banner">
-            <img src="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='uploads/' + images.0.filename ) }}?r=prev" onload="imgFade(this)" style="opacity:0;" alt="{% if images.0.alt %}{{ images.0.alt }}{% else %}Group Banner{% endif %}"/>
+            <picture>
+                <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + images.0.filename) }}?r=prev&e=webp">
+                <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + images.0.filename) }}?r=prev&e=png">
+                <img
+                    src="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + images.0.filename) }}?r=prev"
+                    alt="{% if images.0.alt %}{{ images.0.alt }}{% else %}Group Banner{% endif %}"
+                    onload="imgFade(this)" style="opacity:0;"
+                />
+            </picture>
             <span class="banner-filter"></span>
             <div class="banner-content">
                 <p class="banner-info"><a href="{{ url_for('profile.profile', id=group.author.id) }}" class="link">By {{ group.author.username }}</a></p>
@@ -229,12 +78,12 @@
                 <p class="banner-subtitle">{{ images|length }} Images · {{ group.description }}</p>
                 <div class="pill-row">
-                        <button class="pill-item" onclick="groupShare()"><i class="ph ph-export"></i></button>
+                        <button class="pill-item" onclick="copyToClipboard(window.location.href)"><i class="ph ph-export"></i></button>
                     {% if current_user.id == group.author.id %}
-                            <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="groupDelete()"><i class="ph ph-trash"></i></button>
-                            <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="groupEdit()"><i class="ph ph-pencil-simple"></i></button>
+                            <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="groupDeletePopup()"><i class="ph ph-trash"></i></button>
+                            <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="groupEditPopup()"><i class="ph ph-pencil-simple"></i></button>
                     {% endif %}
@@ -247,29 +96,24 @@
                 <p class="banner-info">By {{ group.author.username }}</p>
                 <div class="pill-row">
-                        <button class="pill-item" onclick="groupShare()"><i class="ph ph-export"></i></button>
+                        <button class="pill-item" onclick="copyToClipboard(window.location.href)"><i class="ph ph-export"></i></button>
                     {% if current_user.id == group.author.id %}
-                            <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="groupDelete()"><i class="ph ph-trash"></i></button>
-                            <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="groupEdit()"><i class="ph ph-pencil-simple"></i></button>
+                            <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="groupDeletePopup()"><i class="ph ph-trash"></i></button>
+                            <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="groupEditPopup()"><i class="ph ph-pencil-simple"></i></button>
                     {% endif %}
     {% endif %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
     {% if images %}
         <div class="gallery-grid">
-            {% for image in images %}
-                <a id="image-{{ image.id }}" class="gallery-item" href="{{ url_for('group.group_post', group_id=group.id, image_id=image.id) }}" style="background-color: rgb({{ image.colours.0.0 }}, {{ image.colours.0.1 }}, {{ image.colours.0.2 }})">
-                    <div class="image-filter">
-                        <p class="image-title"><span class="time">{{ image.created_at }}</span></p>
-                    </div>
-                    <img alt="{% if image.alt %}{{ image.alt }}{% else %}Image Thumbnail{% endif %}" data-src="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb" onload="this.classList.add('loaded');" id="lazy-load"/>
-                </a>
-            {% endfor %}
+            {% for image in images %}{{ gallery_item(image) }}{% endfor %}
     {% else %}
         <div class="big-text">
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/image.html b/onlylegs/templates/image.html
index 5cf33d9..2a76cf0 100644
--- a/onlylegs/templates/image.html
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/image.html
@@ -1,215 +1,157 @@
-{% extends 'layout.html' %}
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
 {% block page_index %}
 {% if return_page %}?page={{ return_page }}{% endif %}{% endblock %}
 {% block head %}
-    <meta property="og:image" content="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}"/>
-    <meta name="theme-color" content="rgb({{ image.colours.0.0 }}{{ image.colours.0.1 }}{{ image.colours.0.2 }})"/>
+    <meta property="og:image" content="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}"/>
+    <meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}">
+    <meta name="theme-color" content="rgb{{ image.colours.0 }}"/>
+    <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
     <script type="text/javascript">
-        function imageShare() {
-            try {
-                navigator.clipboard.writeText(window.location.href)
-                addNotification("Copied link!", 4);
-            } catch (err) {
-                addNotification("Failed to copy link! Are you on HTTP?", 2);
-            }
-        }
-        function fullscreen() {
-            let info = document.querySelector('.info-container');
-            let wrapper = document.querySelector('.image-grid');
-            if (info.classList.contains('collapsed')) {
-                info.classList.remove('collapsed');
-                wrapper.classList.remove('collapsed');
-            } else {
-                info.classList.add('collapsed');
-                wrapper.classList.add('collapsed');
-            }
-        }
-        {% if current_user.id == image.author.id %}
-            function imageDelete() {
-                cancelBtn = document.createElement('button');
-                cancelBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
-                cancelBtn.classList.add('transparent');
-                cancelBtn.innerHTML = 'nuuuuuuuu';
-                cancelBtn.onclick = popupDissmiss;
-                deleteBtn = document.createElement('button');
-                deleteBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
-                deleteBtn.classList.add('critical');
-                deleteBtn.innerHTML = 'Dewww eeeet!';
-                deleteBtn.onclick = deleteConfirm;
-                popUpShow('DESTRUCTION!!!!!!',
-                          'Do you want to delete this image along with all of its data??? ' +
-                          'This action is irreversible!',
-                          null,
-                          [cancelBtn, deleteBtn]);
-            }
-            function deleteConfirm() {
-                popupDissmiss();
-                fetch('{{ url_for('media_api.delete_image', image_id=image['id']) }}', {
-                    method: 'POST',
-                    headers: {
-                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
-                    },
-                    body: JSON.stringify({
-                        action: 'delete'
-                    })
-                }).then(function(response) {
-                    if (response.ok) {
-                        window.location.href = '/';
-                    } else {
-                        addNotification(`Image *clings*`, 2);
-                    }
-                });
-            }
-            function imageEdit() {
-                addNotification("Not an option, oops!", 3);
-            }
-        {% endif %}
+        const image_data = {
+            'id': {{ image.id }},
+            'description': '{{ image.description }}',
+            'alt': '{{ image.alt }}',
+        };
-        .background span {
+        .background::after {
             background-image: linear-gradient(to top, rgba({{ image.colours.0.0 }}, {{ image.colours.0.1 }}, {{ image.colours.0.2 }}, 0.8),
                                                       rgba({{ image.colours.1.0 }}, {{ image.colours.1.1 }}, {{ image.colours.1.2 }}, 0.2));
 {% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
-    <div class="background">
-        <img src="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=prev" alt="{{ image.alt }}" onload="imgFade(this)" style="opacity:0;"/>
-        <span></span>
-    </div>
-    <div class="image-grid">
-        <div class="image-block">
-            <div class="image-container">
-                <img
-                    src="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=prev"
-                    alt="{{ image.alt }}"
-                    onload="imgFade(this)"
-                    style="opacity: 0;"
-                    onerror="this.src='{{ url_for('static', filename='error.png')}}'"
-                    {% if "File" in image.exif %}
-                        width="{{ image.exif.File.Width.raw }}"
-                        height="{{ image.exif.File.Height.raw }}"
-                    {% endif %}
-                />
-            </div>
+{% block header %}
+    <div class="banner-small">
+        <div class="banner-content">
+            <h1 class="banner-header">{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.name }}</h1>
             <div class="pill-row">
                 {% if next_url %}<div><a class="pill-item" href="{{ next_url }}"><i class="ph ph-arrow-left"></i></a></div>{% endif %}
-                    <button class="pill-item" onclick="fullscreen()" id="fullscreenImage"><i class="ph ph-info"></i></button>
-                    <button class="pill-item" onclick="imageShare()"><i class="ph ph-export"></i></button>
-                    <a class="pill-item" href="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}" download onclick="addNotification('Download started!', 4)"><i class="ph ph-file-arrow-down"></i></a>
+                    <button class="pill-item" onclick="imageFullscreen()" id="fullscreenImage"><i class="ph ph-info"></i></button>
+                    <button class="pill-item" onclick="copyToClipboard(window.location.href)"><i class="ph ph-export"></i></button>
+                    <a class="pill-item" href="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}" download onclick="addNotification('Download started!', 4)"><i class="ph ph-file-arrow-down"></i></a>
                 {% if current_user.id == image.author.id %}
-                        <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="imageDelete()"><i class="ph ph-trash"></i></button>
-                        <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="imageEdit()"><i class="ph ph-pencil-simple"></i></button>
+                        <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="imageDeletePopup()"><i class="ph ph-trash"></i></button>
