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synced 2025-02-02 03:08:27 +00:00
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| Edit Description
| This script took probably over 24hours to write, mostly
| because of my stupidity. But it (mostly) works now which is
| good. Reason for all the includes and session_start is due
| to the need of checking if the person owns the image. If this
| check is not done, someone could come by and just edit the
| Jquery code on the front-end and change the image ID. Which
| isnt too great :p
// Include server connection
include "../server/conn.php";
// Include required checks
include "get_image_info.php";
include "image_privilage.php";
if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
// Get all image info
$image_array = get_image_info($conn, $_POST['id']);
// If user owns image or has the ID of 1
if (image_privilage($image_array['author']) || $_SESSION['id'] == 1) {
// getting ready forSQL asky asky
$sql = "UPDATE swag_table SET alt=? WHERE id=?";
// Checking if databse is doing ok
if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($conn, $sql)) {
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "si", $param_alt, $param_id);
// Setting parameters
$param_alt = $_POST['input'];
$param_id = $_POST['id'];
// Attempt to execute the prepared statement
if (mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt)) {
sniffleAdd('Success!!!', 'Description has been updated successfully! You may need to refresh the page to see the new information.', 'var(--green)', '<?php echo $root_dir; ?>assets/icons/check.svg');
} else {
sniffleAdd('Error :c', 'An error occured on the servers', 'var(--red)', '<?php echo $root_dir; ?>assets/icons/cross.svg');
} else {
sniffleAdd('Error :c', 'An error occured on the servers', 'var(--red)', '<?php echo $root_dir; ?>assets/icons/cross.svg');
} else {
sniffleAdd('Denied', 'It seems that you do not have the right permitions to edit this image.', 'var(--red)', '<?php echo $root_dir; ?>assets/icons/cross.svg');