# OnlyLegs! The only gallery made by a maned wolf. ## How to use ### Downloading & installing #### Path Download this project and move it into your website(s) folder. Usually under ```/var/www/html/``` on Linux. #### Imagik You will need to install the image-magik PHP plugin for thumbnail creation, on Ubuntu its as easy as ```apt install php-imagik```. #### PHP This project also requires PHP 8 and was made with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS in mind, so I reccommend running this gallery on such. ### Database setup If you made it this far, congrats! We're not even close to done. Next you will need to setup your database. If you're running a seperate server for databases, that'll also work. You first need to head over to ```app/server/conn.php``` and set the correct information, if you're using localhost, this should be the following details: - localhost - (username) - (password) - Gallery I recommend using a database name such as Gallery, but others should work just as well. I also recommend not using root for this and setting up a user specifically for this, but I will not go through the process of making a such user here. You will next need to setup the following 5 tables: - images - users - tokens - logs - bans ## License This project is under the GNU v3 License