+                        <button class="pill-item pill__critical" onclick="imageEditPopup()"><i class="ph ph-pencil-simple"></i></button>
                 {% endif %}
                 {% if prev_url %}<div><a class="pill-item" href="{{ prev_url }}"><i class="ph ph-arrow-right"></i></a></div>{% endif %}
-        <div class="info-container">
-            <div class="info-tab">
-                <div class="info-header">
-                    <i class="ph ph-info"></i>
-                    <h2>Info</h2>
-                    <button class="collapse-indicator"><i class="ph ph-caret-down"></i></button>
-                </div>
-                <div class="info-table">
-                    <table>
-                        <tr>
-                            <td>Author</td>
-                            <td><a href="{{ url_for('profile.profile', id=image.author.id) }}" class="link">{{ image.author.username }}</a></td>
-                        </tr>
-                        <tr>
-                            <td>Upload date</td>
-                            <td><span class="time">{{ image.created_at }}</span></td>
-                        </tr>
-                        {% if image.description %}
-                            <tr>
-                                <td>Description</td>
-                                <td>{{ image.description }}</td>
-                            </tr>
-                        {% endif %}
-                    </table>
-                    <div class="img-colours">
-                        {% for col in image.colours %}
-                            <span style="background-color: rgb({{col.0}}, {{col.1}}, {{col.2}})"></span>
-                        {% endfor %}
-                    </div>
-                    {% if image.groups %}
-                        <div class="img-groups">
-                            {% for group in image.groups %}
-                                <a href="{{ url_for('group.group', group_id=group.id) }}" class="tag-icon">
-                                    <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M223.68,66.15,135.68,18a15.88,15.88,0,0,0-15.36,0l-88,48.17a16,16,0,0,0-8.32,14v95.64a16,16,0,0,0,8.32,14l88,48.17a15.88,15.88,0,0,0,15.36,0l88-48.17a16,16,0,0,0,8.32-14V80.18A16,16,0,0,0,223.68,66.15ZM128,32l80.34,44-29.77,16.3-80.35-44ZM128,120,47.66,76l33.9-18.56,80.34,44ZM40,90l80,43.78v85.79L40,175.82Zm176,85.78h0l-80,43.79V133.82l32-17.51V152a8,8,0,0,0,16,0V107.55L216,90v85.77Z"></path></svg>
-                                    {{ group['name'] }}
-                                </a>
-                            {% endfor %}
-                        </div>
-                    {% endif %}
-                </div>
-            </div>       
-            {% for tag in image.exif %}
-                <div class="info-tab">
-                    <div class="info-header">
-                        {% if tag == 'Photographer' %}
-                            <i class="ph ph-person"></i><h2>Photographer</h2>
-                        {% elif tag == 'Camera' %}
-                            <i class="ph ph-camera"></i><h2>Camera</h2>
-                        {% elif tag == 'Software' %}
-                            <i class="ph ph-desktop-tower"></i><h2>Software</h2>
-                        {% elif tag == 'File' %}
-                            <i class="ph ph-file-image"></i><h2>File</h2>
-                        {% else %}
-                            <i class="ph ph-file-image"></i><h2>{{ tag }}</h2>
-                        {% endif %}
-                        <button class="collapse-indicator"><i class="ph ph-caret-down"></i></button>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="info-table">
-                        <table>
-                            {% for subtag in image.exif[tag] %}
-                                <tr>
-                                    <td>{{ subtag }}</td>
-                                    {% if image.exif[tag][subtag]['formatted'] %}
-                                        {% if image.exif[tag][subtag]['type'] == 'date' %}
-                                            <td><span class="time">{{ image.exif[tag][subtag]['formatted'] }}</span></td>
-                                        {% else %}
-                                            <td>{{ image.exif[tag][subtag]['formatted'] }}</td>
-                                        {% endif %}
-                                    {% elif image.exif[tag][subtag]['raw'] %}
-                                        <td>{{ image.exif[tag][subtag]['raw'] }}</td>
-                                    {% else %}
-                                        <td class="empty-table">Oops, an error</td>
-                                    {% endif %}
-                                </tr>
-                            {% endfor %}
-                        </table>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            {% endfor %}
-        </div>
 {% endblock %}
-{% block script %}
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        let infoTab = document.querySelectorAll('.info-tab');
+{% block content %}
+    <div class="background">
+        <picture>
+            <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=prev&e=webp">
+            <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=prev&e=png">
+            <img src="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=prev" alt="{{ image.alt }}" onload="imgFade(this)" style="opacity:0;"/>
+        </picture>
+    </div>
-        for (let i = 0; i < infoTab.length; i++) {
-            infoTab[i].querySelector('.collapse-indicator').addEventListener('click', function() {
-                infoTab[i].classList.toggle('collapsed');
-            });
-        }
-    </script>
-{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
+    <div class="image-container {% if close_tab %}collapsed{% endif %}">
+        <picture>
+            <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=prev&e=webp">
+            <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=prev&e=png">
+            <img
+                src="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=prev"
+                alt="{{ image.alt }}"
+                onload="imgFade(this)"
+                style="opacity:0;"
+                {% if "File" in image.exif %}
+                    width="{{ image.exif.File.Width.raw }}"
+                    height="{{ image.exif.File.Height.raw }}"
+                {% endif %}
+            />
+        </picture>
+    </div>
+    <div class="info-container {% if close_tab %}collapsed{% endif %}">
+        <details open>
+            <summary>
+                <i class="ph ph-info"></i><h2>Info</h2><span style="width: 100%"></span>
+                <i class="ph ph-caret-down collapse-indicator"></i>
+            </summary>
+            <table>
+                <tr>
+                    <td>Author</td>
+                    <td>
+                        {% if image.author.picture %}
+                            <img src="{{ url_for('api.media', path='pfp/' + image.author.picture) }}" alt="Profile Picture" class="pfp" onload="imgFade(this)" style="opacity: 0;"/>
+                        {% endif %}
+                        <a href="{{ url_for('profile.profile', id=image.author.id) }}" class="link">{{ image.author.username }}</a>
+                    </td>
+                </tr>
+                <tr>
+                    <td>Upload date</td>
+                    <td><span class="time">{{ image.created_at }}</span></td>
+                </tr>
+                {% if image.description %}
+                    <tr>
+                        <td>Description</td>
+                        <td>{{ image.description }}</td>
+                    </tr>
+                {% endif %}
+            </table>
+            <div class="img-colours">
+                {% for col in image.colours %}
+                    <button style="background-color: rgb{{ col }}" onclick="copyToClipboard('rgb{{ col }}')">
+                        <i class="ph-fill ph-paint-bucket" style="color:{{ col|colour_contrast }};"></i>
+                    </button>
+                {% endfor %}
+            </div>
+            {% if image.groups %}
+                <div class="img-groups">
+                    {% for group in image.groups %}
+                        <a href="{{ url_for('group.group', group_id=group.id) }}" class="tag-icon"><i class="ph ph-package"></i>{{ group['name'] }}</a>
+                    {% endfor %}
+                </div>
+            {% endif %}
+        </details>
+        {% for tag in image.exif %}
+            <details open>
+                <summary>
+                    {% if tag == 'Photographer' %}
+                        <i class="ph ph-person"></i><h2>Photographer</h2>
+                    {% elif tag == 'Camera' %}
+                        <i class="ph ph-camera"></i><h2>Camera</h2>
+                    {% elif tag == 'Software' %}
+                        <i class="ph ph-desktop-tower"></i><h2>Software</h2>
+                    {% elif tag == 'File' %}
+                        <i class="ph ph-file-image"></i><h2>File</h2>
+                    {% else %}
+                        <i class="ph ph-file-image"></i><h2>{{ tag }}</h2>
+                    {% endif %}
+                    <span style="width: 100%"></span>
+                    <i class="ph ph-caret-down collapse-indicator"></i>
+                </summary>
+                <table>
+                    {% for subtag in image.exif[tag] %}
+                        <tr>
+                            <td>{{ subtag }}</td>
+                            {% if image.exif[tag][subtag]['formatted'] %}
+                                {% if image.exif[tag][subtag]['type'] == 'date' %}
+                                    <td><span class="time">{{ image.exif[tag][subtag]['formatted'] }}</span></td>
+                                {% else %}
+                                    <td>{{ image.exif[tag][subtag]['formatted'] }}</td>
+                                {% endif %}
+                            {% elif image.exif[tag][subtag]['raw'] %}
+                                <td>{{ image.exif[tag][subtag]['raw'] }}</td>
+                            {% else %}
+                                <td class="empty-table">Oops, an error</td>
+                            {% endif %}
+                        </tr>
+                    {% endfor %}
+                </table>
+            </details>
+        {% endfor %}
+    </div>
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/index.html b/onlylegs/templates/index.html
index 340313f..eead3a8 100644
--- a/onlylegs/templates/index.html
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/index.html
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
-{% extends 'layout.html' %}
-{% block nav_home %}selected{% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
+{% from 'macros/image.html' import gallery_item %}
+{% block head %}
+    <meta property="og:image" content="{{ url_for('static', filename='icon.png') }}"/>
