2022-07-26 17:16:17 +00:00
<! DOCTYPE html >
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< title > Gallery </ title >
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2022-07-27 11:46:10 +00:00
< div class = " about-root default-window " >
2022-07-26 17:16:17 +00:00
< h2 id = " about " > What is Fluffys Amazing Gallery ? </ h2 >
< p > Fluffys Amazing Gallery , or F . A . G for short , is a project by Fluffy Bean . It started as a project to manage the gallery on my main page , but quickly turned into its own thing .</ p >
< p > What do I want this to become ? Good question ! I have no clue . All I know is that I want to make this open - source and free to host on your own server once I ' m finished with this .</ p >
< p > For now due to security reasons I want to keep this closed - source , and will probably stay - close for the near futre .</ p >
< h2 class = " space-top-large " > I want A and B features !</ h2 >
< p > No .</ p >
< h2 class = " space-top-large " id = " usage " > What can I upload if I have an account ? </ h2 >
< p > I think common - sense should be more than enough , please ? </ p >
< h2 class = " space-top-large " id = " guide " > How do I use this !</ h2 >
< p > First you must obtain the invite code . If you don ' t have one and are interested in trying this , feel free to DM me on Telegram !</ p >
< p > But once you 're done doing that, you can start making your account <a class=' link ' href = " https://superdupersecteteuploadtest.fluffybean.gay/account/signup.php " > at the signup page here </ a >.</ p >
< p > From there you should be able to go and login < a class = 'link' href = " https://superdupersecteteuploadtest.fluffybean.gay/account/signup.php " > at this fancy page here </ a >!</ p >
< p > Now you should see " Welcome (your username) " at the homepage . From there navigate to the navbar and click on the upload button . Choose your file , enter the description and your image is up !</ p >
< h2 class = " space-top-large " > Who are you ? </ h2 >
< p > idk </ p >
< h2 class = " space-top-large " > Credits !</ h2 >
< p > To Carty for being super cool again and helping me get started with SQL and PHP !</ p >
< p > To < a class = 'link' href = " https://phosphoricons.com/ " > Phosphor </ a > for providing nice SVG icons .</ p >
< p > To mrHDash ...</ p >
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