This project also requires PHP 8.1 and was made with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Nginx in mind, so I reccommend running this gallery on such.
With Nginx, you may need to configure the ```/etc/nginx/sites-available/default.conf``` for the new version on PHP. You must find the allowed index list and add index.php as such:
# Add index.php to the list if you are using PHP
index index.php index.html index.htm index.nginx-debian.html;
Then you have to find the ```fastcgi-php``` configuration, you will need to uncomment the lines and update the php version to 8.1 and now the config should look like the following:
If you made it this far, congrats! We're not even close to done. Next you will need to setup your database. If you're running a seperate server for databases, that'll also work.
If you run into errors with connecting to the database, you may need to install php-mysqli, on Ubuntu that command will be ```apt install php-mysqli```.
You first need to head over to ```app/server/conn.php``` and set the correct information, if you're using localhost, this should be the following details:
I recommend using a database name such as Gallery, but others should work just as well.
I also recommend not using root for this and setting up a user specifically for this, but I will not go through the process of making a such user here.
You will next need to setup the following 5 tables:
In the ```app/settings/manifest.json``` you have a list of infomation about your website. You must change ```user_name``` to your prefered name, ```is_testing``` to false (or anything else) as that is used for development and ```upload_max``` to your prefered file size max in MBs.
Since there is currently no automated install script for this gallery, you'll have to make your own folders to hold images in. To do that, go into the root directory of the gallery and type the following commands:
mkdir images
mkdir images/thumbnails
mkdir images/previews
This'll make 3 new folders. That is where all the uploaded images will be held in. But before you go anywhere, you will need to ```chown``` them so Nginx can access them, a simple way of doing this is ```chown www-data:www-data -R images``` this will give Nginx access to the folder and all of its content.
For now, there is no automated way of doing this, so you will have to go into your database on a terminal and type the following command ```INSERT INTO tokens (code, used) VALUES('UserToken', False)```. You have now made a token that you can use to make an account with.
Head over to the Login section off the app and click the Need an account button, from there you can enter your own details. Once you get to the token section enter ```UserToken```. And with that, you have now set up your own image gallery!
## Usage
### Admin
As an admin, you can do things such as modifying other people's posts, reseting users passwords and checking logs for sussy behaviour. With that, use these tools with respect to others and don't abuse them.
If you trust someone enough, you can set them to a moderator through the settings > users > toggle admin. You can tell who is an admin by the green highlight to the left of their name.
### Images
Uploading images is as simple as choosing the image you want to upload, then clicking upload! Keep in mind that not all formats play well as this gallery uses Imagik to generate thumbnails and preview images, so images such as GIFs do not work as of now. Supported file formats include JPG, JPEG, PNG and WEBP.
You should also keep in mind the file size, by default images of 20MBs should be able to get uploaded. But if you run into issues, either raise the file size in the ```manifest.json``` or locate your ```php.ini``` on your webserver and raise the ```upload_max_filesize``` and ```post_max_size``` to a same or greater value.