+    <meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ url_for('static', filename='icon.png') }}"/>
+    <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"/>
+{% endblock %}
+{% block header %}
     <div class="banner-small">
         <div class="banner-content">
             <h1 class="banner-header">{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.name }}</h1>
-            {% if total_images == 0 %}
-                <p class="banner-info">0 images D:</p>
+            {% if not total_images %}
+                <p class="banner-info">0 images!</p>
             {% elif total_images == 69 %}
                 <p class="banner-info">{{ total_images }} images, nice</p>
             {% else %}
@@ -15,29 +21,33 @@
             {% if pages > 1 %}
                 <div class="pill-row">
-                        {% if pages > 4 %}<a class="pill-item" href="{{ url_for('gallery.index') }}"><i class="ph ph-arrow-line-left"></i></a>{% endif %}
-                        <a class="pill-item" href="{% if (page - 1) > 1 %} {{ url_for('gallery.index', page=page-1) }} {% else %} {{ url_for('gallery.index') }} {% endif %}"><i class="ph ph-arrow-left"></i></a>
+                        {% if pages > 4 %}
+                            <a class="pill-item" href="{{ url_for('gallery.index') }}"><i class="ph ph-caret-double-left"></i></a>
+                        {% else %}
+                            <button class="pill-item disabled"><i class="ph ph-caret-double-left"></i></button>
+                        {% endif %}
+                        <a class="pill-item" href="{% if (page - 1) > 1 %} {{ url_for('gallery.index', page=page - 1) }} {% else %} {{ url_for('gallery.index') }} {% endif %}"><i class="ph ph-caret-left"></i></a>
                     <span class="pill-text">{{ page }} / {{ pages }}</span>
-                        <a class="pill-item" href="{% if (page + 1) < pages %} {{ url_for('gallery.index', page=page+1) }} {% else %} {{ url_for('gallery.index', page=pages) }} {% endif %}"><i class="ph ph-arrow-right"></i></a>
-                        {% if pages > 4 %}<a class="pill-item" href="{{ url_for('gallery.index', page=pages) }}"><i class="ph ph-arrow-line-right"></i></a>{% endif %}
+                        <a class="pill-item" href="{% if (page + 1) < pages %} {{ url_for('gallery.index', page=page + 1) }} {% else %} {{ url_for('gallery.index', page=pages) }} {% endif %}"><i class="ph ph-caret-right"></i></a>
+                        {% if pages > 4 %}
+                            <a class="pill-item" href="{{ url_for('gallery.index', page=pages) }}"><i class="ph ph-caret-double-right"></i></a>
+                        {% else %}
+                            <button class="pill-item disabled"><i class="ph ph-caret-double-right"></i></button>
+                        {% endif %}
             {% endif %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block nav_home %}selected{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
     {% if images %}
         <div class="gallery-grid">
-            {% for image in images %}
-                <a id="image-{{ image.id }}" class="gallery-item" href="{{ url_for('image.image', image_id=image.id) }}" style="background-color: rgb({{ image.colours.0.0 }}, {{ image.colours.0.1 }}, {{ image.colours.0.2 }})">
-                    <div class="image-filter">
-                        <p class="image-title"><span class="time">{{ image.created_at }}</span></p>
-                    </div>
-                    <img fetchpriority="low" alt="{% if image.alt %}{{ image.alt }}{% else %}Image Thumbnail{% endif %}" data-src="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb" onload="this.classList.add('loaded');" id="lazy-load"/>
-                </a>
-            {% endfor %}
+            {% for image in images %}{{ gallery_item(image) }}{% endfor %}
     {% else %}
         <div class="big-text">
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/layout.html b/onlylegs/templates/layout.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e01adb2..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/templates/layout.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
-    <title>{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.name }}</title>
-    <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
-    <meta name="description" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.motto }}"/>
-    <meta name="author" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.author }}"/>
-    <meta property="og:title" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.name }}"/>
-    <meta property="og:description" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.motto }}"/>
-    <meta property="og:type" content="website"/>
-    <meta name="twitter:title" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.name }}"/>
-    <meta name="twitter:description" content="{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.motto }}"/>
-    <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image">
-    <link rel="manifest" href="static/manifest.json"/>
-    <!-- phosphor icons!!! -->
-    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@phosphor-icons/web"></script>
-    <link
-        href="{{url_for('static', filename='logo-black.svg')}}"
-        rel="icon"
-        type="image/svg+xml"
-        media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"/>
-    <link
-        href="{{url_for('static', filename='logo-white.svg')}}"
-        rel="icon"
-        type="image/svg+xml"
-        media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"/>
-    <link
-        rel="prefetch"
-        href="{{url_for('static', filename='fonts/font.css')}}"
-        type="stylesheet"/>
-    {% assets "scripts" %}
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ ASSET_URL }}"></script>
-    {% endassets %}
-    {% assets "styles" %}
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ ASSET_URL }}" type="text/css" defer>
-    {% endassets %}
-    {% block head %}{% endblock %}
-    <div class="notifications"></div>
-    <button class="top-of-page" aria-label="Jump to top of page"><i class="ph ph-arrow-up"></i></button>
-    {% if request.path == "/" %}<button class="info-button" aria-label="Show info on gallery"><i class="ph ph-question"></i></button>{% endif %}
-    <div class="pop-up">
-        <span class="pop-up__click-off" onclick="popupDissmiss()"></span>
-        <div class="pop-up-wrapper">
-            <div class="pop-up-header"></div>
-            <div class="pop-up-controlls"></div>
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <div class="wrapper">
-        <div class="navigation">
-            <!--<img src="{{url_for('static', filename='icon.png')}}" alt="Logo" class="logo" onload="this.style.opacity=1;" style="opacity:0">-->
-            <a href="{{ url_for('gallery.index') }}{% block page_index %}{% endblock %}" class="navigation-item {% block nav_home %}{% endblock %}">
-                <i class="ph-fill ph-images-square"></i>
-                <span class="tool-tip">Home<i class="ph-fill ph-caret-left"></i></span>
-            </a>
-            <a href="{{ url_for('group.groups') }}" class="navigation-item {% block nav_groups %}{% endblock %}">
-                <i class="ph-fill ph-package"></i>
-                <span class="tool-tip">Groups<i class="ph-fill ph-caret-left"></i></span>
-            </a>
-            {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
-                <button class="navigation-item {% block nav_upload %}{% endblock %}" onclick="toggleUploadTab()">
-                    <i class="ph-fill ph-upload"></i>
-                    <span class="tool-tip">Upload<i class="ph-fill ph-caret-left"></i></span>
-                </button>
-            {% endif %}
-            <span class="navigation-spacer"></span>
-            {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
-                <a href="{{ url_for('profile.profile') }}" class="navigation-item {% block nav_profile %}{% endblock %}">
-                    {% if current_user.picture %}
-                        <span class="nav-pfp">
-                            <img
-                                src="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='pfp/' + current_user.picture) }}?r=icon"
-                                alt="Profile picture"
-                                onload="imgFade(this)"
-                                style="opacity:0;"
-                            />
-                        </span>
-                    {% else %}
-                        <i class="ph-fill ph-folder-simple-user"></i>
-                    {% endif %}
-                    <span class="tool-tip">Profile<i class="ph-fill ph-caret-left"></i></span>
-                </a>
-                <a href="{{ url_for('settings.general') }}" class="navigation-item {% block nav_settings %}{% endblock %}">
-                    <i class="ph-fill ph-gear-fine"></i>
-                    <span class="tool-tip">Settings<i class="ph-fill ph-caret-left"></i></span>
-                </a>
-            {% else %}
-                <button class="navigation-item {% block nav_login %}{% endblock %}" onclick="showLogin()">
-                    <i class="ph-fill ph-sign-in"></i>
-                    <span class="tool-tip">Login<i class="ph-fill ph-caret-left"></i></span>
-                </button>
-            {% endif %}
-        </div>
-        {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
-            <div class="upload-panel">
-                <span class="click-off" onclick="closeUploadTab()"></span>
-                <div class="container">
-                    <span id="dragIndicator"></span>
-                    <h3>Upload stuffs</h3>
-                    <p>May the world see your stuff 👀</p>
-                    <form id="uploadForm">
-                        <button class="fileDrop-block" type="button">
-                            <i class="ph ph-upload"></i>
-                            <span class="status">Choose or Drop file</span>
-                            <input type="file" id="file" tab-index="-1"/>
-                        </button>
-                        <input class="input-block" type="text" placeholder="alt" id="alt"/>
-                        <input class="input-block" type="text" placeholder="description" id="description"/>
-                        <input class="input-block" type="text" placeholder="tags" id="tags"/>
-                        <button class="btn-block primary" type="submit">Upload</button>
-                    </form>
-                    <div class="upload-jobs"></div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        {% endif %}
-        <div class="content">
-            {% block content %}
-            {% endblock %}
-        </div>
-    </div>
-    <script type="text/javascript">
-        // Show notifications on page load
-        {% for message in get_flashed_messages() %}
-            addNotification('{{ message[0] }}', {{ message[1] }});
-        {% endfor %}
-    </script>
-    {% block script %}{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/list.html b/onlylegs/templates/list.html
