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$welcome = array(
'O, hi Mark',
'O, hi stranger',
echo "<h1>".$welcome[array_rand($welcome)]."</h1>";
<p>I'm a smelly Maned Wolf that goes by Fluffy Bean. I'm 17 years old that has weird interests</p>
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<h2>Social Links</h2>
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<h2>Special Thanks</h2>
<p><span class="c_green">Jeetix</span>: Helping me with learning how to make websites!</p>
<p><span class="c_orange">Carty</span>: Teaching me how to run servers and the networking!</p>
<p><span class="c_purple">mrHDash</span>: For the <a id="refsheet" href="#ref">Ref Sheet</a> and most other art on the page!</p>
<p><span class="c_red">Zadok</span>: Silly taidum art seen below!</p>
<p><span class="c_blue">Shep</span>: For the <a href="https://twitter.com/ShepGoesBlep/status/1563946805062148102?s=20&t=0wVGqoYa74AsjSSnkZbzjA">free YHC</a>!</p>
<img src="img/taidum.png" alt="Orange maned wolf sona in Taidum form">
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<img src="img/funny.jpg">
<p>Hobbies hobbies hobbies hobbies hobbies hobbies dick hobbies hobbies hobbies hobbies hobbies</p>
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<h2>Funny jokes!</h2>
<h3>Cow joke</h3>
<p>What did the cow say to the other cow that took up all the space? <span class="gray-info">"Mooooove over"!</span></p>
<h3>Eel joke</h3>
<p>Why can't electric eels get depressed? <span class="gray-info">Because they're always positive!</span></p>
<h2>Metal Boxes</h2>
<h3>My metal box</h3>
<p>My second most favorite thing to play around with. Though I usually manage to break them, I like making them do things that they weren't designed todo!</p>
<p>Due to this I also use Arch Linux btw. Though I haven't used Linux for all that much, I already made some pretty cool things with it!</p>
<img src="https://i.redd.it/a89igasc8hj91.png" alt="Screenshot of Linux desktop environment" loading="lazy">
<p>Heres a screenshot of my desktop, for all you nerds thats a Qtile session, Polybar bar with a few custom scripts, Rofi for my app launcher and Dunst for my notification daemon</p>
<h3>But its not all graphical</h3>
<p>I also play around with servers and have this website running on personal one! Its a small Zotac ZBOX-CI527 upgraded to 16Bs of ram with a total of 600GBs of SSD storage.</p>
<p>For the OS, I have Proxmox as its easier to avoid fuckups to the system as a whole! Also a simple Web-Interface for managing everything :3</p>
<p>I also recently picked up micro controlers and other fancy things like that. I am still learning, but its been great fun and I made this!</p>
<p>A Pi Pico wired up to an LCD and Rotary encoder. Though this is simple, it was interesting learning how to get code to communicate with these parts</p>
<img src="img/funny.jpg" alt="LCD saying 0 days since I peed myself, attached to a pico with a rotary switch laying to the left of it">
<h2>Mah Music taste!</h2>
<p>I like music! And heres what I like listening to.</p>
<div class="matrix-list">
<p>Bring me the Horizon</p>
<p>Pink Floyd</p>
<p>Ocean Colour Scene</p>
<p>Fleetwood Mac</p>
<div class="matrix-list">
<p>Pixel Terror</p>
<div class="matrix-list">
<p>The Rare Occasion</p>
<p>Low Roar</p>
<p>Twenty One Pilots</p>
<img src="https://spotify-recently-played-readme.vercel.app/api?user=lizarddash005&width=769&count=6">
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<img src="https://i.redd.it/a89igasc8hj91.png">
<p>Yet still no job lol</p>
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<h2>Experience in programming</h2>
<p>I have a decent understanding of PC operating systems and now also a start on networking with setting up my own server.</p>
<p>I delved into computers from when I was very smol and started with Scratch (not BASIC like ya’ll older folks) and then progressed to Python in Secondary School where I started to also explore other possibilities.</p>
<p>ince then I attempted many thingies like HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Bash, C# and other stuffs!</p>
<p>I got into Linux just about a year ago when writing this (29th June 22) and broke many things, but that got me into configuring a lot of software! Such as Rofi, Polybar, fish and even Discord, Spotify and Firefox!</p>
<p class="gray-info center">These stats come from my GitHub profile</p>
<img src="https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=Fluffy-Bean&layout=compact&card_width=445&langs_count=10&title_color=8C977D&bg_color=151515&text_color=E8E3E3&hide_border=true&icon_color=8C977D&border_radius=15px" class="center">
<div id="Gallery" class="tabContent">
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<img src="img/landscape.webp">
<p>Here is a gallery of my stuff and art!</p>
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<img src="img/meet-2021.webp" alt="VRchat meet with a handfull of colourfull taidum avatars" loading="lazy">
<img id="ref" src="img/ref.png" alt="Ref Sheet containing an orange anthro Maned Wolf." loading="lazy">
<p>#FF7700 - #FFDC00 - #00D621 - #0088FF</p>
<p>#ff851b - #fff3bb - #613700</p>
<h3>Beans / Eyes</h3>
<p>#febbec - #c859c9</p>
<p>Made by <span class="c_orange">Fluffy</span></p>
<p>Updated at <span class="c_red">12 Nov</span></p>
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