No alt, skip
"; } // If ID present pull all image data if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $get_image = "SELECT * FROM swag_table WHERE id = ".$_GET['id']; $image_results = mysqli_query($conn, $get_image); $image = mysqli_fetch_assoc($image_results); // Check if image is avalible if (isset($image['imagename'])) { // Display image $image_path = "images/".$image['imagename']; $image_alt = $image['alt']; } else { // ID not avalible toast echo "Could not find image with ID: ".$_GET['id']."
"; // Replacement "no image" image and description $image_path = "assets/no_image.png"; $image_alt = "No image could be found, sowwy"; } } else { // No ID toast echo "No ID present
"; // Replacement "no image" image and description $image_path = "assets/no_image.png"; $image_alt = "No image could be found, sowwy"; } // Get all user details if (isset($image['author'])) { $get_user = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ".$image['author']; $user_results = mysqli_query($conn, $get_user); $user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($user_results); } else ?>No description provided
"; } ?>Author: Deleted User
"; } } else { echo "Author: No author
"; } // Image ID echo "ID: ".$image['id']."
"; // File name echo "File Name: ".$image['imagename']."
"; // Image Upload date echo "Last updated: ".$image['upload']." (+0)
"; // Image resolution list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image_path); echo "Image resolution: ".$width."x".$height."
"; // Image download echo "Download image"; ?>