index af2edaa..21a7c9b 100644
--- a/onlylegs/templates/list.html
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/list.html
@@ -1,100 +1,11 @@
-{% extends 'layout.html' %}
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
 {% block nav_groups %}selected{% endblock %}
 {% block head %}
-    {% if images %}
-        <meta name="theme-color" content="rgb({{ images.0.colours.0.0 }}{{ images.0.colours.0.1 }}{{ images.0.colours.0.2 }})"/>
-    {% endif %}
-    {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
-        <script type="text/javascript">
-            function showCreate() {
-                // Create elements
-                cancelBtn = document.createElement('button');
-                cancelBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
-                cancelBtn.classList.add('transparent');
-                cancelBtn.innerHTML = 'nuuuuuuuu';
-                cancelBtn.onclick = popupDissmiss;
-                submitBtn = document.createElement('button');
-                submitBtn.classList.add('btn-block');
-                submitBtn.classList.add('primary');
-                submitBtn.innerHTML = 'Submit!!';
-                submitBtn.type = 'submit';
-                submitBtn.setAttribute('form', 'createForm');
-                // Create form
-                createForm = document.createElement('form');
-                createForm.id = 'createForm';
-                createForm.setAttribute('onsubmit', 'return create(event);');
-                titleInput = document.createElement('input');
-                titleInput.classList.add('input-block');
-                titleInput.type = 'text';
-                titleInput.placeholder = 'Group namey';
-                titleInput.id = 'name';
-                descriptionInput = document.createElement('input');
-                descriptionInput.classList.add('input-block');
-                descriptionInput.type = 'text';
-                descriptionInput.placeholder = 'What it about????';
-                descriptionInput.id = 'description';
-                createForm.appendChild(titleInput);
-                createForm.appendChild(descriptionInput);
-                popUpShow(
-                    'New stuff!',
-                    'Image groups are a simple way to "group" images together, are you ready?',
-                    createForm,
-                    [cancelBtn, submitBtn]
-                );
-            }
-            function create(event) {
-                // AJAX takes control of subby form :3
-                event.preventDefault();
-                let formName = document.querySelector("#name").value;
-                let formDescription = document.querySelector("#description").value;
-                if (!formName) {
-                    addNotification("Group name must be set!", 3);
-                    return;
-                }
-                // Make form
-                const formData = new FormData();
-                formData.append("name", formName);
-                formData.append("description", formDescription);
-                fetch('{{ url_for('group_api.create_group') }}', {
-                    method: 'POST',
-                    body: formData
-                }).then(response => {
-                    if (response.status === 200) {
-                        addNotification('Group created!', 1);
-                        popupDissmiss();
-                    } else {
-                        switch (response.status) {
-                            case 500:
-                                addNotification('Server exploded, F\'s in chat', 2);
-                                break;
-                            case 403:
-                                addNotification('None but devils play past here... Bad information', 2);
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                addNotification('Error logging in, blame someone', 2);
-                                break;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }).catch(error => {
-                    addNotification('Error making group! :c', 2);
-                });
-            }
-        </script>
-    {% endif %}
+    {% if images %}<meta name="theme-color" content="rgb{{ images.0.colours.0 }}"/>{% endif %}
 {% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
+{% block header %}
     <div class="banner-small">
         <div class="banner-content">
             <h1 class="banner-header">{{ config.WEBSITE_CONF.name }}</h1>
@@ -108,17 +19,24 @@
             {% if current_user.is_authenticated %}
                 <div class="pill-row">
-                        <button class="pill-item" onclick="showCreate()"><i class="ph ph-plus"></i></button>
+                        <button class="pill-item" onclick="groupCreatePopup()"><i class="ph ph-plus"></i></button>
             {% endif %}
+{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
     {% if groups %}
         <div class="gallery-grid">
             {% for group in groups %}
-                <a id="group-{{ group.id }}" class="group-item" href="{{ url_for('group.group', group_id=group.id) }}" {% if group.images|length > 0 %} style="background-color: rgba({{ group.images.0.colours.0.0 }}, {{ group.images.0.colours.0.1 }}, {{ group.images.0.colours.0.2 }}, 0.4);" {% endif %}>
+                <a
+                        class="group-item square"
+                        id="group-{{ group.id }}"
+                        href="{{ url_for('group.group', group_id=group.id) }}"
+                        {% if group.images|length > 0 %} style="background-color: rgba{{ group.images.0.colours.0 }};"{% endif %}
+                >
                     <div class="image-filter">
                         <p class="image-subtitle">By {{ group.author.username }}</p>
                         <p class="image-title">{{ group.name }}</p>
@@ -126,7 +44,18 @@
                     <div class="images size-{{ group.images|length }}">
                         {% if group.images|length > 0 %}
                             {% for image in group.images %}
-                                <img data-src="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb" onload="this.classList.add('loaded');" id="lazy-load" class="data-{{ loop.index }}" {% if image.alt %}{{ image.alt }}{% else %}Image Thumbnail{% endif %}/>
+                                <picture>
+                                    <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb&e=webp">
+                                    <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb&e=png">
+                                    <img
+                                        src="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb"
+                                        alt="{% if image.alt %}{{ image.alt }}{% else %}Image Thumbnail{% endif %}"
+                                        class="data-{{ loop.index }}"
+                                        onload="imgFade(this)"
+                                        style="opacity:0;"
+                                        fetchpriority="low"
+                                    />
+                                </picture>
                             {% endfor %}
                         {% else %}
                             <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='error.png') }}" class="loaded" alt="Error thumbnail"/>
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/macros/header.html b/onlylegs/templates/macros/header.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4433fd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/macros/header.html
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+{% macro header_small(title, subtitle, buttons) %}
+    <div class="banner-small">
+        <div class="banner-content">
+            <h1 class="banner-header">{{ title }}</h1>
+            <p class="banner-info">{{ subtitle }}</p>
+            <div class="pill-row">{{ buttons }}</div>
+        </div>
+    </div>
+{% endmacro %}
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/macros/image.html b/onlylegs/templates/macros/image.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed66b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/macros/image.html
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{% macro gallery_item(image) %}
+    <a
+        id="image-{{ image.id }}"
+        class="gallery-item square"
+        href="{{ url_for('image.image', image_id=image.id) }}"
+        style="background-color: rgb{{ image.colours.0 }}"
+        draggable="false">
+        <div class="image-filter">
+            <p class="image-subtitle">By {{ image.username }}</p>
+            <p class="image-title"><span class="time">{{ image.created_at }}</span></p>
+        </div>
+        <picture>
+            <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb&e=webp">
+            <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb&e=png">
+            <img
+                src="{{ url_for('api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb"
+                alt="{% if image.alt %}{{ image.alt }}{% else %}Image Thumbnail{% endif %}"
+                onload="imgFade(this)"
+                style="opacity:0;"
+            />
+        </picture>
+    </a>
+{% endmacro %}
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/profile.html b/onlylegs/templates/profile.html
index 7b4ae81..7880339 100644
--- a/onlylegs/templates/profile.html
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/profile.html
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
-{% extends 'layout.html' %}
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
+{% from 'macros/image.html' import gallery_item %}
+{% block nav_profile %}{% if user.id == current_user.id %}selected{% endif %}{% endblock %}
 {% block head %}
     {% if user.picture %}
-        <meta property="og:image" content="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='pfp/' + user.picture) }}"/>
-    {% endif %}
-    {% if user.colour %}
-        <meta name="theme-color" content="rgb({{ user.colour.0 }}, {{ user.colour.1 }}, {{ user.colour.2 }})"/>
+        <meta property="og:image" content="{{ url_for('api.media', path='pfp/' + user.picture) }}"/>
+        <meta name="twitter:image" content="{{ url_for('api.media', path='pfp/' + user.picture) }}">
     {% endif %}
+    {% if user.colour %}<meta name="theme-color" content="rgb{{ user.colour }}"/>{% endif %}
+    <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary">
     <script type="text/javascript">
         function moreInfo() {
-            popUpShow('{{ user.username }}',
+            popupShow('{{ user.username }}',
                         '<p>Joined: {{ user.joined_at }}</p><br>' +
                         '<p>Images: {{ images|length }}</p><br>' +
                         '<p>Groups: {{ groups|length }}</p>');
@@ -18,12 +21,12 @@
         .banner-picture {
-            background-color: rgb({{ user.colour.0 }}, {{ user.colour.1 }}, {{ user.colour.2 }}) !important;
