2023-03-03 19:20:58 +00:00
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< img src = ".github/images/OnlyLegs.png" width = "200" height = "200" / >
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< summary > < h1 style = "display: inline-block;" > OnlyLegs< / h1 > < / summary >
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< p > Gallery built for fast and simple image management< / p >
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< a href = "https://git.leggy.dev/Fluffy/onlylegs" >
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< a href = "https://github.com/Fluffy-Bean/onlylegs/blob/main/LICENSE" >
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2023-03-04 21:46:19 +00:00
< a href = "https://wakatime.com/badge/user/29bd1733-45f0-41c0-901e-d6daf49094d4/project/6aae41df-003f-4b17-ae8f-62cecfb3fc24" >
< img src = "https://wakatime.com/badge/user/29bd1733-45f0-41c0-901e-d6daf49094d4/project/6aae41df-003f-4b17-ae8f-62cecfb3fc24.svg?style=for-the-badge" alt = "wakatime" >
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2023-03-03 19:20:58 +00:00
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## Features
### Currently implemented
- Easy uploading and managing of a gallery of images
- Multi user support, helping you manage a whole group of photographers
- Custom CSS support
### Coming soon tm
- Image groups, helping you sort your favorite memories
- Password locked images/image groups, helping you share photos only to those who you want to
- Logging and automatic login attempt warnings and timeouts
- Searching through tags, file names, users (and metadata maybe, no promises)
## screenshots
![screenshot ](.github/images/homepage.png )
Image view
![screenshot ](.github/images/imageview.png )
## Running
2023-03-11 23:16:27 +00:00
By default, the app runs on port 5000 with 4 workers, you can pass in arguments to change that, use `-h` or `--help` to see all the options.
2023-03-03 19:20:58 +00:00
2023-03-11 23:16:27 +00:00
Once you clone the repo to your desired location and have installed python `poetry` , install the requirements with `poetry install` . From there you can run the app with Gunicorn using `poetry run python3 run.py` !
You can also run the app in debug mode using `-d` or `--debug` , but its best to look into the logs file located under `~/.config/onlylegs/only.log`
Enjoy using OnlyLegs!