+            background-color: rgb{{ user.colour }} !important;
 {% endblock %}
-{% block nav_profile %}{% if user.id == current_user.id %}selected{% endif %}{% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
+{% block header %}
     <div class="banner">
         {% if user.banner %}
             <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='icon.png') }}" alt="Profile Banner" onload="imgFade(this)" style="opacity:0;"/>
@@ -33,13 +36,16 @@
         <span class="banner-filter"></span>
         <div class="banner-content">
             {% if user.picture %}
-                <img
-                    class="banner-picture"
-                    src="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='pfp/' + user.picture) }}?r=pfp"
-                    alt="Profile picture"
-                    onload="imgFade(this)"
-                    style="opacity:0;"
-                />
+                <picture class="banner-picture">
+                    <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='pfp/' + user.picture) }}?r=pfp&e=webp">
+                    <source srcset="{{ url_for('api.media', path='pfp/' + user.picture) }}?r=pfp&e=png">
+                    <img
+                        src="{{ url_for('api.media', path='pfp/' + user.picture) }}?r=pfp"
+                        alt="Profile picture"
+                        onload="imgFade(this)"
+                        style="opacity:0;"
+                    />
+                </picture>
             {% else %}
@@ -53,7 +59,7 @@
             <p class="banner-subtitle">{{ images|length }} Images · {{ groups|length }} Groups</p>
             <div class="pill-row">
-                    <button class="pill-item" onclick="profileShare()"><i class="ph ph-export"></i></button>
+                    <button class="pill-item" onclick="copyToClipboard(window.location.href)"><i class="ph ph-export"></i></button>
                     <button class="pill-item" onclick="moreInfo()"><i class="ph ph-info"></i></button>
                 {% if user.id == current_user.id %}
@@ -64,18 +70,13 @@
+{% endblock %}
+{% block content %}
     {% if images %}
         <h1 class="gallery-header">Images</h1>
         <div class="gallery-grid">
-            {% for image in images %}
-                <a id="image-{{ image.id }}" class="gallery-item" href="{{ url_for('image.image', image_id=image.id) }}" style="background-color: rgb({{ image.colours.0.0 }}, {{ image.colours.0.1 }}, {{ image.colours.0.2 }})">
-                    <div class="image-filter">
-                        <p class="image-title"><span class="time">{{ image.created_at }}</span></p>
-                    </div>
-                    <img fetchpriority="low" alt="{{ image.alt }}" data-src="{{ url_for('media_api.media', path='uploads/' + image.filename) }}?r=thumb" onload="this.classList.add('loaded');" id="lazy-load"/>
-                </a>
-            {% endfor %}
+            {% for image in images %}{{ gallery_item(image) }}{% endfor %}
     {% else %}
         <div class="big-text">
@@ -84,4 +85,3 @@
     {% endif %}
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/onlylegs/templates/settings.html b/onlylegs/templates/settings.html
index b25e209..10840cb 100644
--- a/onlylegs/templates/settings.html
+++ b/onlylegs/templates/settings.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-{% extends 'layout.html' %}
+{% extends 'base.html' %}
 {% block nav_settings %}selected{% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
+{% block header %}
     <div class="banner-small">
         <div class="banner-content">
             <h1 class="banner-header">Settings</h1>
@@ -13,28 +13,53 @@
+{% endblock %}
-    <div class="settings-content" id="profileSettings">
-        <h2>Profile Settings</h2>
-        <form method="POST" action="{{ url_for('account_api.account_picture', user_id=current_user.id) }}" enctype="multipart/form-data">
-            <h3>Profile Picture</h3>
-            <input type="file" name="file" tab-index="-1"/>
-            <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="btn-block">
-        </form>
-        <form method="POST" action="{{ url_for('account_api.account_username', user_id=current_user.id) }}" enctype="multipart/form-data">
-            <h3>Username</h3>
-            <input type="text" name="name" class="input-block" value="{{ current_user.username }}" />
-            <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="btn-block"/>
-        </form>
+{% block content %}
+    <div class="info-tab" id="profileSettings" style="margin: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0 0.5rem">
+        <div class="info-header">
+            <i class="ph ph-info"></i>
+            <h2>Profile Settings</h2>
+            <button class="collapse-indicator"><i class="ph ph-caret-down"></i></button>
+        </div>
+        <div class="info-table">
+            <form method="POST" action="{{ url_for('api.account_picture', user_id=current_user.id) }}" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+                <h3>Profile Picture</h3>
+                <input type="file" name="file" tab-index="-1"/>
+                <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="btn-block">
+            </form>
+            <form method="POST" action="{{ url_for('api.account_username', user_id=current_user.id) }}" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+                <h3>Username</h3>
+                <input type="text" name="name" class="input-block" value="{{ current_user.username }}" />
+                <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="btn-block"/>
+            </form>
+        </div>
-    <div class="settings-content" id="profileSettings">
-        <h2>Account Settings</h2>    
-        <form method="POST" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
-            <h3>Email</h3>
-            <input type="text" name="email" class="input-block" value="{{ current_user.email }}" />
-            <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="btn-block"/>
-        </form>
+    <div class="info-tab" id="profileSettings" style="margin: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0 0.5rem">
+        <div class="info-header">
+            <i class="ph ph-info"></i>
+            <h2>Account Settings</h2>
+            <button class="collapse-indicator"><i class="ph ph-caret-down"></i></button>
+        </div>
+        <div class="info-table">
+            <form method="POST" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+                <h3>Email</h3>
+                <input type="text" name="email" class="input-block" value="{{ current_user.email }}" />
+                <input type="submit" value="Upload" class="btn-block"/>
+            </form>
+        </div>
-{% endblock %}
\ No newline at end of file
+{% endblock %}
+{% block script %}
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+        let infoTab = document.querySelectorAll('.info-tab');
+        for (let i = 0; i < infoTab.length; i++) {
+            infoTab[i].querySelector('.collapse-indicator').addEventListener('click', function() {
+                infoTab[i].classList.toggle('collapsed');
+            });
+        }
+    </script>
+{% endblock %}
diff --git a/onlylegs/utils/colour.py b/onlylegs/utils/colour.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c9c8b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/onlylegs/utils/colour.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Colour tools used by OnlyLegs
+Source 1: https://gist.github.com/mathebox/e0805f72e7db3269ec22
+class Colour:
+    def __init__(self, rgb):
+        self.rgb = rgb
+    def is_light(self, threshold=0.179):
+        """
+        returns True if background is light, False if dark
+        threshold: the threshold to use for determining lightness, the default is w3 recommended
+        """
+        red, green, blue = self.rgb
+        # Calculate contrast
+        colors = [red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255]
+        cont = [
+            col / 12.92 if col <= 0.03928 else ((col + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4
+            for col in colors
+        ]
+        lightness = (0.2126 * cont[0]) + (0.7152 * cont[1]) + (0.0722 * cont[2])
+        return True if lightness > threshold else False
+    def to_hsv(self):
+        r, g, b = self.rgb
+        high = max(r, g, b)
+        low = min(r, g, b)
+        h, s, v = high, high, high
+        d = high - low
+        s = 0 if high == 0 else d / high
+        if high == low:
+            h = 0.0
+        else:
+            h = {
+                r: (g - b) / d + (6 if g < b else 0),
+                g: (b - r) / d + 2,
+                b: (r - g) / d + 4,
+            }[high]
+            h /= 6
+        return h, s, v
+    def to_hsl(self):
+        r, g, b = self.rgb
+        high = max(r, g, b)
+        low = min(r, g, b)
+        h, s, v = ((high + low) / 2,) * 3
+        if high == low:
+            h = 0.0
+            s = 0.0
+        else:
+            d = high - low
+            s = d / (2 - high - low) if l > 0.5 else d / (high + low)
+            h = {
+                r: (g - b) / d + (6 if g < b else 0),
+                g: (b - r) / d + 2,
+                b: (r - g) / d + 4,
+            }[high]
+            h /= 6
+        return h, s, v
diff --git a/onlylegs/utils/contrast.py b/onlylegs/utils/contrast.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2872914..0000000
--- a/onlylegs/utils/contrast.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Calculate the contrast between two colors
-def contrast(background, light, dark, threshold=0.179):
-    """
-    background: tuple of (r, g, b) values
-    light: color to use if the background is light
-    dark: color to use if the background is dark
-    threshold: the threshold to use for determining lightness, the default is w3 recommended
-    """
-    red = background[0]
-    green = background[1]
-    blue = background[2]
-    # Calculate contrast
-    uicolors = [red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255]
-    cont = [
-        col / 12.92 if col <= 0.03928 else ((col + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4
-        for col in uicolors
-    ]
-    lightness = (0.2126 * cont[0]) + (0.7152 * cont[1]) + (0.0722 * cont[2])
-    return light if lightness > threshold else dark
diff --git a/onlylegs/utils/generate_image.py b/onlylegs/utils/generate_image.py
index fd86d28..c597d3d 100644
--- a/onlylegs/utils/generate_image.py
+++ b/onlylegs/utils/generate_image.py
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
 from onlylegs.config import MEDIA_FOLDER, CACHE_FOLDER
-def generate_thumbnail(file_path, resolution, ext=None):
+def generate_thumbnail(file_path, resolution, ext=""):
     Image thumbnail generator
     Uses PIL to generate a thumbnail of the image and saves it to the cache directory
@@ -25,25 +25,25 @@ def generate_thumbnail(file_path, resolution, ext=None):
     if not ext:
         ext = file_ext.strip(".")
-    # PIL doesnt like jpg so we convert it to jpeg
-    if ext.lower() == "jpg":
-        ext = "jpeg"
+    ext = "jpeg" if ext.lower() == "jpg" else ext.lower()
     # Set resolution based on preset resolutions
-    if resolution in ["prev", "preview"]:
+    if resolution in ("prev", "preview"):
         res_x, res_y = (1920, 1080)
-    elif resolution in ["thumb", "thumbnail"]:
-        res_x, res_y = (400, 400)
-    elif resolution in ["pfp", "profile"]:
-        res_x, res_y = (200, 200)
-    elif resolution in ["icon", "favicon"]:
-        res_x, res_y = (25, 25)
+    elif resolution in ("thumb", "thumbnail"):
+        res_x, res_y = (300, 300)
+    elif resolution in ("pfp", "profile"):
+        res_x, res_y = (150, 150)
+    elif resolution in ("icon", "favicon"):
+        res_x, res_y = (30, 30)
         return None
+    cache_file_name = "{}_{}x{}.{}".format(file_name, res_x, res_y, ext).lower()
     # If image has been already generated, return it from the cache
-    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, f"{file_name}_{res_x}x{res_y}.{ext}")):
-        return os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, f"{file_name}_{res_x}x{res_y}.{ext}")
+    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, cache_file_name)):
+        return os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, cache_file_name)
     # Check if image exists in the uploads directory
     if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(MEDIA_FOLDER, file_path)):
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ def generate_thumbnail(file_path, resolution, ext=None):
     # Save image to cache directory
-            os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, f"{file_name}_{res_x}x{res_y}.{ext}"),
+            os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, cache_file_name),
     except OSError:
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ def generate_thumbnail(file_path, resolution, ext=None):
         # so we convert to RGB and try again
         image = image.convert("RGB")
-            os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, f"{file_name}_{res_x}x{res_y}.{ext}"),
+            os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, cache_file_name),
     # No need to keep the image in memory, learned the hard way
-    return os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, f"{file_name}_{res_x}x{res_y}.{ext}")
+    return os.path.join(CACHE_FOLDER, cache_file_name)
diff --git a/onlylegs/utils/metadata/__init__.py b/onlylegs/utils/metadata/__init__.py
index 302116a..ace9e76 100644
--- a/onlylegs/utils/metadata/__init__.py
+++ b/onlylegs/utils/metadata/__init__.py
@@ -12,90 +12,74 @@ from .helpers import *
 from .mapping import *
-class Metadata:
+def yoink(file_path):
-    Metadata parser
+    Initialize the metadata parser
+    if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+        return None
-    def __init__(self, file_path):
-        """
-        Initialize the metadata parser
-        """
-        self.file_path = file_path
-        img_exif = {}
+    img_exif = {}
+    file = Image.open(file_path)
-        try:
-            file = Image.open(file_path)
-            tags = file._getexif()
-            img_exif = {}
+    img_exif["FileName"] = os.path.basename(file_path)
+    img_exif["FileSize"] = os.path.getsize(file_path)
+    img_exif["FileFormat"] = img_exif["FileName"].split(".")[-1]
+    img_exif["FileWidth"], img_exif["FileHeight"] = file.size
-            for tag, value in TAGS.items():
-                if tag in tags:
-                    img_exif[value] = tags[tag]
+    try:
+        tags = file._getexif()
+        for tag, value in TAGS.items():
+            if tag in tags:
+                img_exif[value] = tags[tag]
+    except TypeError:
+        pass
-            img_exif["FileName"] = os.path.basename(file_path)
-            img_exif["FileSize"] = os.path.getsize(file_path)
-            img_exif["FileFormat"] = img_exif["FileName"].split(".")[-1]
-            img_exif["FileWidth"], img_exif["FileHeight"] = file.size
+    file.close()
-            file.close()
-        except TypeError:
-            img_exif["FileName"] = os.path.basename(file_path)
-            img_exif["FileSize"] = os.path.getsize(file_path)
-            img_exif["FileFormat"] = img_exif["FileName"].split(".")[-1]
-            img_exif["FileWidth"], img_exif["FileHeight"] = file.size
+    return _format_data(img_exif)
-        self.encoded = img_exif
-    def yoink(self):
-        """
-        Yoinks the metadata from the image
-        """
-        if not os.path.isfile(self.file_path):
-            return None
-        return self.format_data(self.encoded)
+def _format_data(encoded):
+    """
+    Formats the data into a dictionary
+    """
+    exif = {
+        "Photographer": {},
+        "Camera": {},
+        "Software": {},
+        "File": {},
+    }
-    @staticmethod
-    def format_data(encoded_exif):
-        """
-        Formats the data into a dictionary
-        """
-        exif = {
-            "Photographer": {},
-            "Camera": {},
-            "Software": {},
-            "File": {},
-        }
+    # Thanks chatGPT xP
+    # the helper function works, so not sure why it triggers pylint
+    for key, value in encoded.items():
+        for mapping_name, mapping_val in EXIF_MAPPING:
+            if key in mapping_val:
+                if len(mapping_val[key]) == 2:
+                    exif[mapping_name][mapping_val[key][0]] = {
+                        "raw": value,
+                        "formatted": (
+                            getattr(
+                                helpers,  # pylint: disable=E0602
+                                mapping_val[key][1],
+                            )(value)
+                        ),
+                    }
+                else:
+                    exif[mapping_name][mapping_val[key][0]] = {
+                        "raw": value,
+                    }
+                continue
-        # Thanks chatGPT xP
-        # the helper function works, so not sure why it triggers pylint
-        for key, value in encoded_exif.items():
-            for mapping_name, mapping_val in EXIF_MAPPING:
-                if key in mapping_val:
-                    if len(mapping_val[key]) == 2:
-                        exif[mapping_name][mapping_val[key][0]] = {
-                            "raw": value,
-                            "formatted": (
-                                getattr(
-                                    helpers,  # pylint: disable=E0602
-                                    mapping_val[key][1],
-                                )(value)
-                            ),
-                        }
-                    else:
-                        exif[mapping_name][mapping_val[key][0]] = {
-                            "raw": value,
-                        }
-                    continue
+    # Remove empty keys
+    if not exif["Photographer"]:
+        del exif["Photographer"]
+    if not exif["Camera"]:
+        del exif["Camera"]
+    if not exif["Software"]:
+        del exif["Software"]
+    if not exif["File"]:
+        del exif["File"]
-        # Remove empty keys
-        if not exif["Photographer"]:
-            del exif["Photographer"]
-        if not exif["Camera"]:
-            del exif["Camera"]
-        if not exif["Software"]:
-            del exif["Software"]
-        if not exif["File"]:
-            del exif["File"]
-        return exif
+    return exif
diff --git a/onlylegs/views/group.py b/onlylegs/views/group.py
index 7fe1bdc..56f39f8 100644
--- a/onlylegs/views/group.py
+++ b/onlylegs/views/group.py
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ Onlylegs - Image Groups
 Why groups? Because I don't like calling these albums
 sounds more limiting that it actually is in this gallery
-from flask import Blueprint, render_template, url_for
-from onlylegs.models import Post, User, GroupJunction, Group
+from flask import Blueprint, render_template, url_for, request, flash, jsonify
+from flask_login import login_required, current_user
+from onlylegs.models import Pictures, Users, AlbumJunction, Albums
 from onlylegs.extensions import db
-from onlylegs.utils import contrast
+from onlylegs.utils import colour
 blueprint = Blueprint("group", __name__, url_prefix="/group")
@@ -18,21 +18,21 @@ def groups():
     Group overview, shows all image groups
-    groups = Group.query.all()
+    groups = Albums.query.all()
     # For each group, get the 3 most recent images
     for group in groups:
         group.author_username = (
-            User.query.with_entities(User.username)
-            .filter(User.id == group.author_id)
+            Users.query.with_entities(Users.username)
+            .filter(Users.id == group.author_id)
         # Get the 3 most recent images
         images = (
-            GroupJunction.query.with_entities(GroupJunction.post_id)
-            .filter(GroupJunction.group_id == group.id)
-            .order_by(GroupJunction.date_added.desc())
+            AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.picture_id)
+            .filter(AlbumJunction.album_id == group.id)
+            .order_by(AlbumJunction.date_added.desc())
@@ -40,40 +40,67 @@ def groups():
         group.images = []
         for image in images:
-                Post.query.with_entities(Post.filename, Post.alt, Post.colours, Post.id)
-                .filter(Post.id == image[0])
+                Pictures.query.with_entities(
+                    Pictures.filename, Pictures.alt, Pictures.colours, Pictures.id
+                )
+                .filter(Pictures.id == image[0])
     return render_template("list.html", groups=groups)
+@blueprint.route("/", methods=["POST"])
+def groups_post():
+    """
+    Creates a group
+    """
+    group_name = request.form.get("name", "").strip()
+    group_description = request.form.get("description", "").strip()
+    new_group = Albums(
+        name=group_name,
+        description=group_description,
+        author_id=current_user.id,
+    )
+    db.session.add(new_group)
+    db.session.commit()
+    flash(["Group created!", "1"])
+    return jsonify({"message": "Group created", "id": new_group.id})
+@blueprint.route("/<int:group_id>", methods=["GET"])
 def group(group_id):
     Group view, shows all images in a group
     # Get the group, if it doesn't exist, 404
-    group = db.get_or_404(Group, group_id, description="Group not found! D:")
+    group = db.get_or_404(Albums, group_id, description="Group not found! D:")
     # Get all images in the group from the junction table
     junction = (
-        GroupJunction.query.with_entities(GroupJunction.post_id)
-        .filter(GroupJunction.group_id == group_id)
-        .order_by(GroupJunction.date_added.desc())
+        AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.picture_id)
+        .filter(AlbumJunction.album_id == group_id)
+        .order_by(AlbumJunction.date_added.desc())
     # Get the image data for each image in the group
     images = []
     for image in junction:
-        images.append(Post.query.filter(Post.id == image[0]).first())
+        images.append(Pictures.query.filter(Pictures.id == image[0]).first())
     # Check contrast for the first image in the group for the banner
     text_colour = "rgb(var(--fg-black))"
     if images:
-        text_colour = contrast.contrast(
-            images[0].colours[0], "rgb(var(--fg-black))", "rgb(var(--fg-white))"
+        colour_obj = colour.Colour(images[0].colours[0])
+        text_colour = (
+            "rgb(var(--fg-black));"
+            if colour_obj.is_light()
+            else "rgb(var(--fg-white));"
     return render_template(
@@ -81,18 +108,66 @@ def group(group_id):
+@blueprint.route("/<int:group_id>", methods=["PUT"])
+def group_put(group_id):
+    """
+    Changes the images in a group
+    """
+    image_id = request.form.get("imageId", "").strip()
+    action = request.form.get("action", "").strip()
+    group_record = db.get_or_404(Albums, group_id)
+    db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id)  # Check if image exists
+    if group_record.author_id != current_user.id:
+        return jsonify({"message": "You are not the owner of this group"}), 403
+    junction_exist = AlbumJunction.query.filter_by(
+        album_id=group_id, picture_id=image_id
+    ).first()
+    if action == "add" and not junction_exist:
+        db.session.add(AlbumJunction(album_id=group_id, picture_id=image_id))
+    elif request.form["action"] == "remove":
+        AlbumJunction.query.filter_by(album_id=group_id, picture_id=image_id).delete()
+    db.session.commit()
+    flash(["Group modified!", "1"])
+    return jsonify({"message": "Group modified"})
+@blueprint.route("/<int:group_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
+def group_delete(group_id):
+    """
+    Deletes a group
+    """
+    group_record = db.get_or_404(Albums, group_id)
+    if group_record.author_id != current_user.id:
+        return jsonify({"message": "You are not the owner of this group"}), 403
+    AlbumJunction.query.filter_by(album_id=group_id).delete()
+    db.session.delete(group_record)
+    db.session.commit()
+    flash(["Group yeeted!", "1"])
+    return jsonify({"message": "Group deleted"})
 def group_post(group_id, image_id):
     Image view, shows the image and its metadata from a specific group
     # Get the image, if it doesn't exist, 404
-    image = db.get_or_404(Post, image_id, description="Image not found :<")
+    image = db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id, description="Image not found :<")
     # Get all groups the image is in
     groups = (
-        GroupJunction.query.with_entities(GroupJunction.group_id)
-        .filter(GroupJunction.post_id == image_id)
+        AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.album_id)
+        .filter(AlbumJunction.picture_id == image_id)
@@ -100,24 +175,24 @@ def group_post(group_id, image_id):
     image.groups = []
     for group in groups:
-            Group.query.with_entities(Group.id, Group.name)
-            .filter(Group.id == group[0])
+            Albums.query.with_entities(Albums.id, Albums.name)
+            .filter(Albums.id == group[0])
     # Get the next and previous images in the group
     next_url = (
-        GroupJunction.query.with_entities(GroupJunction.post_id)
-        .filter(GroupJunction.group_id == group_id)
-        .filter(GroupJunction.post_id > image_id)
-        .order_by(GroupJunction.date_added.asc())
+        AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.picture_id)
+        .filter(AlbumJunction.album_id == group_id)
+        .filter(AlbumJunction.picture_id > image_id)
+        .order_by(AlbumJunction.date_added.asc())
     prev_url = (
-        GroupJunction.query.with_entities(GroupJunction.post_id)
-        .filter(GroupJunction.group_id == group_id)
-        .filter(GroupJunction.post_id < image_id)
-        .order_by(GroupJunction.date_added.desc())
+        AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.picture_id)
+        .filter(AlbumJunction.album_id == group_id)
+        .filter(AlbumJunction.picture_id < image_id)
+        .order_by(AlbumJunction.date_added.desc())
@@ -127,6 +202,14 @@ def group_post(group_id, image_id):
     if prev_url:
         prev_url = url_for("group.group_post", group_id=group_id, image_id=prev_url[0])
+    close_tab = True
+    if request.cookies.get("image-info") == "0":
+        close_tab = False
     return render_template(
-        "image.html", image=image, next_url=next_url, prev_url=prev_url
+        "image.html",
+        image=image,
+        next_url=next_url,
+        prev_url=prev_url,
+        close_tab=close_tab,
diff --git a/onlylegs/views/image.py b/onlylegs/views/image.py
index a192f15..75a70fd 100644
--- a/onlylegs/views/image.py
+++ b/onlylegs/views/image.py
@@ -1,27 +1,39 @@
 Onlylegs - Image View
+import os
+import logging
+import pathlib
 from math import ceil
-from flask import Blueprint, render_template, url_for, current_app
-from onlylegs.models import Post, GroupJunction, Group
+from flask import (
+    Blueprint,
+    render_template,
+    url_for,
+    current_app,
+    request,
+    flash,
+    jsonify,
+from flask_login import current_user
+from onlylegs.models import Pictures, AlbumJunction, Albums
 from onlylegs.extensions import db
 blueprint = Blueprint("image", __name__, url_prefix="/image")
+@blueprint.route("/<int:image_id>", methods=["GET"])
 def image(image_id):
     Image view, shows the image and its metadata
     # Get the image, if it doesn't exist, 404
-    image = db.get_or_404(Post, image_id, description="Image not found :<")
+    image = db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id, description="Image not found :<")
     # Get all groups the image is in
     groups = (
-        GroupJunction.query.with_entities(GroupJunction.group_id)
-        .filter(GroupJunction.post_id == image_id)
+        AlbumJunction.query.with_entities(AlbumJunction.album_id)
+        .filter(AlbumJunction.picture_id == image_id)
@@ -29,34 +41,34 @@ def image(image_id):
     image.groups = []
     for group in groups:
-            Group.query.with_entities(Group.id, Group.name)
-            .filter(Group.id == group[0])
+            Albums.query.with_entities(Albums.id, Albums.name)
+            .filter(Albums.id == group[0])
     # Get the next and previous images
     # Check if there is a group ID set
     next_url = (
-        Post.query.with_entities(Post.id)
-        .filter(Post.id > image_id)
-        .order_by(Post.id.asc())
+        Pictures.query.with_entities(Pictures.id)
+        .filter(Pictures.id > image_id)
+        .order_by(Pictures.id.asc())
     prev_url = (
-        Post.query.with_entities(Post.id)
-        .filter(Post.id < image_id)
-        .order_by(Post.id.desc())
+        Pictures.query.with_entities(Pictures.id)
+        .filter(Pictures.id < image_id)
+        .order_by(Pictures.id.desc())
     # If there is a next or previous image, get the url
-    if next_url:
-        next_url = url_for("image.image", image_id=next_url[0])
-    if prev_url:
-        prev_url = url_for("image.image", image_id=prev_url[0])
+    next_url = url_for("image.image", image_id=next_url[0]) if next_url else None
+    prev_url = url_for("image.image", image_id=prev_url[0]) if prev_url else None
     # Yoink all the images in the database
-    total_images = Post.query.with_entities(Post.id).order_by(Post.id.desc()).all()
+    total_images = (
+        Pictures.query.with_entities(Pictures.id).order_by(Pictures.id.desc()).all()
+    )
     limit = current_app.config["UPLOAD_CONF"]["max-load"]
     # If the number of items is less than the limit, no point of calculating the page
@@ -72,10 +84,72 @@ def image(image_id):
                     return_page = i + 1
+    close_tab = True
+    if request.cookies.get("image-info") == "0":
+        close_tab = False
     return render_template(
+        close_tab=close_tab,
+@blueprint.route("/<int:image_id>", methods=["PUT"])
+def image_put(image_id):
+    """
+    Update the image metadata
+    """
+    image_record = db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id, description="Image not found :<")
+    image_record.description = request.form.get("description", image_record.description)
+    image_record.alt = request.form.get("alt", image_record.alt)
+    print(request.form.get("description"))
+    db.session.commit()
+    flash(["Image updated!", "1"])
+    return "OK", 200
+@blueprint.route("/<int:image_id>", methods=["DELETE"])
+def image_delete(image_id):
+    image_record = db.get_or_404(Pictures, image_id)
+    # Check if image exists and if user is allowed to delete it (author)
+    if image_record.author_id != current_user.id:
+        logging.info("User %s tried to delete image %s", current_user.id, image_id)
+        return (
+            jsonify({"message": "You are not allowed to delete this image, heck off"}),
+            403,
+        )
+    # Delete file
+    try:
+        os.remove(
+            os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], image_record.filename)
+        )
+    except FileNotFoundError:
+        logging.warning(
+            "File not found: %s, already deleted or never existed",
+            image_record.filename,
+        )
+    # Delete cached files
+    cache_name = image_record.filename.rsplit(".")[0]
+    for cache_file in pathlib.Path(current_app.config["CACHE_FOLDER"]).glob(
+        cache_name + "*"
+    ):
+        os.remove(cache_file)
+    AlbumJunction.query.filter_by(picture_id=image_id).delete()
+    db.session.delete(image_record)
+    db.session.commit()
+    logging.info("Removed image (%s) %s", image_id, image_record.filename)
+    flash(["Image was all in Le Head!", "1"])
+    return jsonify({"message": "Image deleted"}), 200
diff --git a/onlylegs/views/index.py b/onlylegs/views/index.py
index 3cc0155..943507a 100644
--- a/onlylegs/views/index.py
+++ b/onlylegs/views/index.py
@@ -2,11 +2,9 @@
 Onlylegs Gallery - Index view
 from math import ceil
 from flask import Blueprint, render_template, request, current_app
 from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
-from onlylegs.models import Post
+from onlylegs.models import Pictures, Users
 blueprint = Blueprint("gallery", __name__)
@@ -17,31 +15,32 @@ def index():
     Home page of the website, shows the feed of the latest images
-    # meme
-    if request.args.get("coffee") == "please":
-        abort(418)
     # pagination, defaults to page 1 if no page is specified
     page = request.args.get("page", default=1, type=int)
     limit = current_app.config["UPLOAD_CONF"]["max-load"]
     # get the total number of images in the database
     # calculate the total number of pages, and make sure the page number is valid
-    total_images = Post.query.with_entities(Post.id).count()
+    total_images = Pictures.query.with_entities(Pictures.id).count()
     pages = ceil(max(total_images, limit) / limit)
     if page > pages:
-        abort(
+        return abort(
-            "You have reached the far and beyond, "
-            + "but you will not find your answers here.",
+            "You have reached the far and beyond, but you will not find your answers here.",
     # get the images for the current page
     images = (
-        Post.query.with_entities(
-            Post.filename, Post.alt, Post.colours, Post.created_at, Post.id
+        Pictures.query.with_entities(
+            Pictures.filename,
+            Pictures.alt,
+            Pictures.colours,
+            Pictures.created_at,
+            Pictures.id,
+            Users.username,
-        .order_by(Post.id.desc())
+        .join(Users)
+        .order_by(Pictures.id.desc())
         .offset((page - 1) * limit)
diff --git a/onlylegs/views/profile.py b/onlylegs/views/profile.py
index b83399f..22457d7 100644
--- a/onlylegs/views/profile.py
+++ b/onlylegs/views/profile.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from flask import Blueprint, render_template, request
 from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
 from flask_login import current_user
-from onlylegs.models import Post, User, Group
+from onlylegs.models import Pictures, Users, Albums
 from onlylegs.extensions import db
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ def profile():
             abort(404, "You must be logged in to view your own profile!")
     # Get the user's data
-    user = db.get_or_404(User, user_id, description="User not found :<")
+    user = db.get_or_404(Users, user_id, description="User not found :<")
-    images = Post.query.filter(Post.author_id == user_id).all()
-    groups = Group.query.filter(Group.author_id == user_id).all()
+    images = Pictures.query.filter(Pictures.author_id == user_id).all()
+    groups = Albums.query.filter(Albums.author_id == user_id).all()
     return render_template("profile.html", user=user, images=images, groups=groups)
diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index ff854af..8c1c926 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
 name = "alembic"
-version = "1.10.3"
+version = "1.11.2"
 description = "A database migration tool for SQLAlchemy."
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-    {file = "alembic-1.10.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b2e0a6cfd3a8ce936a1168320bcbe94aefa3f4463cd773a968a55071beb3cd37"},
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@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ tz = ["python-dateutil"]
 name = "astroid"
-version = "2.15.3"
+version = "2.15.6"
 description = "An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support."
 category = "main"
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.7.2"
 files = [
-    {file = "astroid-2.15.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:f11e74658da0f2a14a8d19776a8647900870a63de71db83713a8e77a6af52662"},
-    {file = "astroid-2.15.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:44224ad27c54d770233751315fa7f74c46fa3ee0fab7beef1065f99f09897efe"},
+    {file = "astroid-2.15.6-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:389656ca57b6108f939cf5d2f9a2a825a3be50ba9d589670f393236e0a03b91c"},
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@@ -44,37 +44,34 @@ wrapt = [
 name = "black"
-version = "23.3.0"
+version = "23.7.0"
 description = "The uncompromising code formatter."
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+python-versions = ">=3.8"
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-    {file = "black-23.3.0-cp310-cp310-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:32daa9783106c28815d05b724238e30718f34155653d4d6e125dc7daec8e260c"},
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+    {file = "black-23.7.0-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_16_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:327a8c2550ddc573b51e2c352adb88143464bb9d92c10416feb86b0f5aee5ff6"},
+    {file = "black-23.7.0-cp38-cp38-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:6d1c6022b86f83b632d06f2b02774134def5d4d4f1dac8bef16d90cda18ba28a"},
+    {file = "black-23.7.0-cp38-cp38-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:27eb7a0c71604d5de083757fbdb245b1a4fae60e9596514c6ec497eb63f95320"},
+    {file = "black-23.7.0-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_16_arm64.whl", hash = "sha256:8417dbd2f57b5701492cd46edcecc4f9208dc75529bcf76c514864e48da867d9"},
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+    {file = "black-23.7.0-cp39-cp39-macosx_10_16_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:25cc308838fe71f7065df53aedd20327969d05671bac95b38fdf37ebe70ac087"},
+    {file = "black-23.7.0-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:642496b675095d423f9b8448243336f8ec71c9d4d57ec17bf795b67f08132a91"},
+    {file = "black-23.7.0-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:ad0014efc7acf0bd745792bd0d8857413652979200ab924fbf239062adc12491"},
+    {file = "black-23.7.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:9fd59d418c60c0348505f2ddf9609c1e1de8e7493eab96198fc89d9f865e7a96"},
+    {file = "black-23.7.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:022a582720b0d9480ed82576c920a8c1dde97cc38ff11d8d8859b3bd6ca9eedb"},
@@ -197,27 +194,27 @@ files = [
-name = "cachelib"
-version = "0.9.0"
-description = "A collection of cache libraries in the same API interface."
+name = "cachetools"
+version = "5.3.1"
+description = "Extensible memoizing collections and decorators"
 category = "main"
 optional = false
 python-versions = ">=3.7"
 files = [
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+version = "8.1.6"
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@@ -263,14 +260,14 @@ files = [
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-description = "serialize all of python"
+version = "0.3.7"
+description = "serialize all of Python"
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@@ -318,19 +315,18 @@ webassets = ">=2.0"
 name = "flask-caching"
-version = "2.0.2"
-description = "Adds caching support to Flask applications."
+version = "1.10.1"
+description = "Adds caching support to your Flask application"
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+    {file = "Flask-Caching-1.10.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:cf19b722fcebc2ba03e4ae7c55b532ed53f0cbf683ce36fafe5e881789a01c00"},
+    {file = "Flask_Caching-1.10.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:bcda8acbc7508e31e50f63e9b1ab83185b446f6b6318bd9dd1d45626fba2e903"},
-cachelib = ">=0.9.0,<0.10.0"
-Flask = "<3"
+Flask = "*"
 name = "flask-compress"
@@ -383,19 +379,19 @@ Flask-SQLAlchemy = ">=1.0"
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-version = "3.0.3"
+version = "3.0.5"
 description = "Add SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application."
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-SQLAlchemy = ">=1.4.18"
+flask = ">=2.2.5"
+sqlalchemy = ">=1.4.18"
 name = "greenlet"
@@ -494,14 +490,14 @@ tornado = ["tornado (>=0.2)"]
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-version = "6.5.0"
+version = "6.8.0"
 description = "Read metadata from Python packages"
 category = "main"
 optional = false
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+python-versions = ">=3.8"
 files = [
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@@ -510,26 +506,26 @@ zipp = ">=0.5"
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-version = "5.12.0"
+version = "6.0.0"
 description = "Read resources from Python packages"
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+python-versions = ">=3.8"
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@@ -673,62 +669,62 @@ testing = ["pytest"]
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diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index f32f3b0..3752e8a 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "OnlyLegs"
-version = "0.1.2"
+version = "0.1.5"
 repository = "https://github.com/Fluffy-Bean/onlylegs"
 license = "MIT"
 readme = "README.md"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Flask = "^2.3.2"
 Flask-Sqlalchemy = "^3.0.3"
 Flask-Migrate = "^4.0.4"
 Flask-Compress = "^1.13"
-Flask-Caching = "^2.0.2" 
+Flask-Caching = "1.10.1" 
 Flask-Assets = "^2.0"
 Flask-Login = "^0.6.2"
 python-dotenv = "^0.21.0"
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ jsmin = "^3.0.1"
 cssmin = "^0.2.0"
 pylint = "^2.16.3"
 black = "^23.3.0"
+cachetools = "^5.3.0"
 requires = ["poetry-core"]
diff --git a/run.py b/run.py
index 8653117..a10fa90 100644
--- a/run.py
+++ b/run.py
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ Configuration()
 if DEBUG:
-    from onlylegs import create_app
+    from onlylegs.app import app
-    create_app().run(host=ADDRESS, port=PORT, debug=True, threaded=True)
+    app.run(host=ADDRESS, port=PORT, debug=True, threaded=True)
     from setup.runner import OnlyLegs  # pylint: disable=C0412
     import sys
diff --git a/setup/runner.py b/setup/runner.py
index 76a8a32..94cd827 100644
--- a/setup/runner.py
+++ b/setup/runner.py
@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ class OnlyLegs(Application):
         return "OnlyLegs"
     def load(self):
-        return util.import_app("onlylegs:create_app()")
+        return util.import_app("onlylegs.app:app")